Club Randell

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Club Randell
--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 06:24, 20 April 2023 (UTC)
Club Randell

Pegton [83, 53]

the Linney Museum the Pargiter Monument the Whicher Building
wasteland Club Randell wasteland
the Isgar Museum the Bratt Museum the Biddescombe Monument

Basic Info:

  • Clubs are Dark buildings.
  • The usual internal description of a Club reads as follows:
    "…in the near-darkness of the main dancefloor."
  • When powered by a portable generator, the internal description changes to the following:
    "Coloured spotlights highlight an empty stage, and distorted music echoes over the speakers."
  • Clubs can be barricaded normally.


Randy Randell, on a good day.

Pegton's premier strip club, pre- and post-outbreak. Well, it's Pegton's only strip club, and for that let us be grateful, as it was always a foul dive of apocalyptic squalor.


Run by local hardman 'Randy' Randell, a night at Randell's would either have a happy ending, or end with a pile of broken glass, splintered furniture and an array of bladed weapons embedded in one's anatomy. It pretty much depended on whether you looked at Randell funny, or tried slipping a crumpled fiver in his girlfriend DelMonica's bra after mistaking her for one of the slatternly dancers.

Barricade Policy

Any barricades are there to keep you out, for your own safety.

Current Status

Zombie dancers may be in attendance. Tip them at your own risk.

Zamgrh.PNG Translation
In zamgrh, this location is known as Zahnzbarn Rangahh.