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Group Numbers 100+
Founder Dr'Brainz
Goals The Extinction of Revives
Recruitment Policy Signup Thread
Contact Forum


Extinction is a dedicated group of zombies that operate out of the suburb of Dakerstown. They are a group that is dedicated to putting the revivication process to a hault. Although shutting down all of Malton is impossible for this reason, we strive to achieve the goal by shutting down one complete section of Malton; the North West. While Extinction is primarily based in the North West, members are sometimes encountered in all areas of Malton.


Everything in UrbanDead is pointless since it can be fixed. Most zombie groups just roam around kill survivors, leave, and the suburb gets revived the next day. The only way to make your actions stick into UrbanDead is to play defensively and be with a dedicated group.

Extinction - Malton Domination


Extinction is a revolutionized horde of zombies that focuses on making the NW bleed. Extinction formed in March '07 by the twisted Dr'Brainz and is feared to many who operate in a Extinction Zone.

Extinction is one of few hordes that maintain multiple suburbs as their homeland. We not only destroy suburbs, malls etc.. like any other group BUT we strive to keep them that way. Extinction is one of the only true supporters of STLP and its taught us alot about UD that many have yet to learn.


Boot Camp

Boot Camp is a operation in which all our low level recruits work together on the Quick Snack Thread to help each other find food. We higher leveled members spearhead the search.

Mentor System

All recruits apon joining have the option of having a Mentor. You can either request to join a Open Mentor Session or a Private Mentor Session.. both will have a seasoned veteran to help you out. If your interested i will send you a cbox URL, where you can chat with your Mentor and ask questions etc.

UrbanDead Rules

Note: If you know UrbanDead rules, you dont have to read it.

What is Cheating?

  • Operating two or more characters in the same building is cheating.
  • Tearing down barricades to assist or protect another of your own characters is cheating.
  • Intentionally using two or more of your characters to attack a single target is cheating. If the target moved several blocks between attacks, then this could certainly happen by accident. To avoid the appearance of cheating, your characters should remain at least 10 blocks apart at all times.

Note: If you are an honest and ethical player and two or more of your characters are in the same building, it is strongly recommended that you (1) publicly apologize, (2) read the rules and FAQ of Urban Dead again, paying particular attention to the issue of separate lives, (3) move your characters several suburbs apart, with screenshots, and (4) publicly affirm that your characters will not interact in the future (for example, by agreeing to a probation). Please be sympathetic toward the fact that Urban Dead has its share of obnoxious unrepentant cheating trolls, and that your own behavior at this stage needs to clearly distinguish you from the trolls.

"Grey" Tactics?

Extinction defines grey tactics as a strategy used by one player or group that another player or group does not like. Every player or group has a different view on what is fair & unfair. Extinction has NEVER judged another group based on grey tactics, we treat all groups as equals.

  • A zombie getting revived and entering a safehouse to report numbers is, while unethical in game, not cheating, but unfair.
  • Putting lies in your profile or group or spraypaint is unethical, but it is not cheating, but unfair.
  • The use of the ?rise command in the URL is not cheating, but unfair.
  • Combat reviving is not cheating, but unfair.
  • Running more then one alt in a group while obeying the rules is not cheating, but unfair.
  • Using Maps that check barricade status, zed numbers, survivor numbers etc, not cheating, but unfair.

Where no explicit written policies exist, accusations of cheating are usually backed by "spirit of the game" arguments. However, when a significant portion of the gaming community enjoys or engages in or acquiesces to behavior, spirit-violation claims are unlikely to be persuasive. For example, while some people might be unhappy with player-killing or with human-zombie alliances, these sorts of things are not considered cheating.

Every player group uses tools/tactics that others dont like or agree with, we simply ask that there be no drama or bullshit fights over grey tactics...


September 19th

- Extinction forces make there way trough what is known as Jensentown and Quarlesbank to secure the Extinction Zone. Quarlesbank NT buildings are taking direct hits. A army of survivors from Beer has been reported but so far no real damage has been done and/or reported.--General shkkf 22:38, 19 September 2008 (GMT)

May 22nd

- After a week of absolute chaos Extinction has overwhelmed the combined efforts of FUACK, TNR, and a firing team(s) of USAI soldiers. Both TNR & USAI have seemingly left the suburb of Dakerstown as they both knew deep down was a lost cause.. leaving FUACK & local survivors to defend against Extinction. Nice!--Brainz 21:23, 22 May 2008 (BST)

May 15th

- Extinctions returning home. If your staying in DK i advise you leave before the horde arrives.. or not.--Brainz 22:06, 15 May 2008 (BST)

May 14th

- After afew days of freelance in Quarlesbank Extinction has killed countless hrmans & killed TNRs leader Blane dozens of times... he just wont stay dead. Bring it on TNR we enjoy your pathetic attempts..time & time again. --Brainz 22:33, 14 May 2008 (BST)

April 17th

- The Grove & DEM are quickly dealt with, but seem quite determined to take back Judgewood.. for some odd reason. Cannonball Crew arrived in Jensentown and slept behind barricades... at least Grove & DEM arent foolish enough to do that. Also, the appearance of COMBAT REVIVE in Judgewood has been noted. --Brainz 23:07, 17 April 2008 (BST)

April 11th

- Extinction Freelance/SDO continues to travel further south in search for brainz, and its hard when you have The Dead traveling in the same direction.. usually in the same suburb. Our Neighborhood Watch & Boot Camp seem to have enough pressure to keep the NW corner down even with afew survivor group attempts to take a it back. --Brainz 12:32, 12 April 2008 (BST)

April 3rd

- Extinction among other things keeps its fight in the NW corner, seemingly along side The Dead most of the time.. those bastards are everywhere ;) --Brainz 11:51, 3 April 2008 (BST)

March 28th

- After feasting at Stickling, we (EF & Extinction) killed most of the Beerhah organization at Style NT in Yagoton.. the others went River Tactic to Calvert Mall.. pussies. Other then that.. we have been cleaning up NTs in the NW, mostly in QB, JT, JW since our forces are alittle spread out.--Brainz 11:07, 28 March 2008 (UTC)

March 20th

- The Dead have overwhelmed Stickling Mall & the Whippey NT.. Lets go home tomorrow and feast in Shearbank today. ;)--Brainz 11:17, 20 March 2008 (UTC)

March 8th

- Stickling Mall has been ransacked to Extinction Shadow Strike Team. Coordination is key.. will a survivor group ever realize this?--Brainz 12:01, 8 March 2008 (UTC)

March 7th

- After defending Bale Mall from a quick come back, we leave to assault the resently revived Stickling Mall and its plump NTs in Shearbank. Our numbers are swelling outside Whippey and the siege has only just begun.--Brainz 13:04, 7 March 2008 (UTC)

Feb 29th

- Caiger Mall area is destroyed... Quarlesbank is completely off the map too.. no survivors to be seen, well.. maybe if you where looking in my mouth you could find acouple.--Brainz 02:43, 29 February 2008 (UTC)

Feb 27nd

- Extinction Freelance helped BB2 recently with the destruction of the Yagoton area, while SDO strike team finished off Calvert Mall which was recently taken back. Lately, Freelance is eating at Evett NT in Quarlesbank with afew ferals. SDO Strike team last night led an attack on a weak Caiger Mall corner.. Caiger has fallen... Edit: Caiger Mall NW & SW is ruined 12+ zombies in each corner.

Feb 20th

- Since my return on Jan 27th, we have destroyed over 6 suburbs and we have kept them that way for the most part. We are currently dining in Yagoton.. and Bale Mall will be our dessert, the proverbial cherry on the cake.

Extinction... You may think we are all talk, perhaps you should come to the NW and find out? i bet you will find yourself saying mrh? before the night is through. --Brainz 00:37, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

Jan 30th

- Our numbers have declined, strike teams are all shutdown except SDO, Guardians doesnt have a leader.. so im shutting it down all together, im shutting down anything to do with NTJ since it to has disbanded do to inactivity. The Extinction Alliance.. it never really worked out, even from day one, so consider that shutdown.

Extinctions starts today fresh, a new forum layout, a help board, new strike teams, and a shiny set of rules that can be found on our forum.

Jan 27th

- The DR is back after afew months off... time to bring Extinction back to life.

Dec 13th

-There hasn't been a update in a long time so let me sum it up. Strike team Shadow partied with "THE GROVE" in Judgewood, eating thier brains repeatedly untill they were wiped away from the burb entirerly. Roywood and Jensentown were turned into GHOSTOWNS. And more recently advance forces have been battling it out on Gatcombeton/Quarlsebank front locked in constant struggle winning, holding, and then losing CALVERT MALL due to the persistent presence of the "RTMT" We've still managed to sack all the NT's in QB and as a side mission help aid in the ruination of Caiger Mall in Chudleyton.

Oct 15th

- Our Freelance went on tour with the BB2, while the rest of Extinction creates a new wasteland in the farthest NW burbs.. the NW is mine..GTFO!

Sept 7th

- Hrmans are starting to rebel against our Extinction Zones. Both Bale & Ackland have been taken back by hrmans. Its our turn to hit back. And we hit back hard.

August 30th

- Afew days ago we marched into Grigg Heights, to find that the suburb was half a RUINation to begin with..within 12 hours we left, and we left it in total RUINs..100% Extinction Zone. We also Smashed Crooketon afew hours after taking Grigg Heights...and..left it in RUINs.

Then today our Strike Team GMM led an attack against 5 buildings in Mornington..afew hours later NOC took its turn and hammered the suburbs Hospitals + PDs...Mornington is 75% in RUINs...with only 25% of the burb standing...its easy to say that it wont last the night.

August 28th

- Major Wiki changes.