Flustered Brethren/News

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The Flustered Brethren

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Recent News

[3 p.m., 2 Aug. 2008]
FLUB has reorganized!
The rumors are true! The Flustered Brethren have returned! Back from his worldwide retirement tour, Flustered Fred has re-re-recruited almost all the old members and FLUB is back -- and drunker than ever!
Our revised mission statement: Inebriation. All the time. Everywhere. No exceptions! Drink or die (or both if you're an amateur or a Zed)!
A Welcome Back kegger is on for TONIGHT at CLEWETT ALLEY PD! See all your old favorites, except Frank, who's lying outside, already having drunk his fill and sick of looking for a rot-revive!
Come on over, folks! Ain't the beer cold?!
--Freddy 20:40, 2 August 2008 (BST)

[Noon, Nov. 26th, 2007]


Relative FLUB newcomer Ryan Howard given command of Dulston zombie-hunter group
In a shocking announcement -- and in an even more shocking ceremony -- Flustered Fred has announced his retirement.
As he spoke to a throng of admirers, detractors, and people just there for the free booze, the leader of the Flustered Brethren announced that he would be leaving Malton -- just as a helicopter arrived to whisk him away from the roof of Clewett Alley Police Department.
"It's been real, and it's been fun, but I think I've accomplished what I came here to do," Fred declared as he prepared to board the bullet-ridden UH-1.
"And now that I've hit level 41 and headshotted some of the most notable zombies, I'm tired of the same ol' same ol'.
"There's too much room for incompetence in this whole affair," Fred said. "It doesn't matter how lousy your opponents are, or how many times you can put them down with a well-placed volley from your .38-cal. I've shot down zeds who were killed more than 250 times. I mean, really, how much is left of a human body with 2,000 bullet holes in it? Any idiot can live as a zombie around here and never fear a thing -- because when you get shot 13 or 14 times, you just get back up and continue to be incompetent, and go around breaking things like a petulant child.
"This is analogous to a sleazy woman who claims every soldier on a 40,000-man Army base is lousy in bed. Wouldn't you think that after the first 39,000 times, it might just be YOU? Anyone can remain a zombie, because it requires no effort. It's a crutch for people who lack real skills.
"Zombies are cowards; entropy is easier than sustaining life. And then you have the piles of horse dung who go around PKing and GKins. It gets old. REALLY old. Someone needs to get outside more.< I guess, in retrospect, I'm just bored with it all.
"My hat is off to all those who decided to be dedicated survivors, but maybe some of you will reach terminal velocity too and realize just how little you can brag one you've done it all," Fred added. "If not, then don't let my jaded opinions influence what you want out of this experience. Maybe someday, someone will nuke the whole site from orbit, as that's the only way to be sure anyhow. But, in any event, I'm gonna go now. Y'all have fun!"
With that, he handed over the keys to Clewett Alley Police Department to FLUB member Ryan Howard. Howard, his 32-inch baseball bat a common final sight for zombies all over Dulston, was flabbergasted and unable to speak.
"It's all yours, slugger," Fred said. "I wish the rest of the Brethren luck. I'm gonna go hang with noted Necrotech scientist Caleb Usher -- you might know him as Mobius 187. He's been kickin' it in Cabo for months now, living the extravagant UD hero lifestyle, and I've already got a seat waiting for me at his poker table.
"To my detractors, I have this to say," Fred added, and then gave the crowd a raspberry. Following that with a Richard Nixon-like wave of the first two fingers on each hand, the celebrity zed hunter who made Dulston a nice place to get hammered, even on a Tuesday morning, boarded the chopper, which lifted off, destined for parts unknown.
And there you have it. Fred has left the building...

[Morning, Nov. 25th, 2007]
The much-ballyhooed Big Raid has begun! Clewett Alley Police Department has been cleared, and is at heavily barricaded. None other than Deathwire himself eliminated the last zombie, Santiago DeJesus, with a pretty headshot, according to FLUB member Elnish Arundel. Elnish himself claimed three kills, two with a shotgun, and one with a last-hit-point punch to the face. Nice, style, Elnish. Way to conserve ammo, too.
The Beale Building is a concern, though, so the Big Raid is to be continued until that one is clear as well. We've got a great ammo-hit-return cycle set up, so this could go on for quite a while. Thanks to all FLUB members, and others (Guy Inagorillasuit, various others, in DITPS and ATO in particular, and more single survivors too numerous to note here), for pitching in and making the surprise Big Raid a shashing success.
Of course, Clewett might well fall again, but hey, we've shown we can retake it.
[Afternoon, Nov. 24th, 2007]
Let it be known that Flustered Frank again walks amongst the living. He also seems to be quite the hero, according to an iwitness who happened to be at Spicer Row PD a few hours ago. He had this to say on the matter: "The zombies outside finally broke through our barricades and got into the PD. They went right after me, and boy, i thought i was a goner. Then i see Frank come crashing in through the ceiling. He smokes the zombie who was digging into me, rebuilds the barricades, tends to my wounds, and then jumps right back out through the roof. It was absolutely crazy." Another iwitness has confirmed this report with digital evidence. Good show, Frank.

What can I say except, WOW! Frank's the MAN! - Freddy 04:05, 25 November 2007 (UTC)

[Morning, Nov. 23rd, 2007]
The Big Raid, which we're going to call, uh, the Big Raid, will be launched Tuesday at 6 p.m. EST. It appears that most of the zombies occupying Clewett Alley Police Department log in much later in the evening (so late, some call it morning), so we're going to hit them while they're snoozing and clean the place out. Anyone interested should load up on ammo now, and get ready for the big sendoff. Anyone with a kill gets free admission to the kegger to be held as soon as Clewett is cleaned out. -- Freddy 14:12, 23 November 2007 (UTC)

[Morning, Nov. 22nd, 2007]
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

[Morning, Nov. 21th, 2007]
The Thanksgiving kegger -- and, of course, the celebratory pre-Thanksgiving kegger -- planned for today and tomorrow, at Clewett Alley, have been postponed due to the Infected Swarm crashing the party. Apparently, they got upset with us having headshotted two or three of their members in the previous 48 hours. Go figure.
Not only has the spiked punch been spilled, but now the daggone Coke machine on the second floor is broken -- again -- and I'll have to have THAT argument with the Coke regional VP yet again. (sigh)
Reports are still filtering in, but I was among the casualties. Shame, too, as I was just getting rid of a head cold. Now, I'm dead, too. Of course, I felt worse last Tuesday after those 72 little glasses I had with Forrest.
Anyhow, anyone wanting to shoot up some Zeds are welcome to the newly opened Clewett Alley Shooting Gallery. We have zeds of all shapes, sizes and... no, wait, they all smell the same. Like baby puke.
Good hunting to one and all. We will, of course, throw a "Recapture Kegger" as soon as we get the place cleaned up. -- Freddy 15:35, 21 November 2007 (UTC)

[Evening, Nov. 20th, 2007]
Flustered Frank has fallen yet again. This time, he had just finished off a member of the Infected Swarm, and ran out of ISP logins or whatever. Frank apparently has a second character or something, but it's moot, since he can't be in Dulston at the same time, as I understand the multi-character rules or whatever. Frank's player has decided to stay as a zed for now, and do some ZKing. As FLUB's job is to kill zombies, right now we're cool with it; he's decided to stand outside the Trood Building right now and help with the zombie problem there. He's accepted the fact that he's going to stay a zed, barring a miracle, for quite a while. This will likely not change unless we can talk the ATO into letting their barricades go down yet another time, and that's not an option we're looking to pursue right now. Frank, glad you're staying with us, and good luck. If/when you do get a rot-revive, you'll probably have a ton of experience build up, so you can max out your levels maybe. Either way, good luck "on the other side."
Not much to report otherwise, though there are a large number of Infected Swarm corpses lying around, especially near the Whitlock Building. Not bragging, as FLUB didn't have much to do with it, but it appears the Swarm's ongoing feud with DITPS does not go all that well. But time will tell; we'll see how they respond to it.
Eatsome Smores has also been killed and lies... somewhere north of Treweeke Mall, I'm told. She'll be back soon; good luck, Annie. Wasn't that the first time you got put down?
After some discussion, FLUB has decided to completely can the patrol-rotation idea, and simply have players log in when they can; several times, the logins have dovetailed, but that's not a guarantee. That's all for now, except to welcome Ryan Howard into FLUB. He emailed in a request to join just the other day. Glad to have you -- and watch out for backdoor sliders on a 3-2 count... -- Freddy 01:50, 21 November 2007 (UTC)

[Morning, Nov. 18th, 2007]
Ass in a box reports that trood is still ruined and has six zeds outside and a few inside. He claimed two kills there this morning on patrol. things are slow outside clewett and spicer but beall has two outside it. baricades are very strong or better along the northern boreder in dulston. treekweke mall is in great shape and there is nothing outside right now. RunForrestRun 15:23, 18 November 2007 (UTC)

[Morning, Nov. 17th, 2007]
Member, and soon-to-be-hero, Buster K. McNugget reports the demise of Infected Swarm member Rameretz, who was removed from Anne General Hospital this morning. Dirty Rockstar, noted PKer, is currently inside the factory west of Oake Walk Police Department. Anyone who wants some XP and kudos is free to go get her. OneArmedBandit and Stoner 24 of the Electric Light Torchestra are currently in the same building -- hint, hint...
Another member, Elnish Arundel, reported that well-loathed GKer "everyone in here" was dispatched inside Oake Walk this morning. Good job, E.A.
In an act of shameless, blatant self-promotion, I dispathced a pair of zeds... somewhere... this morning. It's all a blur after the kegger at Clewett Alley Police Department last night. All I know is I'm in, uh, Clewett right now, and I've got blood on my boots and seven empty shotguns. I must have shot somebody, and I only shoot at something that smells funny, so I am pretty sure I killed a zombie.
On a COMPLETELY UNRELATED NOTE, if someone's been shot by me recently, please let me know and I'll patch you up. And give you a free consolation prize -- the right to tap the next keg, which will take place Monday at 10 a.m. at Clewett. Ahem. Thanks, and, conditionally, sorry 'bout that.
The small gang of zeds which had gathered outside the Whitlock Building has apparently been cleared out, and rumor has it the Trood Building's minor incursion has been repelled as well, but no one on the (apparently only) three-man morning patrol went that far into the northeast corner to check. MAN, are we lazy... -- Freddy 15:01, 17 November 2007 (UTC)

[Morning, Nov. 15th, 2007]
Eatsome Smores and I went on patrol this morning -- well, actually, ES did the patrolling while I spent the morning trolling the Treweeke Mall for ammo. Flustered Forrest did not report in; he claims he's inside Beale Building manufacturing syringes for future use. Good idea, that; I haven't done any reviving in weeks.
Speaking of the Beale Building, thanks to the ATO for taking over Beale as their HQ. It's nice to have two good friends, ATO and DITPS, just a couple squares away. More people for the next kegger!
Also, the membership roster shows 13 active members whose profiles all include our group in their affiliation box, but only 12 are showing up in the game stats. All members are urged to check their group boxes and make sure they say "Flustered Brethren" and there are no extra spaces or somesuch. -- Freddy 13:59, 15 November 2007 (UTC)

[Afternoon, Nov. 14th, 2007]
Hey, Forrest knows how to write! Thanks for the report!
In other news, scattered zombie activity continues throughout the area, but no groups larger than two or three have been spotted, except for a group outside the Trood Building which varies in size from 9-17.
Ass In A Box is still waiting for a revive at the cemetery southeast of Hamerton Road, but the rest of the group is up and active, as far as I know. Activity reports are kinda on the low side this morning. Perhaps the keggers at Clewett need to come less often -- for a few days. -- Freddy 18:56, 14 November 2007 (UTC)
Nov. 13, 2007
The morning shift reports scattered zombes in the area, mostly one or two here and there. I rebaricaded Spicer Row and also Anne hospital this morning. out of ammo, all we had was Flustred Frank and I. One zombie inside the hospital and he is wounded. everything else in the alrea is pretty much safe. RunForrestRun 13:40, 13 November 2007 (UTC)

[Evening, Nov. 12th, 2007]
Still celebrating (and still swacked from said celebrating) its recent inclusion into the Dulston Alliance, the FLUB gang had its evening patrol. There were two zeds outside the Beale Building, and five outside (and one inside) Weston Crescent Fire Station southwest of our HQ. Our scout at Weston, Elnish Arundel, reported one kill outside and a few hits inside before running out of ammo. The DA has been apprised of the small incursion, which should be dealt with by the time of our morning patrol. If not, the morning rounds will include cleaning up both Beale and Weston.
A short patrol, but when your tongue needs shaving and your head sounds like a blacksmith's shop, what the heck MORE do you WANT, man?!?! -- Freddy 01:21, 13 November 2007 (UTC)

[Morning, Nov. 11th, 2007]
The Beale Building has been cleared and re-barricaded up to VSB +2. I knocked out the last zed and closed the doors, and Flustered Forrest put his handy-dandy toolbox to work, following that up with some barricade work. Good job, Forrest.
AllUpToMe jumped in the morning patrol. Apparently, the bozo playing the character Phil Collen has Dolphins tickets today and they cut a deal. (Personally, they couldn't pay me to go see a team that bad, but hey, a fan's a fan.) AUTM claimed one kill outside Naisbitt but did not level yet.
Anyone from the ELT is urged to meet us in Clewett Alley PD Monday; I have a generator but no juice. I was hoping to power up Beale soon and try to revive Flustered Frank. -- Freddy 15:40, 11 November 2007 (UTC)

[Morning, Nov. 10th, 2007]
Eatsome Smores has just told me that both Clewett Alley Police Department and Spicer Row Police Department, as well as the Naisbitt Building to the west of Clewett Alley PD, have been liberated. We do not know for sure who did it, but wish to extend our utmost, bottom-of-the-heart thanks to those responsible. The Beale Building is still ransacked and occupied, but we have an unconfirmed report from Flustered Forrest that there are five zeds inside (he says there were seven but he got two, according to his email).
Hence, the objective of our planned Big Raid has been changed. The targets are the same -- zombies -- but now the objectives are quite different. Again, THE FLUSTERED BRETHREN THANK THOSE WHO'VE LIBERATED OUR HEADQUARTERS. Eatsome Smores is supposed to forward their names soon. -- Freddy 19:30, 10 November 2007 (UTC)

[UPDATE, Nov. 10th, 2007]
Eatsome Smores has provided the names of the current occupants of the two police departments which have been liberated from the shambling hordes. They are piratesteve, bigboss135,Dillon Taylor, Standard Nerd, Ohio Smith, Fatalistflaw, Staffsergeantpilskin, Arsonic God, Hecklers Koch, MCDD and Karl Davies. If any/all of you are the ones who cleaned these buildings out, then you have earned honorary membership in FLUB and you're more than welcome to join. We could definitely use you in our patrol groups (see Members Discussion tab for info on that).
What wonderful news! We'll do our best to keep these buildings safe in the future, and thanks to your aid, our headquarters is back up and running -- and even the Coke machine on the second floor is accepting coins again! How much does THAT rock?!?! -- Freddy 19:38, 10 November 2007 (UTC)

[Morning, Nov. 9th, 2007]
The coup at Clewett Alley was short-lived. Due to the Infected Swarm's use of allies (for one very obvious reason -- they're all the same guy using alts and he can't log in but so much each day!), non-Swarm zombies made a mess of the police department again, knocking over the punch bowls, tearing down posters... and there's a rather indescribable stain on one wall in the ladies' room on the second floor. But we'll be back... again. Heh. It's like we're playing "tag" with Clewett as the base. So I guess We're "it" again.
Flustered Forrest got revived, as did two of the other members of the group who were knocked down during the Clewett brouhaha. But Forrest cut and pasted this into an email to me early this morning... "Chad Douglas hit you with a fire axe for 3 damage. (14 hours and 28 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (14 hours and 27 minutes ago) ...and again. (14 hours and 27 minutes ago) ...and again (14 hours and 27 minutes ago)."
We'll give This person a warning, but if it happens again, we'll have to explain it to him a little more forcefully.
Otherwise, the Brethren are, except Frank, back up and poking around Dulston, mostly west of Clewett near the town's western border. Ammo levels are slowly going up, and only the lowest-level members have been authorized to do any shooting before the Big Raid. We're planning to clean up Clewett, Spicer, Beale, Naisbitt and Oake Walk in the three days before Thanksgiving, so, all members, be prepared for the Big Raid. It's gonna be a headshottin' good time!

[Morning, Nov. 8th, 2007]
CLEWETT ALLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN RECLAIMED! In a lightning (or, perhaps, quite foolhardy) one-man raid, Flustered Forrest snuck in, found a lone zed inside, disposed of him, and used his toolbox to fix things up; he also re-barricaded it up to VSB+2!
Run, Forrest, run!
Come one, come all -- free hot dogs and Fanta orange drink!!!
Anyone with a fuel can gets a free "I like survivors AND cops" t-shirt!!! -- Freddy 12:52, 8 November 2007 (UTC)

[Morning, Nov. 6th, 2007]
The morning patrol, which I joined because of recent activity, logged in to find a rude surprise. Clewett PD has fallen, with 13 zeds inside at last report and about 8 survivor casualties in the last 24 hours. The zeds, few of which are actually members of the Infected Swarm, have made a big mess. Clewett is at VSB+2 right now, I'm told, but I was a casualty last night along with one other member. A third member, Eatsome Smores, was the victim of an attack and a feeding drag at Oake Walk PD, which is also under attack, but he says he got out of there and is in the Turvill Building right now. A few of the group, wounded, have headed to Anne General for some band-aids and neosporin. Glad they carried first-aid kits in case of a "sleeping attack," because two woke up infected and their FAKs saved them, as did some good searches innside AGH. Flustered Forrest reports he's in Anne GH right now trying to drum up some help.
Looks like we're going to keep working on the area, with patrols assigned to specific buildings for the time being. As long as we have ammo and FAKs, we can keep going. This is temporary, as, like MacArthur said, we shall return. I hope the Zeds pay the rent while they're there or we'll have to bill them in arrears, and I sure hate paperwork.
Of the members who have been killed, four are at either the Hamerton RP or the cemetery next to it, I'm told (hint, hint). -- Freddy 14:52, 6 November 2007 (UTC)

[Morning, Nov. 5th, 2007]
Beale Building was ransacked, and Spicer Row PD has been given the same rough treatment. Three members of the gang -- Flustered Frank, AllUpToMe and Phil Collen, were lost in the fighting in Beale and Spicer. The first will be the hardest to bring back, as he's a rotter, but if we can revive him twice, three times is possible as well.
We've had heavy activity outside Clewett Alley Police Department in the last 36 hours. That, combined with sporadic log-ins by the original group (apparently, two or three don't play hardly at all on the weekends), has put us at a temporary disadvantage. But we'll recover; this is just a slightly bigger version of what we've been dealing with for quite some time.
We've decided to go ahead and ask to join the Dulston Alliance again. We had a non-aggression pact and were pro-DA anyhow, so we might as well do in word what we've been trying to do in deed all along. We're just mediocre at it because of all the booze. So, again, The Flustered Brethren will, as soon as I post this, petition the Dulston Alliance for membership. We don't see it as fire insurance, as it's kinda like how the U.S. and Britain were getting along in 1940 through mid-1941. They knew what was coming, and just took small steps rather than big ones. So, hopefully, we'll be accepted into the DA. We've supported them anyway, so here goes... -- Freddy 15:15, 5 November 2007 (UTC)

[Evening, Nov. 2nd, 2007]
Zed activity has definitely picked up. Oake Walk Police Department has fallen, two blocks west of the FLUB HQ (Clewett Alley Police Department), and, as off 11 p.m. EDT has two zombies inside it. The building was ransacked, but should be reclaimed shortly. Our main concern is ammo right now, but we just had a member on evening patrol register two kills and another with three, so it's not bad gunnery this evening, it's YSAFNs.
A morning patrol is scheduled for Nov. 3, and should yield several more kills, as the ammo-heavy players are ready to go a-hunting. -- Freddy 03:28, 3 November 2007 (UTC)

[Morning, Nov. 1st, 2007]
Looks like the trick-or-treaters have lingered a while longer than they were supposed to, but as they're zombies, they can't tell time, so we'll have to forgive them -- and dispatch them posthaste.
The Trood Building was occupied and ruined at last report, with half a dozen zeds outside. That building had a low occupancy level anyway, largely due to its isolation and HB status, but will need clearing out.
The Beale Building had a break-in this morning, but Ass In A Box and Flustered Forrest went in and cleaned things up, as well as barricading it back up to Quite Strongly Barricaded.
Things are getting a little busy, which is good, as it was getting quite boring. We just need to stock up on ammo and canned goods.

News Archive
Because FLUB members like to write so much, this news page now has an Archive. Please go [HERE] to view past news. Thank you, and have a nice day!