Guides:Eastonwood Tourist's Guide

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The suburb of Eastonwood is interesting and beautiful to survivors and zombies alike. Below you can find some information absolutely vital for the visiting tourist. See the Michelin Guide for suggestions on where to dine.

Things to do in Eastonwood when you're alive

This suburb has loads to offer the breathingly inclined. In addition to the points mentioned at the start of the tourist guide, the burb has it's own resident horde and an equally determined organized survivor presence.

Join the fight against the undead scourge

There are several active survivor groups in the suburb. Join up to help fight the undead. Coordination is key, together we are strong.

Commit suicide

Feeling depressed? Grown tired of life? Breathing getting you down? Then suicide is for you. Visit the following locations to end it quickly:

If all of this feels difficult and complicated, just step outside and our friendly zombie hordes will be more than happy to shorten your life span.

Things to do in Eastonwood when you're dead

Destroy buildings and eat brains

I leave it to our local experts to describe this For d 13:24, 17 August 2006 (BST))

Thank you For d! *clears throat* Eastonwood offers several great opportunities for a creative undead to spend his/her time. While the Eastonwood Ferals have sightseeing tours of the most notable sites in and around the suburb, they also acquired some buildings on their own where all undead are invited to chat, shop and kill at their leisure. There is a steady influx of new harmanz at any given moment and, while few in numbers at some times, they are willing to put up a fight, struggle and run. *looks blissfully* All recently deceased people who wish to remain that way are welcome to contact for more information on unlive, death and everything else.--Obeah-Man 22:15, 17 August 2006 (BST)

!zanbah Barhah.png

Of course you don’t have to become a fighter for the EF to have fun in Eastonwood. You can enjoy everything they have achieved for you simply by applying for citizenship in the zombiefied Republic of !zanbah (ZRO! for short).

Privileges that come with your citizenship:
I. Freedom of speech (no more of the "speak more than 9 letters" harman nonsense)
II. Use of public buildings within the borders of !zanbah (which includes, but is not limited to, the library and Pooll Crescent PD)
III. Protection (i.e. acts of revenge) against head-shooters and revivers. (As well as the right to report these crimes on the discussion page of Pooll Crescent Police Department)
IV. The right to vote. (Even though the only party you can vote for up till now are the Eastonwood Ferals and their only candidate for the office of "Grand Protector" is Great Leader Fysh)
All undead have per default the right to claim citizenship. If you want to show patriotic pride you can either type "citizen of ZRO!" in your profile and/ or use the template for the wiki.

!zanbah Barhah.png Zombiefied Republic of !zanbah
This user or group is part of the Zombiefied Republic of !zanbah.

To use this template, simply add {{ZRO!}} to the page you'd like it to be placed on.

Get revivified

There are several revive points in Eastonwood. Go there, mrh your heart out and await a revive. Remember to stay standing, or you can't be revived.

Use the Revivification Tool ( to register for revives at the DEM revive point in the cemetery at [31,26]. Using the tool makes it easier for revivers to find you. Do not move from that location once registered, or we can't guarantee we'll find you. The queues are sometimes long, so be patient. Dead DEM members are prioritized.

  • Please Note: The Republican Guard of ZRO! reject the concept of Revive Points. Zombies waiting for revivification will be killed and/or used as a source to heal wounded guardians.

Can't we all just get along?

Tired of the senseless squabbling between survivors and zombies? Couldn't care less about the political challenges of the lifely-challenged or the bretherists? Just wanna have fun? Then Eastonwood is the place for you. Below are some suggestions as to what you can do.

Go clubbing

Eastonwood has a fine selection of places to dance, dine and generally have a good time. Se below for some examples.

  • Club Vagg [30, 24] Club Vagg has been voted as the best gay club in town!!
  • The Oakes Arms [30, 23] A bar formally maintained by the Warseers "Ad'Lan" and "180 Solutions".
  • Club Burningham: Located in North West Eastonwood. (Which must become the HQ for a group called The Burning Crusade or something similar soon.)
  • Club Poulter: Located in the East of the burb. Close to Timewell Drive Police Department, however, so closing hours are strictly enforced.


There are plenty of things to see in Eastonwood. We note a few:


Eastonwood has several four star hotels and great boarding houses. Here you find some of them:

Public services

Any thriving suburb needs a set of public services to it's citizens. Eastonwood is no exception. See below on how to contact various services.

Medical emergencies

In an emergency, remain calm, call 999. If the phone network is down, visit one of Eastonwood's four hospitals:


Close all doors and windows. Try to extinguish. Feel the doorknob before opening any doors. Do not stop to take belongings with you when leaving a burning building. In case of fire, call one of the following Fire stations:


Want to report a crime? Contact one of our police departments: