Junkyard 25,74

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Junkyard 25,74
no cades, no zeds around
Esoldier (talk) 16:31, 7 December 2020 (UTC)
a junkyard

South Blythville [25, 74]

the Rutter Motel Brymer Auto Repair Harnap Bank
Dingley Library a junkyard St. Ethelbert's Church
the Seager Monument Shiplow Library Isgar Towers

Basic Info:

  • All junkyards were sealed and locked at the start of the quarantine, and required wirecutters to enter, unless someone else had already cut the fence. It is widely recognised that all junkyards in Malton have already been cut open.

V'Ger's Trash Heap


This Junkyard (25, 64) is currently the landing pad and personal trash stash of the space satellite, "V'Ger". It is maintained by its closest associates Angelbroken, Vinmaleth, and Vice Nebulosa; Who will see through V'Ger's arrival in the South Blythville suburb and maintain the Trash Heap at all costs. Visitors are always welcome, and are asked to bring gifts (Generators, Radio Transmitters, Decorations, ect.ect.) and assist during heavy sieges.

Current Status

March 1st

  • A Group known as "The Wrath of Khan" has been formed - This group took a sworn oath to protect, and spread the word of V'Ger's coming.
    • V'Ger's Trash Heap, as well as the local area, is under another siege yet AGAIN! The Heap has been breeched by 10+ Zombies and have already destroyed the power and radio station, and killed most, if not all of the survivors.
      • Angelbroken returns to the Trash Heap and kills two zombies standing inside and dumps them outside.
        • Angelbroken restores the barricades to VSB++.
        • ZombiGirl increases barricades to EHB++++ after zombies brought them down to Lightly.
          • Barricades have fallen yet again! V'Ger is requesting MORE assistance to help maintain the Trash Heap.

Barricade Policy

V'Ger demands security among its chosen landing site and trash stash, and requests a very strong barricade during normal hours. If however, V'Ger's Trash Heap is under heavy siege, an extremly heavy barricade is demanded.

How to Defend

V'Ger has accumulated massive amounts of data on how to defend its territory, and is willing to share it with those who accept the challenge to defend V'Ger's Trash Heap. View V'Ger's Defense Strategy

Past History

February 21st

  • V'Ger's Trash Heap has been secured after a heavy seige; However, the power generator, radio, and all the decorations have been destroyed.
    • Angelbroken managed to find a power generator, radio, and a stuffed crocodile for V'Ger's Trash Heap. V'Ger is pleased.

February 19th

  • Various break-ins have occurred resulting in the destruction of the radio, power generator and decorations. V'Ger is not pleased.
    • The defenses have fell! V'Ger is demanding TOTAL evacuation. It's time to follow the defense strategy's last order: FIGHT ANOTHER DAY!
      • Angelbroken managed to escape and is awaiting further aid to re-claim V'Ger's Trash Heap.

February 18th

  • Heavy siege is STILL hitting the area. View this record to witness the terror.
    • More recent members have arrived, apparently belonging to "The Fortress". . . V'Ger is pleased.

January 21st

  • Local area seems to be recovering from the heavy siege. V'Ger requests the barricades stay at Extremely Heavy for now.
    • Angelbroken brought a stuffed eagle, a stuffed lion head and a stuffed tiger head to V'Ger's Trash Heap for decorations.
      • Two cubist sculptures, a impressionist sculpture, a stuffed alligator and a stuffed crocodile have been added to V'Ger's display.

January 18th

  • V'Ger's Trash Heap was heavily attacked. ZombiGirl reinforced the barricades back to Extremely Heavy.

January 17th

January 15th

  • Local area is falling under siege. . . All barricades will now be increased to Level 20 or higher for the duration of the attack. (EHB++++)

January 11th

  • Vinmaleth installed a Radio Transmitter. V'Ger can now contact the outside world.

January 10th

  • Guests arrive at V'Ger's Trash Heap. . . A total of 8 survivors now rest inside V'Ger's Trash Heap. . .. V'Ger is pleased.
    • Vice Nebulosa arrives.

January 6th

  • Vinmaleth arrived at landing site and began spraying messages to let others know of the location.
    • Angelbroken installed a generator.

January 3rd

  • Angelbroken secured the area and requested immediate backup from Vinmaleth and Vice Nebulosa.

January 1st

  • V'Ger's scans discovered a well suitable landing site located at coordinates 25,74 and demanded immediate investigation.
    • Investigation was accepted by acquaintance "Angelbroken".

Pre-2009 Era

  • Just a junkyard. No more, no less.

--Angelbroken 02:57, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

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