Late Night TV Crue/Episode Guide/Season2

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Late Night TV Crue: Season Two - Team Zombie Hardcore and the Writer's Strike

Synopsis: ...It comes to the attention of the Late Night TV Crue

that Team Zombie Hardcore represents,

supports and sympathizes with the greedy,

money grubbing, filthy lucre loving bloated

fat cats in Hollywood that would keep creative

individuals such as ourselves down. We work while

they leech at our the very soul of our creativity!

I tell you fellow Maltonians, THIS SHALL NOT STAND.

Our response? To go out and Strike. The Writer's Strike is ON people!...

Episode One: End the Writer's Strike and stop Team Zombie Hardcore!!

Episode Two: Initial Negotiations

Episode Three: Strike Attack Plan

Episode Four: Writer's Strike Day 10

Episode Five: TZH Stock Plummets

Episode Six: Finale