Malton Department of Defense/Intelligence

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Malton Department of Defense
Malton Department of Defense

Home Operations Services Intelligence Recruitment DEFCON Forum


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High Command

Secretary of Defense
Jono Salamander
Executive Officer
Chief Intelligence Officer
General Officer
Harper MacKenzie
Chief Medical Officer
Public Relations Officer



Public Relations

Allies and Enemies


It Fluctuates
Always Open


Current Operations


Frequency: 26.32

Intel-legit✔™ Program

Stale Danger Reports got you cut off from supplies? Wish you knew exactly where the zombies were?

As part of our Intel-legit✔™ Program, the MDD can offer you and your group confidential, up-to-the-minute reports on things such as:

  • Building condition
  • Barricade condition
  • Electrical and Communication Equipment Condition
  • Survivor Locations, IDs, and Health Status
  • Zombie Locations and IDs
  • Revive Queue IDs
  • PKer and GKer Locations, IDs, and Health Status
  • Building Graffiti
  • The location of the secret hole in the border.

Ask your local MDD representative or visit our forum for further details. Zombies need not apply.

Note: This offer is only available for certified, pro-survivor groups and the members of said groups. Intel-legit✔™ does not provide information to individuals or groups involved in the conduct of criminal activities in Malton.

The MDD does not condone spying. All intelligence is obtained in a fair and balanced manner from publicly available sources.

Notice of Limited Liability: Intel-legit✔™ has a limited shelf life of 1 week. However, for maximum freshness, Intel-legit✔™ should be consumed within 24 hours. The success of any tactical operation or decision based solely on Intel-legit✔™ is not guaranteed.

Recipients of Intel-legit✔™ agree to be bound by the EULA.

Non-Disclosure Agreement: Users of Intel-legit✔™ agree to not disclose information in publicly available sources. The only exception to this is in the case of information provided to representatives of the Department of Emergency Management and other law enforcement personnel.

Option to Opt Out: Individuals and groups may submit a written request to be excluded from any intelligence reports generated by Intel-legit✔™.
This request must be submitted in #7 "Zombie Blood Red" ink on the back of a 12'x12' sheet of 2cm armor plating and dropped off the roof of The Usher Building no later than August 3rd, 2004.

All transactions are final. No refunds.

Trade Regulations Apply. Intel-legit✔™ is not available in Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Islamic Republic of Iran, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of the Sudan, Republic of Cuba, People's Republic of China, Republic of the Congo, Somali Republic, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Damn, what's with all these "Republics", eh?

Certain other legal restrictions and limitations apply. Not all services may be available in your jurisdiction. We'd show you the Fine Print, but it's over 16 GBs.

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