Stickling Mall/News Archive

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All news older than one month should be moved from the Stickling_Mall page to here


December 2006

  • December 18th
Mall is well in survivor control, with at least 200 inside. Most corners are unpowered, however.
  • December 9
The Mall has fallen into zombie control, the doors are wide open and a huge pile of bodies lay outside. The survivours have lost this mall. -- Seagull Seagull 19:01, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  • December 9
SW corner has been ransacked, with approximately 114 Zed at 0200 CDT, a mere 8 hours after the initial siege. --UndeadManero 08:05, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  • December 6
Whippey has fallen and survivors have retreated to the mall. Howls of Barhah! can be heard as the survivors prepare for the zombie horde to turn their attention to the mall itself.
  • December 4
Now that Thanksgiving turkey afterglow has subsided, there are 410 zombies massed outside of Whippey. Barricades still holding, but sporadic screams of survivors being dragged to their deaths have been heard after small incursions in the wee hours of the morning.

November 2006

  • November 29
Currently 221 Zeds have massed outside of Whippey now.
As of November 29th, over 300 zombies are now outside Whippey. Barricades are constantly being attacked and rebuilt, and sometimes the zombies can break through... the survivor count inside is currently hovering just below 100. How long can Whippey hold out... or how long till the hordes attention is drawn elsewhere? Only time will tell.
  • November 27th
Over barricading of the entry points as a possible response to the new zombie threat is a problem. especially around the mall. there a survivors on the street outside over barricaded entry points. i suggest turning St. Christopher's Church, which is adjacent adjacent to the mall into an unbarricaded revive point similar to St. Theodore's Church was transformed into one for the battle for blackmore recently.--Yanksta 01:10, 27 November 2006 (UTC)
75 zombies outside of Whippey. Barricades at VS. --Reaper with no name TJ! 00:11, 27 November 2006 (UTC)
Currently 150+ zeds outside Whippey. No major breakins reported. --Darkmiz 09:09, 27 November 2006 (UTC)

  • November 26th
With fears (and reported sightings) of Shacknews, the survivors are stocking up on supplies. Simonj2 20:16, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
Many break-ins at the Mall and nearby necrotechs, hundreds dead, revive syringes being used up fast to recover. Buildings rebarricaded. --Pchem 22:07, 26 November 2006 (UTC)


Stickling Mall was the site of the last human holdout in Shearbank when The Many attacked the suburb beginning August 28th, 2005.

During the period of DARIS control over Shearbank, Stickling Mall was a well-known danger-zone for non-DARIS members.

After 3 days of co-ordinated attacks starting on December 30th, The Gray took Stickling Mall. The combined efforts of The Gray and over a hundred ferals caused survivors to flee the NE corner. Once the NE corner was clear zombies were able to stand inside and keep the way open. By evening on January 2nd the zombies in the mall outnumbered the humans. On Jan 3rd the mall was completely emptied of survivors. Many of the zombies associated with the siege have gone on to join Mall Tour '06.

February 28, 2006 All is quiet in Stickling. Minor zombie activity ouside of the mall, but the mall itself and the entire suburb of Shearbank are relatively in hand. NOTE that the Mall is currently only accessable to free runners. There's no shortage of solidly defended places to get into around the mall (if you're looking for a place to crash or an entry point).

March 31, 2006 Stickling is currently safe and heavily barricaded in most areas . Groups of Zombies are starting to form but the human activity should be enough to hold them back . If your in Shearbank now is the time to populate the mall and fight of the Zombie hordes . Most buildings around the Mall including the Nerotech building are secure , barricaded and populated . I see the dawn of human population of Shearbank along the Horizon.

April 9, 2006 The Mall has been overrun, all survivors killed or fled!

April 11,2006 Still no change in conditions. Can someone clear it out?

April 24th 2006 Survivors are trying to hold onto the mall, but there are zombies breaching the area everywhere. 63 Zombies piled up in the NW corner and nearly 200 dead bodies outside. WE NEED HELP!

April 27, 2006 The Mall has been completely overrun and is empty of survivors.

April 30th 2006 30+ zombies outside, it's not safe here. Unless you have a death wish, stay clear.

May 14th, 2006 The Mall is zombie free, and survivors are eagerly awaited to fill it up and help make it impervious to future attacks.

May 27th, 2006 Approximately 60 standing zombies attacking northwest corner, multiple breaches despite active necrotechs operating. Mall appears to be deserted and ransacked.

May 29th: Stickling Mall is faring well, with no zombies inside and a working generator as well as a group of active humans defending the mall from attacks. The barricades are completely up and The only large zombie group is located in the NW corner, and it only contains a group of 51 zombies. -- Officer 20m813 of the Malton Police Department

June 2nd, 2006 Stickling Mall is completely deserted, all survivors killed or dead. Zombie running rampant. -- Derge

June 3rd, 2006 Stickling Mall rebarricaded, possible survivors inside. Barricade on light level at SE corner. -- Derge

June 3rd, 2006 Stickling Mall rebarricaded but certain zombies are still in and out. Barricade loosely barricaded but hordes of zombies and dead bodies everywhere. Suggest only experianced players wonder about. Also make sure you have enough action points. Be aware! Stay Alive! -- Sharwyn

June 6th, 2006 In honor of PKday The Patriots take Stickling Mall to recreate the Sepetember occupation of Shearbank by DARIS.

June 11th, 2006 Stickling Mall is completely empty of survivors. There are a few zombies occupying 75% of the mall, with parts having been ransacked and completely debarricaded. -- Peregrinus

June 16, 2006Mall is open with minimal Zeds (8-15) inside. Some Survivors scavenging inside. See entry below for status of surrounding buildings.A sweep by all forces arrayed in the surrounding buildings could secure the Mall.

June 18th, 2006 The mall's now zombie-free and rebarricaded, with one working generator in it and three courageous survivors. -- Splingwibble

June 21st, 2006 After having been cracked open yet again on ~19th; the Mall was cleared out in an operation by the ACC working with local groups and unaffiliated survivors. Zombie attacks through the night inflicted heavy casualties on the relatively few survivors holding it. However the zombies were overcome and forced out; the Mall is under human control, but this is a fragile situation and reinforcements are urgently needed.

July 4th, 2006 Yet again, the mall was cracked open after the last operation. The ACC called for reinforcements to help them hold the mall for good this time. In a carefully planned assault the mall was once again cleared and secured; hopefully now as a permanent base in the suburb.

July 11th, 2006 The DEM officially declares the Shop-A-Thon, a 3 day taking of the mall for looting of survivors, a success. With help from survivor groups the ACC, 4-H, FVZA, as well as many other members from miscellaneous groups and a handful of lone survivors, the operation is a success. --Inspector 20m813 (MPD) 20:55, 11 July 2006 (BST)

July 15, 2006 The mall is completely empty of either survivors or zombies. All corners are barricaded to at least Heavily and no ransack damage. I'm not sure what happened here, but the the mall should be habitable. --Bake Hayes 20:35, 15 July 2006 (BST)

August 6, 2006 The mall's been occupied by survivors for at least a week. About 30 zombies are pounding on the upper left corner and occasionally break in, but the mall's population seems to be at least holding steady. --Splingwibble 15:28, 6 August 2006 (BST)

August 12, 2006 The siege is over, for now at least. The mall is well populated with survivors, fully lit and open for business, with no more than a few standing Zs outside any corner. No adjacent buildings have any serious problems either. --Splingwibble 14:30, 12 August 2006 (BST)

Nov, 2006 With the mystique of Caiger having been devoured by the hordes, several residents of Stickling Mall have begun to proclaim their home as the new centre of humanity in Malton, citing their utter rout of the Big Bash as proof. Whether this boast proves prophetic or foolhardy is yet to be seen.

Dec, 2006 Shacknews proved to be more potent than than the Big Bash. Stickling Mall fell to the same resource starvation tactics that brought down Caiger. The Zombie horde first deprived the survivors of the Whippey Necrotech facility. A few days later Stickling Mall fell with the largest defender group, PTT, sounding the call for retreat.