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Hospital Residency

Timestamp: 02:08, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill/Improvement
Scope: Survivors, Medical
Description: The new skill NecroNet access allows you to create syringes with the same amount of AP as it would take on average to find one. This saves the time of the player and vastly reduces server load. Why not do something similar for hospitals? I suggest adding a skill "Hospital Residency" (referring to the time doctors must spend as hospital residents, this skill indicates the player has completed this training). When in a powered hospital players with Hospital Residency would be able to heal themselves or others without using a First-Aid Kit for the average amount of AP it takes to find a First-Aid Kit (by using the hospital's equipment). Players in hospitals would gain a "Heal" button with a drop down menu. This skill should be a prerequisite of First-Aid so by itself it would only heal 10hp and players with Surgery would be able to heal 15hp. First-Aid kits would still be important to heal out in the field and in case power is lost. Now a skill that costs 100xp and only saves you a bit of time and helps the server probably won't be a high priority for most people so I suggest incorporating Peer Reviewed Suggestion Prognosis into this skill, allowing people that also have Diagnosis the ability when in a hospital to tell which players are infected when the power is on by displaying their health in red text (in game reason being that they can use the hospital's diagnostic equipment). I think that makes good sense flavor wise, it'd make waiting in a hospital to be healed a better choice than waiting in a populated police department because the doctors could tell you're infected and prioritize healing you. I'm following NecroNet's lead here: It eliminated the need to search and gives information when inside a Necrotech Building. This would eliminate the need to search and give information when inside a hospital. Good for players, good flavour for would be doctors, and good for the server.


  1. Kill - Next thing, crafting weapons suggestion, crafting fire axe suggestion, crafting ammo suggestion, crafting rocket laucher suggestion, crafting midget suggestion. --hagnat 02:25, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Comment Seems reasonable. --Scorpios 02:52, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  2. Keep - Searching IS a pain in the ass. It seems like a fair trade off. And, you know, after all this time, you'd think there would be no more FAK's left, since everyone's probably searched every Hospital several hundred thousand times. And how does one craft ammo? And what the bloody hell do midgets have to do with this? -- 21:37, 19 Jan 2006 (EST)No signature --RAF Lt.G Deathnut 02:48, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  3. Kill Keep - Crafting ammo is easy and midgets have everything to do with anything. I give it is a good Idea but I want it to be known that zombies may have problems with too many suggestions like this comming out at once.--RAF Lt.G Deathnut 19:26, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re You aren't crafting anything. The main part of this suggestion is that you don't need a First-Aid Kit (something designed to treat someone when they are not in a hospital) when you're in a hospital. It does not reduce AP cost it merely reduces server load. And the OPTIONAL part about assembling First-Aid kits isn't crafting either, you're merely taking bandages and antiseptic off a shelf and putting them in a box, which is different than making bullets or advanced weaponry. --Jon Pyre 02:56, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Alas, to the discussion page with thee
  4. Keep - I like it, it is nice and realistic at the same time and not unbalancing. - --ramby 02:50, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  5. Keep --Scorpios 02:52, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  6. Keep Author vote. I would like to again stress that this does not reduce the AP cost of healing people it only reduces server load in that regard. Server load = bad. --Jon Pyre 02:58, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  7. Keep -- Great idea, the AP spent should be the same as average number of searches to find a FAK plus 1 to use it, or maybe a bonus could be not having that extra 'Use' AP. I believe it is about 12 out of 100? so maybe have it cost of 10-8AP, depending if we want this function to penilize the user, stay equal to or , give bonus to them. --Kirk Howell 03:22, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  8. Kill Also your math is wrong. Using the craftign syringes method you get vastly better odds in the long run. Using the last reported percentage, you fin 1.6 syrings for 40APm spent searching, and of course 2 for crafting. In fact I think that numbers out of date because I beleive syringes have recently become even rarer. Besides all that.. I dont think we need a lot of crafting in this game. OH and I HATE 'optional' sectiosn of suggestions and ALWAYS kill sugegstions that contain them anyway. --Jak Rhee 03:26, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re Whether I'm wrong about syringes find rate vs. AP to build a syringe this suggestion remains the same. AP to find an FAK is the same as the AP to heal. And as for Optional sections, I believe that all suggestions need a core idea and you should be highly specific about that. However I think you also need to be able to suggest more than one way of implementing it. Let's take Prognosis for instance. People suggested that instead of showing health red to indicate infection it instead have a symbol next to their names. Both ways would work well and I think it's fair to allow the suggestion to include more than one option if they are not crucial. Otherwise you'd have a million nearly duplicate suggestions for each minor difference. --Jon Pyre 03:58, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
      • Re I'm loving your "Hate thought out suggestions because they have options in them" attitude. --Matson Jade 13:27, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  9. Keep - Please refine your suggestion and make it less vague and more concise or I will have to change my vote to a Kill. --Daednabru 05:36, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re I'm sorry if I was overlong, I was trying to be throrough and cover any possible questions. Here's a more concise version: When in a powered hospital the player can heal themselves or others without using a FAK for the average amount of AP it currently takes to find a FAK. If they have diagnosis they can also tell if other survivors are infected when inside a powered hospital. --Jon Pyre 14:24, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
      • Re - No problem, it just seems like you were in a rush to get this suggestion out. However, could you please specify the precise amount of AP your skill would spend? That would help me and others decide whether to vote Keep or Kill much better. Also you should probably add your concise version to your original version to help Kevan understand what your idea is about should he ever decide to implement it --Daednabru 20:53, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
        • Re I actually don't know what the average amount of AP to find a First-Aid Kit is, otherwise I would have included it. If anyone knows that'd be great. But it would be that number whatever it is. It wouldn't cost less AP to heal, you'd just be able to do it inside a hospital with a single click instead of several. --Jon Pyre 22:35, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  10. Kill - I just don't like the idea of being able to heal somebody without a First Aid Kit. Bentley Foss 05:37, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  11. Keep - I like this idea. VinLumbtin 07:20, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  12. Keep - the first part of your suggestion r 1-8 The new skill... ...power is lost. is excellent. lose everything past that, because not only don't the extra bits add nothing to it, it detracts and make people vote kill (I'm one of them). I say this because I really want to vote Keep on this. (really, trust me, remove the option, and submit it seperate, that way people will vote keep on your main suggestion and you'll get more feedback on the option itself. submitting things separately really helps you either way.)--Vista 13:01, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re I took out the optional section because you were right, it was distracting people from the main part of my suggestion. Will you change your vote? --Jon Pyre 14:18, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
      • Re - Yes I'm not wild about the part of Prognosis (as we've seen Kevan doesn't mind to mix and match the suggestions himself) but it works and I can live with it no sweat. (on options: It not the fact that you give two ways to do something that is bad, but more that it is posted as an afterthought. Squashua has a very good way of dealing with that, he says what his objective is to change in the game, suggest serveral ways of accomplishing it. and then tells what he thinks is the best solution, so it becomes a 'either this/or that' while the way most post options it reads like a 'and this/plus that' making people uneasy -including me-) --Vista 16:55, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  13. Keep - It makes sense. Hospitals are the premium healing sites of the city. FAKs are just little bundles designed to heal wounds in the field. However, the hospital would have to be powered, IMO, because even though it's fun, surgery in the dark results in many many deaths. --Matson Jade 13:27, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re - I never learn. :( -- Andrew McM 14:10, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  14. Keep - That would at least show that powered hospitals have way better equipment than a single first-aid-kit. You shouldn't rely on luck in hospitals. I'd take out the possibility to heal youself, though. I don't know, it sounds a bit overpowered. Even then, the vote is still a keep. --Omega2 13:48, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re Healing yourself isn't really that overpowered since it would take the same AP to find a First-Aid kit as to use this ability. This just lets you click once instead of several times. --Jon Pyre 14:17, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  15. Keep - Keep, keep, keep! Goes well with the necrotech change! Adds flavor and lightens server load. It's win, win, win!! -- Nicks 13:53, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  16. Keep --Lord Evans 14:16, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  17. Keep I like this idea--Etherdrifter 15:30, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  18. Keep Great idea that gives dedicated healers reason to stay in hospitals rather than malls. --McDave 16:33, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  19. Keep Monstah 17:24, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  20. Keep - Only problem is colorizing HP to show infection. That'd screw up colorizing Firefox extensions, so it'd have to be by some other method. Otherwise great.--'STER-Talk-Mod 17:55, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re True. There are a variety of other ways to do this. Maybe display names of infected survivors in italics? --Jon Pyre 22:32, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  21. Keep - Good idea. --Mikm 20:16, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  22. Keep - I've been delighted with how much fun has been added to the game with the necro net. I wouldn't mind having this one too. --Blahblahblah 20:28, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  23. Keep - Very good idea, especially if prognosis is thrown in for free. -- Andrew McM 22:40, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Tally - 19 Keeps, 3 Kills, 0 Spams/Dupes -- ~~
  24. keep - More people would go to hospitals instead of malls. It would also save IP hits-per-day--Cah51o 20:38, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  25. Kill - Making it a sub-skill of First Aid, and demanding that the power be on, is fair. The AP cost would most likely match the 'perfect world' chance for finding a FAK in a hospital, regardless, much how NecroNet Access functions. I approve of all of that, but I JUST don't think you should be able to heal yourself. How exactly would you do (potentially) Surgery upon yourself? I say make it so you can still only heal others. This enhances the importance of FAKs, as well.--MorthBabid 03:34, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re Well, you can already perform surgery on yourself in game. Surgery adds 5hp to your healing whether you heal yourself or others. --Jon Pyre 04:41, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  26. Kill - I dont like idea of healing without an item. And if there isnt an item, there should be a moderate AP cost. Nthing to heavy but enough to keep a balance.--Uncle Willy 05:45, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re There is a moderate AP cost. The same cost as it would take the survivor to find a First-Aid Kit. The item only exists as a representation of AP spent. This streamlines the process if you only want to heal in a hospital and reduces server load in the process. --Jon Pyre 06:07, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  27. Keep - Saves me time and the reduces server load. --Janzak 22:20, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  28. Keep - Logical first step I was about to suggest something similar. --Stoy 05:11, 22 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  29. Keep - Brilliant! Can't say enough about how much sense this makes! --Poppins 09:07, 22 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  30. Keep - more idea like that pal --Kcold 10:17, 22 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  31. Keep - This bosts the usage of FAK's that can be very hard to come by some times. --Mr NoName 01:07, 1 Feb 2006 (GMT)
    Keep - Sounds good. --Perticus 02:36, 5 Feb 2006 (GMT)- Voted after deadline. Velkrin 05:48, 22 May 2006 (BST)
    • Final Tally - 25 Keep, 4 Kill, 0 Spam - 17:51, 23 May 2006 (BST)


Spaminated 3 spam, 4 kills, 0 Keeps 6 Be Polite and make no additional comments.

Happy Fun Ball

Spaminated. Please keep pointless joke ideas off the front page. --Zaruthustra 07:18, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)

Immunity to Putrescence

Spaminated 6 Be Polite and make no additional comments. }}

Taking Spam out of Feeding Groan

Timestamp: 18:20, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: improvement
Scope: zombies
Description: I have a zombie character who is taking part in the Mall Tour. When I log in after 24 hours, I discover about 60-70 feeding groans spamming the page. This is a little bit annoying to look at for everyone, and can make it tedious to look through all of the messages to find out if anything important happened to your zombie.

So...I would suggest that feeding groans from the same location be combined, with the number of groans in parentheses and the timestamp of the most recent one displayed i.e.

You heard a groan from 2 blocks south and 1 block west (4 times) 3:41:20

I think this would work out well for the game, it cleans up our screens, avoids some boring work, yet still gives the information that's become very valueable to lower level zombies. If most of you disagree, it would at least make a nice addition to the Firefox extensions.

(I have to give most of the credit to Scary Uncle and Smoked for this, they took an idea of mine and made it something that works)

Edit: Leave the timestamps from the other groans in

You heard a groan from 2 blocks south and 1 block west (4 times) 1-20 18:36 GMT

1-19 18:24 GMT, 1-19 18:26 GMT, 1-19 18:32 GMT, 1-20 18:36 GMT


  1. Keep - Feeding Groan is definitely a spam-fest in its current form. Might be better just to make anything over 1 groan read as "You heard some groans from.." etc. etc. -- Amazing 18:24, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  2. Keep - Maybe make it flavourful too, from "a groan" through "several groans" all the way to "a cacophony of groans" - Skarmory 18:26, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  3. Kill - But, from my experience, the majority of groans I hear are from a variety of locations, so the groans would still spam up a lot of the screen -- Shaft121 18:32, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  4. Kill - Good idea.. but flawed in one way. Timestamps. Often several events can occur at the same locations but at vastly different times that require a feeding groan. Now, what if you went away on business and were logged out for two days? You come back to see groans (15) from a police station to the NW half an hour ago. You assume 'ooo big fun.' Howver when you get there, its jsut one silly zombie graoning around a fallen Police station. The 14 OTHER groans all occured yesterday and had you known that you wouldn't have wasted the AP. You ned to see the timestap of every occurance, sorry --Jak Rhee 18:36, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  5. Kill - What Jak said. I'd love to reduce the damned groanspamming, but it's the winning point against a suggestion I'd otherwise like. --Bert Krutters 19.02, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  6. Kill You can save this, just put in dates and times. From X at X:XX to Y at Y:YY. --Zaruthustra 20:31, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re - We could have all of the timestamps following the message. It might not clean up spam as well as we might hope, but it would address Jak's point. Personally I don't read all of the groan messages; I just read the last few. I've never really had a problem with the lone zombie outside of a busted safehouse, but I can see your point. see the change above, it should make it easier to sort through everything to look for the anomalous groan--CPQD 20:54, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  7. Kill - It's a little loosely worded, although something definitely needs fixing. I'd want it to show only the most recent groan (at each volume level) from any given location. Multiple groans from one location aren't really useful. Rhialto 22:21, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re - Let me get this straight, you voted kill because you want it to display only the most recent groan from a particular location. That is what this suggestion recommends. It shows the most recent groan from each location, along with any other groans from that location (and their timestamps). --CPQD 23:28, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Tally - 2 Keeps, 5 Kills, 0 Spams/Dupes -- 23:03, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  8. Keep - this just sounds like common sense to me. --Salicyclic 09:15, 22 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  9. Keep - Spam bad .v. --Mr NoName 01:09, 1 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  10. Keep - With timestamps --Lxndr 15:46, 5 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  11. Keep - People need to learn how to read, btw. --MorthBabid 21:28, 3 Feb 2006 (GMT)
    • Final Tally - 6 Keep, 5 Kill, 0 Spam - 17:50, 23 May 2006 (BST)

Note --this has been implemented

"You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. (02-06 06:41 GMT) ...and again. (02-06 06:41 GMT) ...and again. (02-06 06:41 GMT) ...and again. (02-06 06:41 GMT) ...and again. (02-06 06:41 GMT) ...and again. (02-06 06:41 GMT) ...and again. (02-06 07:18 GMT) ...and again. (02-06 07:19 GMT) ...and again. (02-06 07:23 GMT) ...and again. (02-06 07:23 GMT) ...and again. (02-06 07:34 GMT) ...and again. (02-06 07:35 GMT)"

Here is a screenshot of the above text -- Night Haunter 11:57, 6 Feb 2006 (GMT)

Game Cleanup

Spaminated 3 spam, 1 Author Keep. --Matthew Stewart 18:51, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)

Adrenaline Boost

Dupe of Suggestions:11th-Nov-2005 Endurance Plus it violates don't mess with AP. --Jak Rhee 19:12, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)

Rotten Meat

100% Spam 3 Spams, 7 Kills, 0 Keeps 6 Be Polite and make no additional comments.

EDITED: single target menu for all non-weapon items in return for full list of survivors

Timestamp: 21:08, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: interface change
Scope: item organization + list of survivors
Description: I suggest to bring back the list of all survivors and instead remove drop-down menus from items that require a target(first aid kits, DNA extractors, syringes) and combine them similar to Attack line. It would look like this:

[Apply] [list of items] to [list of targets]

This way list of targets would not be repeated again and again, which would save some traffic. Is it a fair trade-off? This would also make the interface more organized.


  1. Keep author vote. --Cah51o 21:08, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  2. Keep Though I might accidentally stab my ally in the back, or shoot him in the head, this WOULD make avoiding pressing REVIVE instead of EXTRACT a hell of a lot easier. --Polter 21:16, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  3. Kill-- shouldn't mix attack dropdown with FAK dropdown, already if you go to attack a zombie, after usuing a med, it selects the healed character. , lets not make more problems --Kirk Howell 21:39, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  4. Kill -- Organization is nicer w/out dropdown because FF plugins/Greasemonkey scripts organize it by categroy. --Mikm 21:54, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re We already have drop-down menus. Do you suggest to remove them entirely? Please explain. --Cah51o 23:02, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re I know that. I think it would look uglier with a dropdown in most cases. --Mikm 07:57, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  5. KIll - If we had one dropdown for all weapons and another for all helpful items (FAKs, syringes), I'd vote keep. How this change would affect a firefox plugin is irrelevant to how you should vote. Rhialto 22:18, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)Spam - Auto-spam vote on suggestions where teh suggestion has been fundamentally changed from what I originally voted on. Re-submit means just that, not edit. Rhialto 13:22, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re Please, show me the rule how to do it properly. Enough of unconfirmed suggestions that are not rules.--Cah51o 02:59, 22 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  6. No Vote - I don't think this will save any traffic... And it kind of kills some flavor by getting rid of a button that sais "attack"... Don't like it. --Signal9 22:26, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re gather 20 medkits and walk into Caiger, then view the source of the page. You will see how much traffic it would save.--Cah51o 23:04, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
      • Re okay, I'll believe you. What are you doing in Caiger with 20FAKs? People need help in other places.--Signal9 23:20, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
        • Re Sure, this was an exaggerated example. But if you take average number of these items and multiply by number of players, this change would still make quite a difference--Cah51o 23:36, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  7. Kill What would be better is one drop down menu for each type of item. So instead of having nine first aid kits each with their own drop down menu you'd have "First-Aid Kit (9) [Drop down Menu" --Jon Pyre 22:29, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Tally - 2 Keeps, 4 Kills, 0 Spams/Dupes, (1 No vote) -- 23:20, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
      • Re - no signature --Cah51o 03:09, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  8. Spam - See now.. this illustrates my comment in my entry in Talk! I was going to just Kill this, but the authore changed it to add the crazy idea of bringing back the survivor list, its now SPAM as I feel that is a silly idea, you can always click for the list. Now had I already voted Kill, I wouldnt see the change and my vote wouldn thave changed. Now what if this was a Kill-to-Keep or Keep-to-Kill change? Vote Yea on my change! --Jak Rhee 23:35, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re that better? --Cah51o 03:09, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Comment You know you cant DO that, right? Thats why I support resumbitting the thing if you change it.. Deleting other peoples votes is technically vandalism of the SUggestions page and Im afraid I must now report you. Edit Did you even READ my entry in talk? That explains how I feel changes should be done. A whole new suggestion should be made (aka a Vrs 2.0) but you CAN NOT JUST REMOVE VOTES IN THAT MANNER --Jak Rhee 23:55, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • now that is funny. Isn't this exactly what you suggested me to do? Im afraid you must now report yourself for giving this as an example.--Cah51o 00:06, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
      • COmment You cant do this EITHER! You can not restart voting on an active suggestion! Do you not know how to read? Criminey --Jak Rhee 00:10, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re: please do not confuse people with your suggestions that are not rules.--Cah51o 00:13, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    Furhter discussion moved to talk... Can a mod clean this up and make it right?--Jak Rhee 00:23, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  9. Kill - Two things: 1: If this is such a problem, be more careful with your choice. 2: Stop changing your bloody suggestion. Velkrin 02:04, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re Two things: 1: What exactly you don't like about this suggestion? I think, the problem exists: you not always can see that some survivor needs medical attention immediately. 2: Be more careful with you language.--Cah51o 03:09, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  10. Kill - If Kevan is half the programmer that I expect he is, this change wouldn't be worth making. I guarantee you that the list of names is only extracted from the DB once--and the DB is the bottleneck, not the web server. The names get formatted and shoved into your browser big deal. That's the proverbial chicken feed compared to everything else. It's unnecessary, and I don't want the hassle of having to select "action"/"item"/"target" from three menus. Bentley Foss 06:02, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re this would be only 2 menus instead of number of items in the inventory. --Cah51o 07:17, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  11. Kill - On the other hand, if you had 'Apply X' I'd vote keep. My personal problem is having to ram the action button over and over again when doing heals or other such deal. FireballX301 07:03, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
    • Re Do you mean 'Apply X times'? --Cah51o 07:20, 21 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  12. Kill - >:p --Mr NoName 01:10, 1 Feb 2006 (GMT)
    • Final Tally - 2 Keep, 7 Kill, 2 Spam - 17:50, 23 May 2006 (BST)

Time of Day, Maltonian Style

Dupe here, here, here and here. --Brizth 21:57, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)