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Infection Detection Skill Ideas for both Zombies and Humans

Timestamp: 01:28, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skills
Scope: Survivors and Zombies
Description: Survivors would like a way to detect infection so they can prioritize healing. Zombies would like a way to detect which survivors are infected so they know who's still fresh to infect. Since I know players of either group would object if I suggested only one infection detection skill here are two seperate skills. Both skills signal out who is infected but do so in different ways.
  • Zombie Skill: Digestive Acids

Zombies with this subskill of Infectious Bite are messy eaters, drooling slime and bile as they feed. While the fluids evaporate quickly and aren't noticed by survivors other zombies can smell the scent lingering around the wounded survivor. Survivors bitten by a zombie with Digestive Acids would have (I) next to their names to show that they've already been bitten. Only zombies would see "(I)" if it is caused by Digestive Acids. If an already infected but not scented survivor is bitten by a zombie with Digestive Acid they are marked from that point on, they don't need to be bitten when they are initially infected to be marked. A first-aid kit would remove this condition (as well as the infection) because as a survivor cleans the wound they'd also remove the scent of the zombie that bit them. This is a skill for high level zombies to purchase in order to help other zombies know who's been bitten. It's an altruistic teamwork skill for zombies in the spirit of Feeding Groan.

  • Survivor Skill: Antiviral Injection

This subskill of Lab Experience would indicate that the player has been injected with experimental antivirus to the zombie infection. Since it was only experimental it's not effective enough to slow the rate of hp loss; it remains -1hp per 1AP, this does not nerf Infectious Bite's deleterious effects at all. However it does cause the survivor to have a visible reaction when infected, giving them a feverish red-eyed appearance. Survivors with Antiviral Injection would have an (I) next to their names when infected. Only survivors would see "(I)" if caused by an Antiviral Injection. This is a selfish skill to signify that you need immediate assistance in the same spirit as bodybuilding.

Both skills have pros and cons. The zombie skills lets them mark infected survivors for other zombies to see, the survivor skill marks themselves for other survivors to see. The downside of both is that a zombie could bite an already infected survivor that was not scented, and that a survivor without Antiviral Injection would not stand out in need of a cure. And just as a note you could be both injected and scented at once as well as only one at a time. They both result in the same (I) message but only visible to the appropriate side.

  • Note: Just though of this put probably a good way to show infection for players that can also see health would be to incorporate the I into the person's health like this: MaltonMan(I-42).


  1. Keep Author vote. Something for everybody. --Jon Pyre 01:28, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  2. Keep Its a weak keep, as I don't think its that necessary, as if someone's hurt, they will get healed by people regardless of infection, and if someone was infecting many survivors they'll be at 46 or 56 hp. So its rare that this would come into play -Banana Bear4 01:37, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Re True, but sometimes you do have to select who to heal from multiple injured persons. And it increases your chances of getting healed if you're in a smaller safehouse. Of course you're going to get healed if you stand in a major mall but if you're in a tiny school with 5 people this could prompt one to spend a FAK on you they otherwise wouldn't. --Jon Pyre 01:48, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  3. Keep - Balanced, logical --mikm W! 01:44, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  4. Keep - Having to (essentially) mark oneself as infected, and marking survivors for the sake of other zombies, is an interesting twist. --John Ember 02:19, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  5. Kill - Im not against the human mechanic, but the zombie one. I feel that the infection should be detectable by all with the skill. Allowing all zombies to see it if a person has been bitten by a zombie with a particular skill plainly sucks, because not every zombie with infectious bite will have the skill. A better implimentation would be to have zombies being able to smell the decay caused by an infection. --Grim s 03:13, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Re Both skills have their downside. Only humans that can spare the xp will be visible to their peers as infected, and only zombies that can spare 100xp will be able to mark other survivors as infected. Note that both skills are equally high up on the skill progression trees. While both skills are useful I personally suspect the zombie skill will be most useful. Survivors generally try to heal everybody who is injured infected or no. An infection is most useful against someone already injured, zombies being able to avoid wasting an attack on the already infected and still target someone injured would be useful even if this only lets them narrow down the field. In fact I think it is that it only narrows the field is what keeps it from being too powerful. --Jon Pyre 04:27, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
      • Re - Then i object to both. --Grim s 04:39, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
      • Re Since most dedicated zombie players (and players in general) tend to amass large quantities of excess xp it would be likely that most infected people would be marked for both sides. And note this suggestion is more efficient for zombies. One zombie can mark multiple survivors, the survivor can only mark themselves. The zombies get the most bang for their buck, but survivors get a personal benefit. I think it's balanced. --Jon Pyre 04:57, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  6. Keep - Minor, but encourages the social aspect of the game. Also agree with Grim s. It would be more balanced if all zombies could see the infection like all survivors could with each respectable skill. --ism 03:33, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  7. Keep - I would like to add that I would like it far more if you needed an item other than a FAK to cure infections, like antibiotics or some shit like that. -Nubis 03:37, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  8. Keep i like the idea of knowing who all is infected. --Deathnut RAF|W! 03:39, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  9. Keep - The zombie infection notice is new, but personally I like Prognosis more than injection. Still, it works. Velkrin 04:15, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  10. Keep - What's not to like, another 'form' of diagnosis for humans per se (let them see you need help).. and a reason for zombies to "spread the love" (okay, i finnaly bit ya good! Ahh I'm almost out of AP today I'll bite someone else, not enough left to kill anyone today... -MrAushvitz 01:37, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  11. Keep To everyone who makes suggestions. This is a good suggestion. It clearly shows what is being done. It gives use to having the skill or not having the skill. It isint a blanket all 'game tweek.' To clearify, is it only zeds with the skill that can small the infection, or can all zeds smell it? The human skill is good,although selfish, but it differenciates itself from the counterpoint zed version, as well as giving use to people who buy the skill.--Kirk Howell 14:17, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Re All zombies can see it. --Jon Pyre 17:09, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  12. Keep - It's simple, it works, and it offers something for both sides. Well done! -catwhowalksbyhimself 07:16, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  13. Keep - I was going to vote kill, but then I realized I actually liked this. It doesn't matter really that I like putting it under prognosis and scent blood more. (placing the HP values addition under scent fear.) But I think more options and ideas are a good thing in this case. (although I doubt that infection is big enough to justify a lot of subsequent skills)--Vista W! 21:23, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  14. Keep - Interesting. A skill that will encourage higher-level survivors to use FAKs for less-than-optimal results. (Which is what I call healing a person for 4HP instead of for 10HP.) --Gene 10:16, 26 March 2006 (BST)
  15. Kill - Don't like the flavour. Seems awkward. Idea is good, though. Ignatius Newcastle 13:44, 26 March 2006 (BST)
  16. Kill - While an interesting suggestion, there is no "real" zombie benefit. Most Zombies won't care that a person is infected. They'll keep attacking till the victim joins their ranks. For the Survivor Doctor/Healer this would not really prioritize healing. Most people just speak their HP level and their infection status when they run into sancturary Quasispace 08:08, 30 March 2006 (BST)
  17. Kill/Change -Mildly useful, but seems mostly useless. I can't say as infection is a HUGE concern for either Zeds (who usually just hit the buffet as fast as possible) or survivors (usually all you need to get several FAK sent your way in any well-populated building is to, ya know, speak up). It would be only truly useful if infection were truly pernicious or transmittable by other methods. Change this to a crossover skill or just add extra functionality to diagnosis/scent fear and it'd be worth keeping. Until then, if it somehow is a major concern to someone out there, I suppose you could make a Firefox extension that would do something similiar.--Xavier06 08:31, 6 April 2006 (BST)
  18. Keep - Not unbalanced in my opinion, the zombie skill is akin to diagnosis, survivors can't see other survivor's health until they buy the skill, even though they may have first aid, so it's a nice addition for zombies. The survivor skill I can agree may be slightly pointless, unless we're talking about people without diagnosis who notice the flag. And note that once the flag is gone, survivors without diagnosis are in the dark again. All in all a good suggestion. BuncyTheFrog 17:51, 6 April 2006 (BST)
    • Tally - 14 Keep, 4 Kill, 0 Spam 18:26, 7 April 2006 (BST)

Generator Purpose

A Dupe of Increase Search Rate in Powered Buildings The numbers were slighty different compared to the Peer Reveiwed one. But as the suggester said himself those were subject to the approval of others. --Vista W! 08:25, 24 March 2006 (GMT)

First Aid Kit Change

Author withdrawn by Norcross, by killing his own suggestion.--Vista W! 21:13, 24 March 2006 (GMT)


Spaminated 7 spams (including mine) 1 author keep. Griefing is bad. --Deathnut RAF|W! 07:09, 24 March 2006 (GMT)

Mall Split

Timestamp: 01:56, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Mall mod
Scope: Malls/large buildings
Description: Split the stores in a mall amongst the 4 quads. A realmall is unlikly to have 4 of every store, so split them up. Each mall would have a different configuration.

The existing stores could either be removed or changed into An empty shop or A blank storefront and searching in them would give the same results as searching without the shopping skill, getting anything that could be found in anyof the stores. If you had the bargin hunting skill you would still get the search bonus.


  1. keep - Author's vote, I think it would add flavor to the game. --Aco 01:58, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  2. Kill - I'm sure I've seen this somewhere before...either way it would just cause people to hoard around the stores they want, such as the drug store or the gun store. -Velkrin 04:31, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  3. Kill - Theres no point to doing so. --Grim s 04:44, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  4. Kill - Nerfs Shopping. Not a whole lot, granted, but I don't see a reason to nerf it at all.--Guardian of Nekops 05:21, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  5. Spam - Complete nonsense. --Cinnibar 06:05, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  6. Kill -While it would increase realism, It would lead to people just flokking to the corners that have the gunshop and the drugstore. often there is already quite a disparaty in the numbers in each corner. increasing whould make it less realistic. While the idea isn't bad per-se, this is game, not only would it's realism value be ambigous, realism takes a back seat to playabilaty. Certainly is realism needed to keep it playable and the flavoe enjoyable, but neither is this game a sim. realism is to be used to enhance the mechanics of the game. And I doubt this has any impact other then what we've mentioned already--Vista W! 11:54, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  7. Keep - i feal that survivors should be packed into 1 corner of a mall, and 2 extra AP to go to another set of shops isnt going to kill you! --xbehave 12:38, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  8. Kill - I agree it would add flavor. The flavor of rotten brussels sprouts cooked in the tears of baby Jesus shed at how horrible this suggestion is.--Mookiemookie 12:41, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  9. Kill - Most malls have a few big department stores in them Talos 14:18, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  10. Kill -Nah. Timid Dan 14:28, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  11. Kill -Sure, it adds flavor. It adds such a slight flavor that I almost considered voting "keep" since it seemed so harmless. Then I realized that I didn't want to have to play "Let's Make a Deal" every time I go to the Mall. "Do you want what's behind Door Number 1, 2, or 3?" Searching for stuff you need (and often ending up with stuff you don't) can be a slough as it is. But perhaps I'm just kvetching...--Xavier06 08:44, 6 April 2006 (BST)
    • Tally - 1 Keep, 8 Kill, 2 Spam 18:26, 7 April 2006 (BST)

Pool Cue

Spaminated with 8 Spams, 3 Kills, 1 author Keep, 1 Keep which then seemed to state that this was a bad suggestion and one invalid BURN IT vote.--The General 17:36, 24 March 2006 (GMT)


Spaminated with one author vote, 9 spams -- Andrew McM W! 21:50, 24 March 2006 (GMT) }}

Brick & half-brick

Spaminated at 16 spam votes, one author keep. --Cerebrus13 20:22, 24 March 2006 (GMT)

O.K sorted it out; Trip received the votes intended for this. I've ratified it. this was meant for peer rejected, and trip is going back up because it only has 2 spam votes.--Vista W! 20:24, 24 March 2006 (GMT)

Crowbar Use Memory

Dupe of Pry & Jimmy --Vista W! 20:28, 24 March 2006 (GMT)