Talk:Grigg Heights/News Archive
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Past News
A suggestion on barricade plans by Seryna: [[1]]
Hello- I am Seryna, AI for Red Thresh Campus. While new to Wiki, I have created a barricade plan. I ask that anyone with an opinion look it over and suggest thier opinions. Do you think buildings should be changed? Say so and I'll adjust it so all of us can be satisfied and work with one universal barricade plan for Griggs.
The barricading plan is starting to take on shape. Seryna, I am going to to set a link to the barricading plan discussion panel for everybody to take a closer look. Good job as far as I can see. --Danny Floyd07:00, 22 September 2006 (BST)
Is it to much to ask that cursing, and emotionaly attatchements be left out? You yell at us for using it like a discusion then use it basicly the same way yourself. Also, tho im not trying to sound in anyway religious, pure, nice, blah blah blah, could we leave the cursing off? It doesnt make you sound any smarter to call somone a fucker. --Jackson 5 01:32, 25 August 2006 (BST)
- You know Jackson, I'm not quite sure what you're getting at with the emotional attachments thing, unless you mean personal feelings are getting hurt or something, but I definitely agree on the cursing. I was looking at this whole discussion page, and while I assumed that swearing was not against the rules based upon how much of it was going on and how the swearing was also being done by people with authority in the wiki. On a personal level, I cringed a bit, partly because I thought how easily kids could be on here (but then realized the average adolescent wouldn't bother too much with a wiki), but also because of what Jackson was talking about. You don't have to swear to get a point across, and more often than not, swearing detracts from your argument. I'd sooner listen to a concise, thoroughly developed, effective argument than an argument which is concise, thoroughly developed, effective, and uses swear words.--Experiment C 20:37, 25 August 2006 (BST)
- The "emotion" i was taking about was on the News Section of the Griggs front page. Emotion is left out on the news on the TV, no? Leaving it out here makes it sound better i think, not people getting thier feelings hurt : ) And yeah, the curisng i think is veru unnessary, on BOTH SIDES (tho until recently i have only seen DORIS use it). I told a son of my mom's freind about this game, i dont want him to see all this, its 100% not nessasry, distracts from the main point, only serves to increase stress, and makes posters sound less inteligent then im assuming they are. If you MUST cuse, why not F' this, or what is this S***. Are we not above this? Swearing may not be agasint the rule but it brings down the wiki, especaily when done my MOD's, who should be a role model on here. Just my thoughts Jackson 5 23:44, 25 August 2006 (BST)
- Reality and idealism are usually far an apart. If you read the Moderation Guidelines it specificaly says that mods are to be treated as a normal wiki user. In reality each user of the wiki should be a role model, not just the moderators. It's easy to say what moderators should be but thats just the easy way to escape from the real problem, and thats how everyone should act. - Jedaz 05:19, 7 September 2006 (BST)
- The "emotion" i was taking about was on the News Section of the Griggs front page. Emotion is left out on the news on the TV, no? Leaving it out here makes it sound better i think, not people getting thier feelings hurt : ) And yeah, the curisng i think is veru unnessary, on BOTH SIDES (tho until recently i have only seen DORIS use it). I told a son of my mom's freind about this game, i dont want him to see all this, its 100% not nessasry, distracts from the main point, only serves to increase stress, and makes posters sound less inteligent then im assuming they are. If you MUST cuse, why not F' this, or what is this S***. Are we not above this? Swearing may not be agasint the rule but it brings down the wiki, especaily when done my MOD's, who should be a role model on here. Just my thoughts Jackson 5 23:44, 25 August 2006 (BST)
- You remind me of all those pussies who write "sh*t" as if it's somehow less offensive to read than the actual word. Oh wait, you're one of them. Nevermind. Of course you will completely ignore the fact that only the most heavily sheltered prepubescent child wouldn't have ever seen or heard swearing before, making censorship in this regard completely pointless. You will also ignore the fact that there is quite a lot of IC crap and clearly talk page material that also shouldn't be on the page. Hell, the Totes and NQSIs defended having it there, remember? If you want quality, unbiased news summaries, then you should at least make your own reports match that description. (No, it's not what you were previously putting up, a summary is quite different from the mile long dialogues and biased crap the Totes and the NQSIs insisted they be allowed to place there.) –Xoid S•T•FU! 10:17, 7 September 2006 (BST)
- The NQSI never made a big fuss about the News page Xoid, read what we wrote at the time, but as you are apparently too high and mighty to stoop to actually distinguishing between members of different groups, its hardly surprising you dont realise that. --JakeWeber 17:00, 10 September 2006 (BST)
- You remind me of all those pussies who write "sh*t" as if it's somehow less offensive to read than the actual word. Oh wait, you're one of them. Nevermind. Of course you will completely ignore the fact that only the most heavily sheltered prepubescent child wouldn't have ever seen or heard swearing before, making censorship in this regard completely pointless. You will also ignore the fact that there is quite a lot of IC crap and clearly talk page material that also shouldn't be on the page. Hell, the Totes and NQSIs defended having it there, remember? If you want quality, unbiased news summaries, then you should at least make your own reports match that description. (No, it's not what you were previously putting up, a summary is quite different from the mile long dialogues and biased crap the Totes and the NQSIs insisted they be allowed to place there.) –Xoid S•T•FU! 10:17, 7 September 2006 (BST)
- This is just another double standard for you guys with the talk. YOU say leave it as just news. Then go and sprout and rant and rave about the NQSI's isntead of just haivng it news. I didnt care untill you guys came in acting like its imposobile for it to be left the way it was. Want to change, eh, fine, but then dont do EXACLTY what you tell us not to. And for the language, in real life i curse; so? What i dont do is curse infront of younger people (which do play this game) out of decency (something you lack?). Why is cursing needed? Why is it sooo needed here? On the man page? Cursing there sounds an awful lot like "talk" instead of recent events. Just because you spend 95% of your life in UD escaping reality doensnt mean you own it. Cant you think of more clever comebacks and insults then calling people "pussies" & "fuckers" and "inbreeds"? Naw.... that would involve using brain cells, which you cant even spare on comman sense. SOOO glad we left Griggs and all this behind. You do realize its a game right? You certianly dont act like it at all. If you dont like something then move on, thats what we did. And when you guys leave Griggs (which WILL happen im sure of it, Girggs will never be what you invissioned) then the Totes will move back. So have fun bickering and stressing over a game, while i go out with friends and live a life. --Jackson 5 00:42, 8 September 2006 (BST)
- Uh, excuse me? Does "genocide" ring a bell? You started it, you continued it even after we tried to enforce some standards on the page. You refused to retract something that you knew was false. While there was hardly a lack of emotion in the last thing that I posted on the Griggs page at least it was true. "Cant you think of more clever comebacks and insults then calling people "pussies" & "fuckers" and "inbreeds"?", ah yes, I see Weber isn't the only amobea to frequent this page. Why exactly have you used more words than necessary? Did you word your sentences in that way to elicit a specific reaction from others? Why have you let emotion creep into your diatribe? Could it be that as you are only human you let emotion taint your argument? No, that couldn't be it, could it? On the whole DORIS and Red Rum did a far better job in keeping the news page clean of crap than you ever have. A single slip up does not an argument make.
- "SOOO glad we left Griggs and all this behind. You do realize its a game right? You certianly dont act like it at all. If you dont like something then move on, thats what we did.", as did we. You could've always checked Rezzens, but "Rezzens is evil!", as I'm sure you will attest. We moved on a few days ago to celebrate our victory. (Even if we didn't "hold" the suburb we still made it suicide to live there, which was the primary aim in my opinion.)
- "So have fun bickering and stressing over a game, while i go out with friends and live a life." — it takes all of five minutes to make a (usually) profanity laden post disparaging your intelligence and pointing out the obvious flaws in your arguments. I can spare five minutes of my day. So can you. What of it? –Xoid S•T•FU! 07:04, 8 September 2006 (BST)
- Jeez you eejit xoid, Jackson didnt post the original genocide quote it was Danny, who isnt a Tote or an Invisible AND it was posted on the discussion page. We then defended the use of this description of your group. We don't act like its a game, says the man getting quite so emotionally involved in this to be calling people 'dirty fucking cheating cunts', ah I see the pot and kettle are making yet another appearence.
- Your victory!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh man thats just too good! Another example of your totally unbiased news reporting no doubt ;) It was DORIS's stated aim to take over the suburb, didnt achieve that, then you certainly aren't victorious, no matter how you change your objectives now! You got kicked out, you know it, we know it, without RedRum's help you didnt have a chance in hell, so you ran. Good riddance, your obnoxiousness will not be missed. --JakeWeber 14:25, 10 September 2006 (BST)
- Firstly Totes/Invisibles/Danny? Do you honestly think I give a fuck about making a distinction for each individual's inanity when I was quite obviously adressing you all as a single entity? Secondly, did you even read the whole lot? I haven't complained about anyone calling me names, numbskull. I was complaining about someone only paying attention to the name calling instead of the crux of the argument. Which you have done once again. Way to prove my point. Thirdly: I thought the Invisibles aim was to make the suburb safe? You certainly didn't achieve that either. We were quite willing to let you gloat about having won a victory "by driving us off" or whatever the hell you want to claim, instead of saying both sides lost. Fourthly: without the Tote you wouldn't have had a chance in hell either, both sides called in allies, so shut your fucking yap. No, don't even say that Red Rum was there first. It doesn't fucking matter. You didn't do most of the work on your own, you didn't even do your fair share, so shut the fuck up. –Xoid S•T•FU! 14:59, 10 September 2006 (BST)
- Xoid you really don't do yourself any favours do you? Read the post, where did I say you were complaining about being called names, oh thats right I didn't... I just pointed out your double standards in trying to make out that others were taking the game too seriously.
- If you reply to Jackson and say 'you' started it, (which in itself is a playground level of argument), people will read that as you saying 'Jackson' started it, he didn't which I pointed out, don't get your knickers in a twist about it. This whole seperate topic was started about the name calling, so Jackson didnt ignore the crux of your argument (such as it was), he's replied on that elsewhere, he simply politely asked everyone to be a bit more civil. If anything you ignored his argument, as stated he started this topic specifically about the 'name calling'.
- You thought the Invisibles aim was to make the suburb safe? Well now we've driven you off we have made it safer, the fact the suburbs safety level dropped for a month doesnt mean we lost too. You would have won if you had taken the suburb, Griggs won if we drove you off, so its pretty fucking obvious who won. As for the gloating, Xoid 'We were quite willing to let you gloat about having won a victory "by driving us off"', the first time I have posted any such thing was in rebuttal to your post above mate, xoid 'We moved on a few days ago to celebrate our victory.' ;)
- Looking on resensitized it looks like Sonny is holding a DORIS victory party, because he free ran through the suburb and couldnt see any enemies, but you know Im sure there's no gloating going on there either eh. I actually thought Sonny despised those who stayed in the safety of another suburb and then barricade strafed (see his rants about Ridleybank), quite a similar tactic to the one he employs to declare his victory. Anyway he must be blind if he missed us cause there were four Invisibles and a hell of a lot of independent enemies of DORIS in Griggs on the 5th when he posted that.
- The Totes were not in Griggs for the vast majority of the fight, Im not sure how that escaped you. It was the independents of Griggs who played a big part in your defeat, something we are very grateful to them for. I never stated the Invisibles alone drove you off, nor did I even imply it, I said you got kicked out, which lets face it you did, at no point did I say we were the only ones involved in that! Perhaps if you took the time to read and comprehend others posts you wouldnt need that pointed out to you.
- Your statement xoid 'Even if we didn't "hold" the suburb we still made it suicide to live there, which was the primary aim in my opinion.)', twist and turn all you like, DORIS's stated objectives were to take and hold the suburb, you didnt even come close to achieving that. It certainly wasnt suicide to sleep there either, I often did and woke up alive. Just as often I wound up dead, it was certainly more dangerous but it wasn't suicide.
- We didnt even do our fair share, ha ha ha ha, we'll let the inhabitants of Griggs decide if they think thats true or just you being a sore loser. Oh and the reason I pointed out without RedRum you didn't have a chance, that would be because they had guts and fought well. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Jakeweber (talk • contribs) at an unknown time.
- Oh btw you STILL havent addressed your double standards on the 'controversy' page. --JakeWeber 15:42, 10 September 2006 (BST)
- That would be because you have a habit of constantly revising your posts. (Check the history people, it seems posting once isn't this guy's strong point.) You did say it, but it's gone now. Proof. Me? I make the assumption that someone isn't going to constantly rewrite everything five times and answer it when it first comes up. Seriously, if you're gonna revise your posts that often, you should just use the preview button. The rest of your post? Are you on crack? Some kind of mental deficiency? Were you dropped on your head as a baby? 'Cause if it ain't that, or something similiar, then I have no idea why you can't use basic comprehension skills. Jackson 5 was the one who dragged this off topic. You can hardly blame me for replying to his continual use of circle jerk logic.
- "Anyway he must be blind if he missed us cause there were four Invisibles and a hell of a lot of independent enemies of DORIS in Griggs on the 5th when he posted that." — it takes a minimum 100 AP to fully cover a suburb and 50 on average to cover every building. So he missed a few buildings in a corner. Oooh, shame. Of course, I know that Red Rum ran sweeps of the suburb too and came up dry, so forgive me if I take your word with a grain of salt. Bored with the lack of targets, they decided to move on and we did likewise. Killing the same 10 guys — who were staying in separate suburbs before we started, mind you, so that counters your whining over Sonny deciding to use Molebank as a base — over and over gets old.
- Not reading? That's something you do often, you fucking idiot. Here's a few instances of you doing that:
- I never said that you didn't have help, I said that you didn't succeed in your stated objective. That means you lost as well, dipshit. Strike one.
- I never said that the Totes were in the entire time, merely that I lumped you together because you all spewed the same shit, over and over. Strike two.
- I never said that you posted something to the effect of "NQSIs won!", I said that we were quite willing to let you do likewise. Strike three.
- "I just pointed out your double standards in trying to make out that others were taking the game too seriously.", you're pointing out my double standings out, because I pointed yours out? Ooooh. Great tactic, except for the fact that I don't take the game seriously, and you didn't manage to find a single instance of "double standards". You know it, I know it. I just enjoy arguing with fuckwits such as yourself. –Xoid S•T•FU! 17:49, 10 September 2006 (BST)
- Xoid 'That would be because you have a habit of constantly revising your posts.' oh really! I edited my post at 14.25 (allowing for the GMT/BST time change your proof bears this out), a whole 7 minutes later. Xoid 'Me? I make the assumption that someone isn't going to constantly rewrite everything five times and answer it when it first comes up.' Well you didnt answer it when it first came up did you, you answered at 14.59, a whole 34 minutes after my amended version was put up, so you would have seen what appears there now, had you read it...
- Xoid 'Jackson 5 was the one who dragged this off topic.', I'm not sure how thats possible as it was Jackson 5 that started this topic and the topic he started was about the name calling on here. Not all topics on the Griggs discusiion board are about the controversy.
- Jackson 5 'Is it to much to ask that cursing, and emotionaly attatchements be left out? You yell at us for using it like a discusion then use it basicly the same way yourself. Also, tho im not trying to sound in anyway religious, pure, nice, blah blah blah, could we leave the cursing off? It doesnt make you sound any smarter to call somone a fucker. --Jackson 5 01:32, 25 August 2006 (BST)'
- Xoid 'it takes a minimum 100 AP to fully cover a suburb and 50 on average to cover every building. So he missed a few buildings in a corner.' Xoid we were spread out around the suburb and I know there was one Invisible and many independent enemies in the heavily populated area around Merson, he couldnt possibly have missed them all if he did anything like a proper sweep.
- Xoid 'I know that Red Rum ran sweeps of the suburb too and came up dry', Rick mentioned that in a conversation between him and Sirens, she noted seeing Rick In Griggs as she left.
- I dont know RedRums reasons for leaving but for Doris to be claiming they were Xoid 'Bored with the lack of targets' and hence left is just BS. There were plenty of targets, not just the same 10 guys, your stated objective was to wipe out ALL survivors in Griggs not just Invisibles so as usual you're full of it. You couldnt fufil your stated objective so you left, seems more like it.
- Xoid 'who were staying in separate suburbs before we started, mind you, so that counters your whining over Sonny deciding to use Molebank as a base ' we weren't staying in seperate suburbs when you started killing in Griggs, if you had paid attention you may have noted that. I wasn't whining about Sonny staying in Molebank, I dont care he did that, its a good tactic. I was simply pointing out that for a man who whines about 'barricade strafers' in Ridleybank and uses them as an excuse to not change the suburbs threat level, as they arent sleeping there, to then turn round and declare victory on the strength of a half arsed sweep of Griggs is kind of funny.
- 1. Xoid 'I never said that you didn't have help, I said that you didn't succeed in your stated objective.' firstly where exactly have NQSI stated that was our objective, our stated objective in this fight was simply to drive you out, that happened therefore we didnt lose. No you never said we didnt have help, you implied that I was stating we hadn't had help in driving you out. Xoid 'without the Tote you wouldn't have had a chance in hell either, both sides called in allies, so shut your fucking yap.' and 'You didn't do most of the work on your own, you didn't even do your fair share, so shut the fuck up.' I was pointing out to you that at no point had I said we didnt have help. Not reading my post I have come to expect of you Xoid, not reading your own thats a new low.
- 2. Xoid 'I never said that the Totes were in the entire time, merely that I lumped you together because you all spewed the same shit, over and over.' What you said was 'without the Tote you wouldn't have had a chance in hell either', it was this comment I was replying to, that should be fairly obvious, even for you. It seems perfectly reasonable for me to then point out, that in fact the Totes weren't there most of the time and that therefore without the Totes not only did we have a chance but in fact succeded in driving you out. I then went on to make clear that a lot of the reason we did do so was because of the help the Independents in Griggs gave by also killing you guys. Missing the point, yet again.
- 3. Xoid 'I never said that you posted something to the effect of "NQSIs won!"', no you didnt nor did I claim you had, I was responding to this little quote Xoid 'We were quite willing to let you gloat about having won a victory "by driving us off" or whatever the hell you want to claim,' by making it clear that we had restrained from gloating as you apparently expected us to and showing that in fact the first person to come on here claiming victory was you, Xoid 'We moved on a few days ago to celebrate our victory.'. But hey way to miss the point as always. In baseball parlaince I believe its time for a new batter.
- Xoid 'except for the fact that I don't take the game seriously,' no Xoid clearly its a light hearted thing for you. I wonder how I could possibly have gotten the impression that the man posting such little niceties as 'dirty, fucking cheating cunts' might perhaps be taking the game a little too seriously. You'll note I never came on here and said lighten up Xoid or similar, I don't care that you take things too seriously, done it myself from time to time. I only commented on this when you started giving Jackson shit about it.
- There are two seperate topics on you double standards in the controversy page, you havent addressed either. If anyone is interested in seeing that all they have to do is read that page.JakeWeber 19:07, 10 September 2006 (BST)
- Firstly Totes/Invisibles/Danny? Do you honestly think I give a fuck about making a distinction for each individual's inanity when I was quite obviously adressing you all as a single entity? Secondly, did you even read the whole lot? I haven't complained about anyone calling me names, numbskull. I was complaining about someone only paying attention to the name calling instead of the crux of the argument. Which you have done once again. Way to prove my point. Thirdly: I thought the Invisibles aim was to make the suburb safe? You certainly didn't achieve that either. We were quite willing to let you gloat about having won a victory "by driving us off" or whatever the hell you want to claim, instead of saying both sides lost. Fourthly: without the Tote you wouldn't have had a chance in hell either, both sides called in allies, so shut your fucking yap. No, don't even say that Red Rum was there first. It doesn't fucking matter. You didn't do most of the work on your own, you didn't even do your fair share, so shut the fuck up. –Xoid S•T•FU! 14:59, 10 September 2006 (BST)
- Like to add, i ran an alt of mine though the area when i heard DORIS claim there where no enemys, and i saw about 5 NQSI's, 3 G.o.B.'s (glad thier back) and 4 people i know who are independent but aiding Griggs. And i found them all VERY easly and still had enough AP to sprint out of the area (i didnt check profile's either, so there may have been more, i dont know all the G.o.B.'s and NQSI's names). I find it very hard to belive Sonny could not find one enemy unless he ran outside all the buildings. But i digress, its goten off topic. The orginal point was why Xoid (i belive...) felt it ok to curse and rant, and use the main page as a discussion, when he yelled at US for the same dang thing. And also that calling somone "fucking cheating cunts" on the main page is in itself idiotic. The only brilliant man i have heard curse during a speach was Patton, and thats a bit different. BTW NQSI's; the Totes will be back to take it all away now that you won :) Jackson 5 00:00, 11 September 2006 (BST)
- "There are two seperate topics on you double standards in the controversy page, you havent addressed either. If anyone is interested in seeing that all they have to do is read that page." — you can keep lying until your blue in the face, it doesn't change the fact that those points were countered, then you simply repeated yourself and claimed they were not. It's somewhat of an art you have down pat, twisting people's words to fit what you want them to mean, and out right lying when you can't.
- In the early days, when you outnumbered us (like I said on the other page) things weren't looking too good, once a few more DORIS and Red Rum members came in things picked up for us. Then you made the alliance with Totes, the first few days of that was enough to put us off guard until you could get your shit together with the independents. Without the Totes to buy you some time it wouldn't have become a battle of attrition, it would've been a push over. That was until the rest of both groups showed up, where while you fought the good fight, you didn't make much of an impact.
- "I don't care that you take things too seriously, done it myself from time to time. I only commented on this when you started giving Jackson shit about it." — Again, I don't take the game too seriously. I take arguing with idiots too seriously. Trying to browbeat some intellect into your thick skull, while it may be an impossible endeavour, is not something I've given up on yet.
- "…showing that in fact the first person to come on here claiming victory was you, Xoid." — If I'm gloating, I think I'd know about it, fool. If I were gloating I'd say something along the lines of 'We left to find some real competition, someone or something that didn't need to resort to cheating. Cheating that was required so they'd just lose instead of getting completely whitewashed.', but no, I didn't say that. Nothing even close.
- "Not reading my post I have come to expect of you Xoid, not reading your own thats a new low." — Is missing the obvious your hobby? Do I need to explain everything to you that you miss? Since you do have a long history of missing the obvious, I will once again preemptively point out something before you make an ass out of yourself. For the forty-third time. I responded to the inevitable, inane comment that you'd have replied with before you could even make it.
- "Well you didnt answer it when it first came up did you, you answered at 14.59, a whole 34 minutes after my amended version was put up, so you would have seen what appears there now, had you read it..." — I go out of the room for a drink, watch a short TV program, come back, quickly re-read over my response and press "save page". Never thought about that happening, did you brightspark? Oh, and again, I'll preemptively answer your inane, inevitable comment "But edit conflicts!", no, edit conflicts are supposed to occur when that happens, but the software regularly glitches.
- "I was simply pointing out that for a man who whines about 'barricade strafers' in Ridleybank and uses them as an excuse to not change the suburbs threat level, as they arent sleeping there, to then turn round and declare victory on the strength of a half arsed sweep of Griggs is kind of funny." — I've totally lost count of the number of logical fallacies you've concocted. In case you still haven't figured it out, we moved on because you managed to bore us to death, not through actual combat. I tried to say it nicely, and in such a way that you could also claim some part of victory through actually having won through virtue of your skill or something, but boring was your strong point. Should I go put that on the news page now? "NQSIs managed to, with the assistance of some other people and Lebende Tote, bore DORIS and Red Rum to tears through their being unworthy opponents of the Red and Green juggernauts?", wait, did I forget to mention cheating there? My bad.
- Ah fuck it. Guess what? You've bored me to tears here too. Don't expect a response. –Xoid S•T•FU! 14:38, 11 September 2006 (BST)
- Ah I started typing out a reply to all this but if he is not even going to respond whats the point. Read the whole thing, make your own minds up about who's guilty of being an idiot here.JakeWeber 15:36, 11 September 2006 (BST)
- Actually belay that, I'm bored enough to spend some more time on this
- 1. You haven't addressed your double standards Xoid but as you clearly weren't going to, I suggested anyone interested in seeing that read the page and make their own mind up. As opposed to you who simply resorted to accusations of lying.
- 2.We could argue about who was more effective all day here and neither of us would give ground. We allied with The Totes at the very start of the 'Invasion', they were gone for nicer climes a week later. If we didnt make much of an impact why didnt you push us out, was it simply because of the Independents? We were the ones who organised a board for the defence of Griggs and were instrumental in getting the area organised enough to fight you off and we did it in the two days following your arrival. But hey we had nothing to do with your defeat eh! Ha ha ha ha
- 3. If you didnt take the game seriously, you wouldnt have got your knickers in such a twist about the so called 'cheating' going on.
- 4. Did I say you had gloated? No I simply pointed out the first person to come on here claiming victory was you, which a quick read of this page will show to be true. I only did this because you posted this, Xoid 'We were quite willing to let you gloat about having won a victory "by driving us off" or whatever the hell you want to claim' and I wished to point out that we 'restrained from gloating as you apparently expected us to'. I made that quite clear in my post, which once again you failed to read properly.
- 5. My comment about failing to read your own post was pointing out this, you made these claims Xoid 'without the Tote you wouldn't have had a chance in hell either, both sides called in allies, so shut your fucking yap.' and 'You didn't do most of the work on your own, you didn't even do your fair share, so shut the fuck up.'
- I responded by making it clear we had never claimed we didnt have help. Jake 'The Totes were not in Griggs for the vast majority of the fight, Im not sure how that escaped you. It was the independents of Griggs who played a big part in your defeat, something we are very grateful to them for. I never stated the Invisibles alone drove you off, nor did I even imply it, I said you got kicked out, which lets face it you did, at no point did I say we were the only ones involved in that!'
- So you responded with this
- 'I never said that you didn't have help, I said that you didn't succeed in your stated objective. That means you lost as well, dipshit. Strike one.'
- To which I responded
- 'firstly where exactly have NQSI stated that was our objective, our stated objective in this fight was simply to drive you out, that happened therefore we didnt lose. No you never said we didnt have help, you implied that I was stating we hadn't had help in driving you out. Xoid 'without the Tote you wouldn't have had a chance in hell either, both sides called in allies, so shut your fucking yap.' and 'You didn't do most of the work on your own, you didn't even do your fair share, so shut the fuck up.' I was pointing out to you that at no point had I said we didnt have help. Not reading my post I have come to expect of you Xoid, not reading your own thats a new low.'
- Hence the accusation of not reading your own or my posts. How exactly was any of your post, you preemptively pointing out anything? Xoid 'I responded to the inevitable, inane comment that you'd have replied with before you could even make it.', look at those posts, in light of that do you really think what you said about replying to a 'possible' post of mine makes ANY sense? You didnt even manage to adress the points I was making. Oh and you also managed to ignore the bit where I pointed out that you pulled our 'stated' objective out of your arse, something you are quite good at.
- 6. Of course it occured to me you might have popped off to watch telly then replied, however as you were dumb enough to post this 'Me? I make the assumption that someone isn't going to constantly rewrite everything five times and answer it when it first comes up.'. I decided to make it clear that you had not in fact answered it when it first came up, get it now?
- 7. You have once again ignored the whole of my point there Xoid, quite something given you quote it all. Sonny claiming victory on the basis of a half arse sweep of Griggs is BS. See Jacksons post on this as well. Yeah we bored you to death, the 'red and green juggernauts' could have had us at any time, they just somehow failed to.
- 8. You also ignored my pointing out that Jackson started this topic and had stayed completely on point at the time you accused him of changing the subject.
9. Jackson, apologies for pulling this topic further off topic and for any swearing there may be in here ;)JakeWeber 16:34, 11 September 2006 (BST)
Rick mentioned that in a conversation between him and Sirens, she noted seeing Rick In Griggs as she left. What you fail to mention is that I left Griggs after the rest of the group left as I was going in a completely different direction. Also, I saw him just outside Griggs. Please don't use my words without my permission. Thank you. --SirensT RR 13:04, 11 September 2006 (BST)
Okay, now I've read a bit more of that. Red Rum and DORIS left for two reasons. The first, and most important, was that we got bored. Okay, you had, what was it again? About 5 NQSI's, 3 G.o.B.'s (glad thier back) and 4 people. Considering how many people out groups had together, that hardly presents a challenge. Not only that, but the general group impression was that the suburb had been pretty effectively smeared. The second, and this mostly applies to Red Rum, is that we didn't feel like playing the game with a bunch of people who, while they may not have cheated themselves, willfully allowed others to use forum spies by not reprimanding the person responsible, nor deleteing the post in question, nor informing us of the spy. --SirensT RR 13:49, 11 September 2006 (BST)
- Ok firstly apologies if you are offended about me using your words, I did make it clear it was relayed to me third hand. Jackson wasn't saying that was how many people we had in total, just how many he personally had seen in a quick run through Griggs at the same time Sonny declared he couldn't find a single enemy i.e. he was refuting Sonny's specific claim. Oddly enough as you guys were mostly sleeping in the suburbs around Griggs, many of those fighting you were there too, both for safety and to hunt you guys down. I did note above that I wasnt commenting on RedRum's reasons for leaving, but was challenging Doris's assertion they left because they were bored and couldnt find us. We obviously posed enough of a challenge to your groups to ensure that Doris's stated aim of taking and holding the suburb (which you were aiding them with, with your wholesale slaughter) never happened.JakeWeber 15:36, 11 September 2006 (BST)
- I love how you very neatly skipped over the last sentence of my reply, especially seeing as how it was highlighted via linkage. --SirensT RR 15:38, 11 September 2006 (BST)
- Sirens I've gone into GREAT detail about our feelings on our tactics in the Griggs controversy page. Given that that the whole discussion was moved there to presumably free up space here I don't think its necessary to start typing it all out again. Its all there for anyone interested enough to read it.JakeWeber 15:51, 11 September 2006 (BST)
- First off, its ok, i know these things have a tendencie to fly away from the main point, could somone edit this area into two seperate groups? If i do then some people who dont like me will pounce. But this appears to be what it is. Red Rum pulled out for whatever reason, doesnt matter because with the Totes gone (BTW we mostly kept the north unbaracaded and thus funnled the fight to the south. Most of the actualy killings where done by humans) and with R.R. gone it was down to basics- DORIS v.s. Grigg residents. They knew who to expect when they came, it says right on the main page who was in Griggs (even if the G.o.B.'s are all but gone). Truth of it was DORIS could not take Griggs without help, not then, not now. With thier allies gone they hadnt the power to complete their "articles". Its much easier for them to claim that thier enemies are gone, then to say "we havent the power to do what we said we could do on our own". Heck, i could say the Totes can single handedly take Cigar mall, but unless we somehow do that it doesnt mean squat. I could say we are going to take over all Malton, then gather allies and start. But if 3 weeks later everyone else pulls out i cant say "well the reason we lost was because we had no more friends left", NO, the reason we lost would have been due to a lack of power from us. R.R. can atleast argue cheating had some effect on them, DORIS cant since NO such action was taken on them. And which of the 4 artles on Griggs did DORIS accomplish? Saying the reason you are leaving is because you dont have allies is a moote point. Grand lesson learned, dont claim you can do something when you are in no way powerful enough to do it yourself DORIS. (now im guilty of getting off topic...)Jackson 5 18:45, 11 September 2006 (BST)
- Sirens I've gone into GREAT detail about our feelings on our tactics in the Griggs controversy page. Given that that the whole discussion was moved there to presumably free up space here I don't think its necessary to start typing it all out again. Its all there for anyone interested enough to read it.JakeWeber 15:51, 11 September 2006 (BST)
- I love how you very neatly skipped over the last sentence of my reply, especially seeing as how it was highlighted via linkage. --SirensT RR 15:38, 11 September 2006 (BST)
So, does this mean DORIS left Grigg Heights as well? Danny Floyd 10:15, 15 September 2006 (BST)
- Think so, they i think are at Yagatown now. Since Red Rum pulled out DORIS doesnt have the strength. When was the last time you where PKed?Jackson 5 22:06, 15 September 2006 (BST)
2 weeks ago? Can´t remember. It used to be real bad, when they first appeared, but after we struck back, their presence seems to have faded. Danny Floyd 11:15, 17 September 2006 (BST)
- Thought so. They changed what they said they wanted to do to. First it was all things would be ruled under them, only they would be allowed in, and anyone else would be erradicated. That Griggs would be a place feared by everyone, knowing that if they came into Griggs they would die. But since that hasnt happened they now say "we killed a bunch of people and forced a PK war between incocents" Which also didnt really happen now did it? They have even said they spent most their time dead or waiting for a revive while here. O well. Who has Griggs? Who killed more? Who kept their enemies OUT of Griggs while sleeping IN Griggs? How can anyone say DORIS won? Once Red Rum was gone the safty in Griggs went WAY up too, showing it was all them. I also find it funny the people they PKed (normal indv.'s) came back to Griggs and continued life, totaly fearlessJackson 5 02:11, 18 September 2006 (BST)
- I suggest we archive this as there is no point in keeping it here any longer. Hopefully the bickering is over for now. Carl Panzram 16:23, 2 November 2006 (UTC)
- I agree with Carl here. It's been a few months since all of this has ended and hopefully with the a new year coming, we can all approach this topic with calmer heads. I vote to achive this as well. --Balistic 04:25, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
You just refuse to have civil relations, don't you? I placed "A Thankyou" where it could easily be seen (next to the top of the page) and, surprise surprise, it was completely ignored. For those wishing to see it, it has now been moved to the bottom of the Grigg Heights Controversy page. This adds to the polite response I left at the start of all of this, which, though a member of The (not quite so) Invisibles replied, it was not copied with the rest of that conversation, despite that being copied without my knowledge.
All of my attempts to be civil have been utterly ignored, and worse: left where most wouldn't see them, despite the fact my initial question was easily copied here.
That these attempts at diplomacy were so willingly ignored disgusts me. Karloth vois RR 14:42, 7 September 2006 (BST)
- Karloth I've just posted a wee bit on your user page. I posted underneath the copied 'pker in pked shock' dont know if you have seen that? I copied that whole thing at the same time as replying on our group page i.e. before you had replied. In the heat of the massive arguments going on here, I completely forgot it was even there. You're right though it was rude not to go back and copy your polite reply in there too, apologies. Hadnt evens ee your thank you noe I'll go reply now ;)JakeWeber 14:18, 10 September 2006 (BST)
- Ahh, shucks. Listen Mr."War Criminal" Vois: I think you seemed to have forgotten the main goal of your group. To mindlessly kill as many survivors as possible. Do you think the inhabitants of Griggs are gonna resort to diplomacy? Also, Ah guess your pal Xoid needs a cartload of soap to clean out his dirty mouth with all the baaaad words he spread on the discussion section. So you´d better start start with him, when it comes to complaining about uncivilized behaviour...
- So, don´t come up to us with this "Oh, I´m such an understanding person and everybody around here is so rude and mean, I think I´m gonna stand in the corner and grumble on a bit". I mean I do understand it is hard for you, being the forums running gag (PKer Killed again? *lol*), but you could at least show some pride instead of resorting to general whining.
- (Aaaand I´m still too dumb to link my profile, guess you´ll have to find my up and in person)
- Danny Floyd 18:22, 7 September 2006 (BST)
- Karl, i know if Sirens had posted a thank you i would have replied, she has kept her cool throughout all of this, and has done no wrong. You on the other hand.....Jackson 5 00:42, 8 September 2006 (BST)
- "My Pker was Pked" as I have explained, was an attempt to find out where you were getting your information from. I explained this, along with a courteous reply on the Invisibles talk page. It was only later that I found out only the first, misleading, part of that conversation had been posted here. That's what got me riled up, not your comments. Karloth vois RR 13:44, 8 September 2006 (BST)
Cheers to the people who've replied on my talk page- Glad to hear you had a good time (outside of the wiki...) too! Karloth vois RR 14:38, 10 September 2006 (BST)
- That was me, sorry I need to remember to sign my posts!JakeWeber 16:03, 10 September 2006 (BST)
Are they still being done through the board or is it dead? If its dead could it be deleted? Should the revive paragraph just be "get to riddles and mrh? a lot?"Jackson 5 21:50, 12 September 2006 (BST)
- Just remove the board I reckon, if it does turn out to be active just tell the other person to put it back up there. After all you have allowed reasonable time for someone to say that it's still active so it's not unfair if you do remove it. Well thats what I reckon anyway. - Jedaz - 05:33/20/03/2025 04:39, 18 September 2006 (BST)
It was a good idea. Although I come to use it, except to stay informed on PKers, I guess it helped to coordinate efforts and it was jolly good for morale anyway. It´ll probably come in handy again when the Totes return.Danny Floyd 13:50, 18 September 2006 (BST)
- It was nice, really every burb should have one. I say keep it for its list's, incase someone does ask for a revive, and incase we return (which we will now that DORIS has retreated).Jackson 5 20:43, 18 September 2006 (BST)
- Yeah lets keep it. I think Rick was worried it had been cracked after that RedRum list got posted but we can password it up and send all you guys the password. I'll get Admin rights from Rick and get on itJakeWeber 20:26, 20 September 2006 (BST)
- The Totes dont need any passwords. The alliance is over since DORIS and Red Rum are gone. If they ever come back tho we will see what happens. Good to be back to normal tho lol. Jackson 5 21:35, 20 September 2006 (BST)
Barricading Policy
This is the current (proposed) Barricading Policy for Grigg Heights (map #1 of 2).
00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | |
50 | H | |||||||||
51 | PD | H | ||||||||
52 | H | |||||||||
53 | H | H | ||||||||
54 | AS | |||||||||
55 | AS | |||||||||
56 | ||||||||||
57 | PD | PD | ||||||||
58 | RP | PD | H | |||||||
59 | NT |
Unenterable Buildings | |||
Extremely Heavily Barricaded | Phone Mast | ||
Enterable Buildings | |||
Auto Shop | Fire Station | ||
Hospital | NecroTech | ||
Police Department | School | ||
Other VSB Buildings | Unbarricaded Buildings | ||
Other Locations | |||
Street | Monument | ||
Cemetery | Revivification Point |
UBP Discussion
This is a first template of the barricading plan. All suggestions from local groups are greatly appreciated to make improvements concerning the barricading policy. Please note that current cade levels have been generated by this generator, so it will probably make no sense at all at this moment... hence the discussion *grin* - Kind regards, --John Cannonfodder 22:33, 18 September 2006 (BST)
Ok The (not quite so) Invisibles would prefer we stuck to something like this.
- Rationale :
- The Merson Building is the only NT Building for miles, it must stay in Survivor hands or the suburb is lost. I appreciate this is hard on NT newbies but really they should be buying Free Running before Revive skills, for DNA Scanning they dont need access.
- Blaxall EH Duplicate PD no need to have two PD's next to each other at VS
- The two standalone buildings Moodbourne Library and St Laurence's Chrich should be VS max to avoid PK groups hiding out in there.
- Adding more VS Buildings to the East and West of the suburb helps out Newbies. Means there are enough VS buildings that they can spread out, stops zombies knowing they have a guaranteed snack at any VS building. However it keeps the centre of South Griggs mostly EH this gives high level survivors room to spread out while still being in AP efficient range of the main battle ground in Griggs (The Merson Building)
- I've left the North of Griggs alone in this plan, we tend to stick to South Griggs/North Crooketon so we dont normally patrol out there.
- Residents of Griggs, let us know what you think.JakeWeber 14:24, 20 September 2006 (BST)
- I certainly agree with the NT-building and one of the two neighbouring PD's to be at EHB The same could be proposed for the two hospitals at [08,53] and [09,53]. It also makes perfect sense to keep the stand-alone buildings at VS+2 max.
- May I suggest to keep more buildings at EHB? A good rule of thumb is to state that a survivor must be able to reach a VS+2 entrypoint within two moves (plus a third move to enter the building) from any place on the map. Another rule of thunb that is used is that every EHB building is at a maximum of two moves away from a VSB entrypoint. Regards, --John Cannonfodder 23:02, 20 September 2006 (BST)
- I think the barricading policy is looking more and more solid. The NT building must be kept at EHB at all times! I´ve seen it fall and believe me, once it comes down the whole suburb falls. Now I also see Lees PD at VS and Blaxall at EHB as a logical solution. Let´s use Lees as an Entry point and Blaxall as an Ammo HQ. I also like John Cannonfodders idea of keeping VS+2 and EHB buildings mixed and kept two blocks apart. Makes perfect sense. What about an alternative barricading plan (Operation "Fortress" :lol )in case the Totes return?Anyway, it´s good to be back home and seeing people rebuild this suburb in a proper way. --Danny Floyd 09:02, 21 September 2006 (BST)
A suggestion on barricade plans by Seryna, which I incorporates John Cannonfodders concept of mixing EH and VS+2 buildings. With some strategically placed EH resource building, this is looking very good indeed. Please click on the link :
[[2] --Danny Floyd 09:02, 21 September 2006 (BST)
Mm that link shows Merson and Blaxall at VS is that how you meant it to show Danny? I think at least one of the Auto shops should be EH as wellJakeWeber 10:47, 22 September 2006 (BST)
Sorry, was a bit busy at the time, so I couldn´t be more precise. Now, you´re right Jake, the following buildings should be at EHB in any case: Merson (NT), Blaxall, St.Julius. About the Auto Repair Shops, lets put Kemp building at EHB. I can´t say how often I scarpered into Mack building with my last two AP´s coming in from the north :). Okay, I hope my opinion on this is a bit clearer now. What about other people´s opinions? I can see that many won´t be happy with the concept of barricading resource buildings to EHB, but those buidlings are important in holding the suburb. And there will be 2 PD´s and 4 hospitals staying at VS+2, so hopefully that should suffice. --Danny Floyd 12:02, 23 September 2006 (BST)
- To help illustrate a few additions, I edited the top version of the two BP maps… NT-building [05,59] at EHB, Blaxall Way PD [05,58] and St. Julius’s Hospital [09,53] at EHB. The ‘twin’ PD and HP can hold a running genny easier without getting breached. The North side is caded as per Seryna’s proposal. Many resource buildings have a VSB non-descript building right nextdoor so non-freerunners can be advised to sleep nextdoor instead of the resource building itself. I also took out a few VSB-buildings: every EHB-building can be reached in two moves from an entrypoint. We might want to add a few VSB-buildings back though… next to resource buildings, for instance? --John Cannonfodder 19:14, 25 September 2006 (BST)
Well, ah guess we´re back to Operation "Fortress" right now? Just barricade any house you can find and try to keep the Totes out! --Danny Floyd 22:02, 29 September 2006 (BST)
- Barricade Plans are tools to help everybody know the cade levels in a 'normal' situation: now that the Lebende Tote are planning to have a party, it is of course possible to temporarily change cading policies to for instance an "Operation Fortress" tactic. The Barricade Policy discussion itself should continue however, so we can reach an agreement of sorts... We have the bottom plan, plus my latest suggestion, which I edited into the top plan: it has elements of Seryna's BP, the suggestions above, a few VSB-buildings taken away (which still leaves more buildings at VS+2 than the Uniform Barricading Policy requires, by the way)... What do you guys think? Regards, --John Cannonfodder 15:30, 6 October 2006 (BST)
- Well, let me tell you guys that as a member of Lebende Tote....I'm seriously impressed with the Barricade plan you all have put in place. Your making the game a little hard on us, and that's good for the game. Keep up the good work. By the way Cannonfodder, Party On Dude!!!!--Balistic 03:49, 7 October 2006 (BST)
- Yeah, well life is one big party mate, you should try it sometime... Come back to the light... *grin* Anyway, altered the top plan a bit: instead of [1,56], I made two VSB safehouses: [1,57] and [2,55]. The school at [1,57] follows the idea of the Uniform Barricading Policy that schools are good places for low-level players (books are a slow way to gain XP, but still...); It also is an easy non-descript safehouse for newbs to go to to avoid sleeping in the PD's both East and West from it. The [2,55] safehouse meets the requirement that each nine-block area should contain at least 1 VSB-entrypoint: note the block [1,53] to [3,55]: it's mostly streets, so UBP policy would probably be flexible for that square, but still... --John Cannonfodder 19:19, 21 October 2006 (BST)
- For the same reason we could consider making [6,52] an extra entrypoint. This would make the plan completely UBP compliant. The phone mast has been highlighted but, as the legenda of the map shows, is an EHB-building due to its importance. --John Cannonfodder 20:40, 21 October 2006 (BST)
00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | |
50 | H | |||||||||
51 | PD | H | ||||||||
52 | H | |||||||||
53 | H | H | ||||||||
54 | AS | |||||||||
55 | AS | |||||||||
56 | ||||||||||
57 | PD | PD | ||||||||
58 | RP | PD | H | |||||||
59 | NT |
Unenterable Buildings | |||
Extremely Heavily Barricaded | Phone Mast | ||
Enterable Buildings | |||
Auto Shop | Fire Station | ||
Hospital | NecroTech | ||
Police Department | School | ||
Other VSB Buildings | Unbarricaded Buildings | ||
Other Locations | |||
Street | Monument | ||
Cemetery | Revivification Point |
Barricade Plan, part 2
Grigg Heights is under an established barricade plan as decided by the Invisibles, MFD and Red Thresh Campus staff. The plan is denoted below:
This plan has been copied into the wiki format with 1 change: the warehouse [4,57] has been changed from VS+2 to EHB.
00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | |
50 | H | |||||||||
51 | PD | H | ||||||||
52 | H | |||||||||
53 | H | H | ||||||||
54 | AS | |||||||||
55 | AS | |||||||||
56 | ||||||||||
57 | PD | PD | ||||||||
58 | PD | H | ||||||||
59 | NT |
Unenterable Buildings | |||
Extremely Heavily Barricaded | Phone Mast | ||
Enterable Buildings | |||
Auto Shop | Fire Station | ||
Hospital | NecroTech | ||
Police Department | School | ||
Other VSB Buildings | Unbarricaded Buildings | ||
Other Locations | |||
Street | Monument | ||
Cemetery | Revivification Point |
This is a plan is based on the Uniform Barricading Policy with the following notable exceptions.
- Victor General Hospital [03,52] becomes EHB Exception for Multiple Resource Building in 9 block area
- St. Julius’s Hospital [08,53] becomes EHB Exception for Multiple Resource Building in 9 block area
- Blaxall Way Police Department [04,58] becomes EHB Exception for Multiple Resource Building in 9 block area
- The Merson NT Building [27,84] becomes EHB Only NT-building in a ten block radius and thus a prime target
This is the latest version of the barricade plan: it mostly reflects everything discussed above, save for two notable differences: Victor General hospital [3,52] has been upped to EHB because it is sandwiched between the hospitals at [1,51] and [6,50]. The second alteration is the lowering of the cades of the Langner Building [5,59] to VS+2. As this *might* be a topic of debate for some people, I thought I'd mention this. The reason for this decision was to provide a VS+2 entryway right next to Merson NT and its surrounding buildings. As there are enough EHB buildings left in the Merson area, this shouldn't be a problem. --John Cannonfodder 19:11, 29 January 2007 (UTC)
Who wants to help me on a project?
I've been thinking about putting a little info on each of the buildings in Griggs on it's article page. All of the buildings are blank at the moment. This could be helpful to any players that stay in this area whether they be zombie or survivor. I haven't done anything yet but was hoping that some of the more dedicated UD wiki users could help me out on this project. Information like barricade plans and known PK'rs that you don't want revived could be posted on those pages. So do I have any takers to help me on this project?--Balistic 17:19, 16 October 2006 (BST)
- Heh, if you really want I might have some screenshots of the kills/ deaths I got in Griggs (i.e. Karloth vois killed 3 innocent people here before being gunned down later that day) ;) --Karloth vois RR 01:42, 17 October 2006 (BST)
- Hey, that would be a good history for the building. So you still have those screen shots huh.....proof of the kill! :) --Balistic 02:15, 17 October 2006 (BST)
- Just checking with the group on the forum- unfortunately, I've moved computers lately and don't have any of my old screenies, but I'll see what everyone else has. --Karloth vois RR 11:18, 30 October 2006 (UTC)
- Hey, that would be a good history for the building. So you still have those screen shots huh.....proof of the kill! :) --Balistic 02:15, 17 October 2006 (BST)
I always try and add a little history to every building i pass through, whether its just the state of the barricades when i get there or something more important, so when i get there ill start work - Darkwater
I've added some stuff to The Loveridge Arms recently. --JustinMullins 02:32, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
Phone Mast status report
If you time, can we get you to update with the current status of your local phone mast? Thanks. Asheets 20:12, 14 February 2007 (UTC)