Talk:Hunters Anonymous
Heh, first on your talk page. Bhaller. So we don't have any hard feelings against you dickwads. We figure that Violet Begonia and the MCM crew probably charge ridiculous prices for the pap smears they have been giving you guys, what to screen for cervical cancer and all. So you had to come help her out right? Have fun killing our members who never hurt a fly in MCM though, maybe you'll just drive them too it. Either way, we will have fun continuing to do whatever the fuck we want, like we always have, since '05 (suck it bitches) and when you shitbags have long quit the game, maybe, just maybe we will remember you as the meaningless afterthoughts that you are.. er, were?... is it are or were? Damnit. Best of luck, and "Happy Hunting" hahaha. Douche bags. --Dhavid Grohl 14:59, 4 May 2009 (BST)
- Oh, and since when is it griefing to kill registered RG PKers? Thats a new one. We have been accused of Text Rape, Zerging, and even Griefing. But this "new" crime you have invented, this new form of griefing that involves never killing anyone that belongs to the MCM besides Violet Begonia (who we have screenshots of killing our members) is pretty novel. 5/5 for originality. 0/5 for lack of style. Still, better than some. Sorry for the double post, oh wait, not sorry at all. hey-oh! But I thought of that question after my original. --Dhavid Grohl 15:02, 4 May 2009 (BST)
- Ballz to the Whalls! DrQuincy, DrBoebboff 19:02, 5 May 2009 (BST)
- HA!
- Ballz to the Whalls! DrQuincy, DrBoebboff 19:02, 5 May 2009 (BST)
Dhavid Grohl said: |
We have been accused of Text Rape, Zerging, and even Griefing. |
Wow, TZH spamming and insulting people, being juvenile and yet scattered like goose shit in the wind at the first sign of danger? I guess if they weren't slamming their balls into Mark Whalberg, they might have enough left to put up a decent challenge. Nothing like Team Epic Fail to provide the least sport since shooting fish in a barrel.
Good luck on growing armpit hair, Dhavid, and hopefully I'll see you somewhere in Malton not hiding from a challenge for once. --R.D. 22:47, 9 May 2009 (BST)
- Rly? I accept your chalenge, whoever you may be, I hope you are not Quincy though I've killed that guy too many times. --Obi + Talk!|TZH|MDK 19:59, 14 May 2009 (BST)
- No, he is not Quincy. I am Quincy. Quincy thinks challenges are pretty boring. Besides I was not aiming at shooting you after your truth offer, until you continued shooting my teammates. That said... Ballz to the Whalls! DrBoebboff 21:33, 16 May 2009 (BST)
I'm surprised you don't know me, Obi, but then again TZH never struck me as a group keen on doing their homework. If you want to battle, I'm game, but to be quite frank my remark was more about Dhavid's apparent lack of fortitude when it comes to standing up to any kind of challenge then you. Last time I saw you in-game, you were crying for a first aid kit in a lit hospital in a safe suburb. I hope if you 'bring it' that you have more than that going for you. --R.D. Dean Hamilton 01:40, 22 May 2009 (BST)
- He hasn't heard of you because your a nobody. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 05:25, 22 May 2009 (BST)
- "you're", contraction of "you are", basic fucking English. Now, apologise. --
. <== DDR Approved Editor 05:34, 22 May 2009 (BST)
- HA! And to think that one contribution before that comment, you were saying this:
- "you're", contraction of "you are", basic fucking English. Now, apologise. --
Iscariot said: |
I invite you to explain why you are obeying these rules constitutes a difference with Cheese's rules explains the difference between what you're saying and precedence's example. |
- Sentence structure is also 'basic fucking english'. So learn it. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 06:42, 22 May 2009 (BST)
- But that would screw up his belief that the wizard really did give him a brain. --Karekmaps?! 15:41, 22 May 2009 (BST)
- Awww, Karek, is throwing tantrums and banning yourself from IRC channels not getting you enough attention? Poor baby. --
. <== DDR Approved Editor 20:11, 24 May 2009 (BST)
- Awww, Karek, is throwing tantrums and banning yourself from IRC channels not getting you enough attention? Poor baby. --
- @Mr.Unremarkable , I never... ok... rarely sleep in lit buildings and certainly not in a hospital Sir Nobody McBlend Gray. I want challenge NAOW or an admission that Obi is much more fantastic then you will ever be. Also, you must admit that DDR rocks
. --Obi + Talk!|TZH|MDK 16:24, 22 May 2009 (BST)
- Can we add on that he has to admit Iscariot's lack common sense?--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 19:02, 24 May 2009 (BST)
- This from the guy that's browbeaten his way to committing two separate acts in the last week that have got people escalated before, but you know full well that you'll not get the same because you're a sysop. --
. <== DDR Approved Editor 20:11, 24 May 2009 (BST)
- This from the guy that's browbeaten his way to committing two separate acts in the last week that have got people escalated before, but you know full well that you'll not get the same because you're a sysop. --
- Can we add on that he has to admit Iscariot's lack common sense?--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 19:02, 24 May 2009 (BST)
- But that would screw up his belief that the wizard really did give him a brain. --Karekmaps?! 15:41, 22 May 2009 (BST)
- Sentence structure is also 'basic fucking english'. So learn it. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 06:42, 22 May 2009 (BST)
TZH, again
Your little hoser minion NK just ate curb in Brooksville. Thats for showing your ugly mugs on our turf again. Thought maybe you shit eaters had learned your lessons. Shame on me for assuming you intelligent enough to accomplish such a task. Meh. Still, kudos for still being around almost two years later. Honestly shocked there. Figured you were flavor of the week fuckoffs. But two years long... brHavo on that one. Of course, you still suck, and can still tell it to my nuts. BALLS TO THE WHALLS! --Dhavid Grohl 03:35, 19 January 2011 (UTC)