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General Welcome

I just wanted to say thanks for putting up contact info and "Welcome to East Grayside" ... --Dunnigan Taggart 23:40, 30 March 2006 (BST)

Welcome to East Greyside!

As it seems you want to make East Greyside you home, and you are more than welcome to, but since the Special Tactics and Rescue Squad and the Southern Allience own EG, we are almost required to ask for your allience. And believe me, we need all the help we can get.

- Chris Hollis

Welcome to Hell

Welcome to Hell... err I mean East Grayside... If interested in an Alliance contact us, Southern Alliance--Virus002 21:20, 5 June 2006 (BST)

Your Attention is Requested

FedCom: Urban Dead is proposing an alliance for our mutual benefit. Please stop by our diplomatic forum so we can discuss the matter...

Ally request

Hello I am THrip the 'diplomat' of my group. If you are intrested contact us on our Forum

PH is a dedicated PKer group. They dishonorably broke the cease-fire treaty between the DEM and themselves, and in so doing, made an enemy of FedCom:UD, the CDF, and numerous other groups.

Just thought I should give an ally fair warning... --Terminator 18:41, 26 June 2006 (BST)

I belive you misunderstand, we fight against PH not with them.--THrip 21:42, 29 June 2006 (BST)

I started the group. I was once a member of this one. --Whap 10:19, 2 July 2006 (BST)


The NTCS use 27.70 as our frequency. Hope to see you around Spicer Hills sometime.

-Mikhail Vicktor 29 August, 2006 16:23 (EST)

Mercenaries.jpg Last Hope Mercenaries for Hire
Last Hope Mercenaries never die, they just go to hell to regroup.

Need a task done, we'll do it for you for a price, Hire!