Talk:Petition to Keep Monroeville
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I personally think Monroeville was slated for death the moment it was conceived. Any effort spent on Monroeville is a waste (as it should be). Put your effort into Malton! Just 'cause something new comes around, don't jump ship.. Malton will endure/ kevan won't change Monroeville...--Airborne88T|ZC|MI|E! 04:10, 12 March 2008 (UTC)
- Then don't play it. I know many players that have let most of their Malton alts idle to focus on playing Monroeville because it's actually fun with zombies being a threat and death mattering.--Karekmaps?! 05:53, 12 March 2008 (UTC)
- Mmm-K, I don't.--Airborne88
T|ZC|MI|E! 13:14, 12 March 2008 (UTC)
- "I know many players that have let most of their Malton alts idle to focus on playing Monroeville" my point exactly..--Airborne88
T|Z.Quiz|PSS 09:16, 20 March 2008 (UTC)
- I know many players that let their Malton characters idle out long ago because the game got boring, and are all back in the game now that Monroeville exists. It's not like Monroeville is just bleeding players from Malton, it's also bringing NEW (or old) people into the game that wouldn't be playing otherwise. In time some of those players may even find their way back to Malton. --Graaaaaaagh 20:02, 9 July 2008 (BST)
- "I know many players that have let most of their Malton alts idle to focus on playing Monroeville" my point exactly..--Airborne88
- Mmm-K, I don't.--Airborne88
Game Update
Looks like we got some of what we wanted. The new game update is ending new account signups on Friday. --Creeping Crud U 18:11, 25 March 2008 (UTC)
25th March 2008 * The quarantine is tightening around Monroeville. From Friday the 28th, new account creation will be disabled for Monroeville, the city's inhabitants will no longer idle out after five days, and they'll be left to fend for themselves. If you want to get in before the border closes, create a Monroeville character now. * The game's main city of Malton will be unaffected, and will continue to operate as usual.