Talk:Ungrateful Dead
Okay, here's the real deal from my POV. In response to your comment on our Discussion page, yeah. We have alts over in Fryerbank. Not zerging. IT's not even in the same side of the map. I'm sure you have alts, Nivlac. But those guys aren't spies. They're actual survivors who, currently, are working to secure the fort. We don't give 2 shits that you took Quartly, to be honest. Have it. I just thought it was cool to claim a building, so I did. But it's really not important because it's just a game. And, as in any post-apocalyptic scenario, if you don't fight for it, you deserve to lose it, right? So, it's yours. We're not going to fight you for it, we're not even going to come into that neighborhood except maybe to visit the mall. All we're concerned about there is saving the fort. We did it once, and by God we're going to do it again! :)
As for North Blythville, Niche said it best. We've actually been there for more than a year. We know it like the back of our hands. And the simple fact that there's only 9 of us (on a good day) continuing to cause so much havoc is amusing. There are 2 to 3 very strong organizations in that suburb and they've yet to stifle us. If the day should come that they actually coordinate and try to flush us out, then we might, might leave. But we're having too much fun laying it to ruin. As for the mall, yeah. They're really tough for a group our size. We took one down before. Whatever the suburb is NE of North Blythville. It took us a month of very specific and tactical sacking to lay it down. But we did manage. It wasn't very fun. Too much strategy involved. Zombies aren't supposed to be that smart.
As for the wikis, yeah. Funny. I didn't use sushi, though. It was the cocks of my victims. But that pic is close enough, I guess. :P -Steve Vance
- Well, you also have alts in NB, who are NOT in Kaishunin, so they could tell you not where the important buildings are, but say, where the TARGETS you wanna hit are (AKA my team)... that is cheating... you have alts there that can go building to building in human form, and let you know EXACTLY which building my guys are in, then have your team of zombies break in, and target my guys first. I have seen this, and know it's you, no need to argue the point. :)--CalvintheAXE 20:35, 20 August 2007 (BST)
- We don't have alts in North Blythville anymore. The only *spies* you could present would be our main characters while we were alive. Now we're all dead with brain rot. No spies. And when was the last time we even killed a member of UD? For real. And for the record, anytime we breach a building we *are* going to eat you first, if only for the reason that you guys are players we recognize. If you break into a building, are you going to chomp on the level 1 newb or the guy with headshot? If you think we've got spies, please go ahead and link the player ids for us. It'd tickle me to no end to find out who you think our *alts* are for *spying*. And there's nothing to deny, as you've provided only conjecture to date, no evidence of anything. Its time to put up, or shut up already. --Niche
- Heh I know for a FACT that you have alts in NB, who are not in Kaish. I'm not going to tell you the names, because then you could move them, and it would be harder for me to track you. Sorry... Talk more lies that's ok, you and I both know the truth. --CalvintheAXE 18:25, 22 August 2007 (BST)
- And again we call "retardation" until you prove it. Look, if we've got a bunch of alts, just name 1. Just 1. I'd imagine the people in NB would like to know this information you've claim you've got.. which again is just your best guesses as you've got 0 ways of substantiating anything. Hell, go ahead and just start killing the supposed spies. Why would you murder our "main" characters and not the alleged spies? Shit, you walked in and gunned down Steve in his sleep for what you assumed initially was his spying. Remember how this started, right? Why wouldn't you shoot someone now? Thats right, its because you don't know anything, and you're just spinning propoganda in hopes the NB crowd is reading the page. As I said before, Put up or Shut up. Don't post it, just PK the spy. Cmon already. PK PK PK PK. If they're associated with us, and you consider yourselves at war with us, don't you use that as justified PKing? Cmon, shoot somebody. Face it, you're either full of shit(which is true, we have no alts in NB) or chicken shit (which is also true, because we haven't seen calvintheaxe in NB since we started tearing the place apart, or you were banned for zerging... heh). I'm done with you, provide some proof of something... ANYTHING... otherwise you'll receive no more communications from us. --Niche
Ok man I'll share, but ONLY a little, I don't like letting you know which of your fucktards i'm on to. First, the TOOPAK accounts (at least 2 of them) are controlled by someone in Kaish. Also BigNiche, although you've denied it, is also controlled by your team. This is where you deny it blah blah, but you know you've been caught in your own lies. --CalvintheAXE 18:17, 29 August 2007 (BST)
- This is where I admit it, blah blah... sort of. In regards to BigNiche, yeah, he was my spy back in the day in NB. Kind of obvious, don't you think? As far as TOOPAK? Don't know the guy, not controlled by anyone in Kaishakunin, and we're all familiar with all of our characters. So you're wrong there. But feel free to shoot the guy, I'm sure he won't mind or post you on the rogues gallery for it. And I didn't technically lie. I stated clearly above the following "we have no alts in NB". Truth, BigNiche is not in NB, or even an adjacent suburb. Or even two suburbs away. Hell, he isn't even 2 days move away from NB. You fail at life. --Niche
- Funny, you directly told TZH that Big Niche was not yours. Hrm.--CalvintheAXE 17:33, 4 September 2007 (BST)
- Sure did, but I was pretty sure its public knowledge amongst the MDC/TZH/OM group that Big"Niche" is my alt. Crikey, you ARE out of the loop aren't you? The fact he even asked the question deserved some ribbing and joking. And so that was a joke, not a denial. And to quote one of my favorite movies ["The lord says,'Don't change the subject, answer the fucking question.'"] Get back to the topic at hand already. Where's the proof? Who's the spies? TOOPAK was wrong, and Big has been gone for weeks now. Blah blah, face it. We don't need spies to pwnzorwtfbbqsauce North Blythville. The survivor groups there are completely predictable, and there's only so many places to hide anyway now that we've got everything ruined. --Niche
Kai Archived nonsense
Real fu*king cute a$$holes. I see your little piece of shit attempt to get me banned, Stevie Vancie. Keep it up and see if the gloves don't come off! -The REAL Steve Vance
In all fairness at this point we don't feel like we're at war with you. We've all taken Brain Rot and shifted as fully to zombie as we can. We're letting our claws and teeth do the talking in North Blythville(and its doing pretty well these days). Moving forward there's no vendetta here. We're going to play the game, and you're playing the game. We're about as distanced as we can be, and while we're going to fighting in NB it'll be the way the game intended it. Oh, but I am a little miffed you jacked my gif off our forum to use as an icon to deface us... but it IS a funny gif, so its sort of alright?Niche
...okay. This needs to end. Your tactics are no different than ours. You use everything at your disposal to gain advantage, and so do we. Can we not just let it end there? Your move to the Quartly Building is highly suspect anyway, given I claimed it for Kaishakunin back in early 2006. A simple wiki search could have dug that up. We know why you chose that building. DER. Enough of this provocation. All we're trying to do is play the game like we think it's supposed to be played. All the name-calling is just getting a little too 3rd grade. We're a zombie group. You're a survivor group. End of story. We're not supposed to be friends. -Steve Vance
Hi, I just want you to know that I used, lets say your "policy"(Reasons why I targeted people:1- Bad for survivors, 2- Full of your own shit, 3- Asshat, 4- In need of many deaths, 5- Bastard Zombie Lover, 6- Girlie Men, 7- Horrible Dresser, 8- NOT HARDCORE, 9- VERY SOFTCORE, 10- Not very nice..)in my wikipage, if you mind I can remove it but I dont think you will because Im hardcore :D too ...
Forgot to sign- ObiFireFighter 21:34, 16 November 2007 (UTC)
The Great Suburb Group Massacre
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Group Active? Request. |
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Suburb pages when they are no longer active. Is this group still active? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not it will be removed from suburb pages in 14 days. |
Currently the suburb in question is Fryerbank but one response to this query will be all that is needed to protect your group link on all suburb pages. I know this is a random request but its for all groups regardless of size. Thank you. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 18:46, 15 July 2008 (BST)
--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 10:27, 30 July 2008 (BST)
The Browncoats would like to extend an invite to this group to join the All Guns A Blazin' Tour. If interested, write back on the Browncoats talk page, or message me directly. You can also message us on our forum found here. Cheers. --Blanemcc 11:10, 31 July 2008 (BST