The Badman Building

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The Badman Building
EHB, lit.
--Dijon Sanders Talk 11:46, 14 March 2025 (UTC)
the Badman Building

West Boundwood [32, 4]

the Dalgliesh Monument Crost Avenue Dorothey Plaza Police Department
Liminton Plaza the Badman Building Neot General Hospital (West Boundwood)
Cowen Road Fire Station St. Ethelbert's Church the Pearl Arms

Basic Info:

The Badman Building

Stret3.JPG Amusing Location
This location is on the list of Amusing Locations in Malton


The Badman Building is home to The Badmen, a small, loosely organized group of survivors who enjoy doing good works...

Nicknamed "The BadCave".


Jon Smith was a huge fan of Batman... ...And he was the biggest man to live in Malton, too. Weighing a staggering 204 pounds, he made the news one day as the winner of the annual "Malton Batman-off".

Due to copyright issues, Jon renamed his gang to the "Bad Men".

And he was pi**ed off. They robbed, killed, and did all sorts of bad things, and the Batman bank was dubbed the "Badmen Building", in recognition of The Bad Men's best heist. The bank was officially renamed somewhere in the middle of the riots of 2001.

Barricade Policy


Current Status

The building now lies in ruin after a recent attempt to restore its former glory was thwarted by a group of determined zeds.

The Malton Department of Defense is using this area as a training ground.

Lunatics for a Better World has declared war on the Badmen, killing at least one of their members.

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