The BAR is divided into several subsections that we've taken to calling clades. We believe that by specializing each Regular into the clade that best suites their playstyle, we can be a more effective party machine. This also means that there's a position for every pro-survivor play style. Each clade is further categorized into 'active' and 'passive' positions. Active players are more vocal in the group, and often coordinate to achieve large scale goals. Being that we're such a laid back group, we also attract a large number of players that want to be a part of what we're about, but don't feel compelled to actively participate in group politics or operations. We welcome these players as well. The more friends, the better. The clades are also flexible. If you want to try something different, you can move to the section you want to try out. Here's a breakdown of the different clades of the BAR...
Rolt Heights Defenders (Regulars)

Motto: "To defend to the end."
Truer words were never spoken. Ever since the Burchell Arms Regulars were first formed in the defense of their beloved pub they have continued the long legacy by defending it from all who would dare to spill blood on its floors, from zombies to murderers. While there have been dark days when the Burchell Arms has been overrun the BAR has always recovered and rebuilt. Rather than dwell on past defeats the BAR toasts all who have challenged and bested them, for they know that they have only returned stronger than ever before. To this day no force has ever broken their spirit and all who defend Rolt Heights know that whenever trouble comes knocking, the BAR will always be there to answer.
As a clade, the Regulars are the bulk large of the BAR. Their mission is simple: Keep the northeast corner of Malton safe, habitable, and well stocked with alcohol. Expect frequent partying. The broad nature of this goal leaves plenty of room for every kind of survivor to find the work they want to do. If you like staying in relative safety with plenty of great friends nearby, and action just around the corner, then the Regulars is for you.
The Knight Watchmen (Regulators)
Motto: "Less Law, More Justice"
That's the motto the Knight Watchmen live by. For too long criminals have abused the system. It's a disgrace. As far as the BAR is concerned anyone who comes into Northeast Malton and causes trouble ends up on the Deadbeat List, and then it's up to the Regulators to mercilessly hunt them down for so long as they stay here. Do we track bounties? Nah, bounties are for pussies. Criminals can have pretty thick skulls so it usually takes lots of bullets to get them to understand anything. Important ideas like: "Maybe I should just leave Northeast Malton, and then the BAR will stop executing me". As for those who never leave? We naturally assume they're masochists, so we just keep on knocking them down.
Historically the Knight Watchmen, or Regulators as they came to be known as, were originally formed in May 2007 as an operations team in the wake of the Rolt Heights War waged by the PKA on the citizens of Rolt Heights. After the conflict the BAR realized the serious threat organized criminals represented, not just to the BAR, but to the entire suburb. So to counter this threat the BAR selected from among their ranks those veteran BAR members who had excelled during the Rolt Heights War. These team members were known both their skills in hunting criminals and being inured to death, as death was commonplace for those who hunted, and were therefore hunted by, criminals. The team went out of service for a period of time, but reformed in February 2011, open to not just those in the BAR, but anyone searching for justice. Life isn't easy for a Regulator, but they know that at the end of the day they're working hard to make Northeast Malton a better place free of douchebags.
Team Goals & Objectives:
- Track and execute any black-hearted survivor that murders a member of the Burchell Arms Regulars (BAR) or an innocent civilian enjoying the hospitality of the BAR.
- Provide up-to-date recon and intel on the activities of criminals in Rolt Heights and Pescodside.
- Have fun hunting down criminals. After all, they certainly deserve to be hunted.
The Revive Corps (Revivers)
Motto: "Bringing Life to the Lifeless"
Originally formed and headed by veteran BAR member McDeade during the first suburb-wise invasion by the Big Bash, he envisioned a team within the BAR that would serve primarily to revive any fallen members. The idea resonated among those BAR members who had no interest in punishing criminals, and in some cases, no intentions of even fighting zombies. These BAR members became known as Revivers and initially started out as more of an idea, but by October 2006 the BAR officially sanctioned them as an operations team under the Revive Corps (named so, because it sounded funny at the time). The members of the Revive Corps are those Regulars who can be called upon to help quickly clear a revive point queue of waiting undead survivors, as well as, remove any clogs, namely Rotters standing at a revive point in order to disrupt it.
Leadership of the team was eventually passed to BAR Manager Tommy1504, aka "Blazin' Guns Tommy", in November 2008. When Tommy moved on in March 2010 to greater glory Jesus Sante stepped in to command the team. Recently, command has moved the the amazingly competent still upright Father O'Keefe .
The following is a list of those BAR members who have joined and currently comprise the ranks of the Revive Corps. Those stationed in the Revive Corps may request a transfer to any other team at any time and while recruitment for the team is voluntary, should it grow too large the BAR management reserves the right to remove less-active members from its ranks since the team's goals require fast response times. If you have been revived by a member of the Corps, then be sure to swing by the Burch' and buy them a drink! For your convenience we've listed their regular drinks below (but most will drink anything offered).
The Traveling Drunk Tank (Ramblers)

Motto: "Got no time to for spreadin' roots, the time has come to be gone. And to our health we drank a thousand times, it's time to ramble on..."
While the Burchell Arms Regulars initially focused their efforts on restoring order and beer to the thirsty citizens of Rolt Heights they were later shocked to find out that there were many bars, pubs, and clubs across Malton that were not in operation and did not serve cold beer. Other than ammunition and FAKs, there is nothing more essential than beer when it comes to fighting against the walking dead. Towards solving this problem, the BAR created the "Traveling Drunk Tank" - a group of semi-dedicated, but always drunk, BAR members who rove across Malton, from pub to pub, bringing power and booze to the people who need it the most! Historically the TDT started life as a temporary operations team. Formed with a specific series of suburbs in mind, once those suburbs had been visited and assisted the Ramblers team would be dissolved and its members would return home to the Burch' until the next TDT operation. Eventually a standing team was formed with the purpose of spreading word about the BAR by assisting survivors in nearby suburbs. Survivors who witness the BAR at their local pub are encouraged to buy them alcohol, as this is the fuel that keeps the TDT going. After all, it's hard to save the world when you're not properly liquored up.
Though out and about for good, individual Ramblers are always welcome to return home to the Burch when they've satisfied their wanderlust. As a clade, the Ramblers include the TDT, but there are those in the BAR that like to ramble alone. Eventually, when the TDT has grown large enough, another mobile strike team will be formed, creating twice the opportunities for the BAR to lend a hand to distant lands in need. Think of the A-Team. If you need their help, and you know where to find them (our forum, silly), you can call, the BAR!
Motto: "Usquequaque Promptus"
In other words, "Always Ready". In days past, the BAR had always used to radio in the way a child might use a telephone... that is to say, a dilettante. Good old fashion BBC style entertainment had been sorely lacking in the apocalypse, and the occasional vague pleasantries of the military broadcasting a friendly reminder to "vacate the childrens hospital due to incoming bomb strafing" and "cease trying to climb over the pescodside wall" were never exactly welcome or entertaining. Seeing the potential for a unique brand of media operation in lieu of the now absent government, the BAR came to the conclusion that such an absence could be filled.
After many discussions over pints and darts, a group of likeminded and creative BAR members created a media team dedicated to the spirit of journalism, news, and above all, fun. The rest is history, some would say. So turn on your radio, listen closely, and you'll hear the iconic cry: "GOOD MORNING, MALTON!".
Member Name
Drink of Choice
Officer Sheaffer
Employee (Lead Anchorman)
Blonde Bimbo
Manager (Staff Writer)
Whiskey on the rocks
Employee (Holds the clapperboard and shouts "Action")
Santlerville Defenders (DISBANDED)
Motto: "Corripe Cervisiam"
Or "Seize the Beer", this Latin phrase best describes what motivated those BAR members stationed at the Knight Arms in Santlerville. The Santlerville Defenders were formed as a new operations team in March 2007 as part of an initiative by the BAR to expand its influence and protection, and with the Dulston Alliance already securing several relatively-peaceful adjacent suburbs it was decided the best choice would be Santlerville. The Dribbling Beavers welcomed their brothers-in-arms from the east and the Knight Arms was selected at the best location from which to defend Santlerville. Of course BAR members were not permanently stationed there; every now and then some returned to the Burchell Arms so they could meet with old friends at their true home.
In 2010 it was decided that, with BAR membership lower than ever before and envoy contact with the Dribbling Beavers almost non-existent, it no longer made tactical sense to maintain an active presense in Santlerville. With this decision made the Santlerville Defenders, who by this stage had only one official active member, were dissolved and ownership of the Knight Arms pub was returned to the people of Santlerville. A day may come that the BAR will return to Santlerville and once again reclaim ownership over the pub, but for now this chapter in BAR history is closed.