The Starkie Building
The Starkie Building |
The Starkie Building
Hollomstown [61,99]
Basic Info:
A tall grey-stone building with a spired roof.
Building Barricade Policy
Buildings are come and go when it comes to barricade policy. They are not resource buildings, so they can usually remain at Extremely Heavily Barricaded levels, but, because of their low profile, they are also commonly used as entry points for the buildings around them.
It is a good idea to check out the Hollomstown Barricade Plan before making travel arrangements.
Unconfirmed reports suggest an engagement between the Red Shirts and Erica Rackham bounty hunter that commenced at this location. It appears Erica was on an AP rest after scouting the local area and believing there to be a pking conference held in the vicinity. Lemacdad stumbled into the building after making a hasty retreat from Pashenton and the Red Shirt's struggle with the Grim Reapers, aware of Erica's repuatation as a bounty hunter Lemacdad ran off to warn C Whitty hired hand to dispose of this current threat.
In the process additional Red Shirt's became aware and decided to engage Erica firstly Harry Paget Flashman emptied the contents of his arsenal into Erica yet she lived and must have checked her account as she moved and stood outside the ruined Batt Bank in an attempt to escape, where Levihunter low on ammo and ap couragesly threw aside his own personal safety and moved to outside Batt Bank he also unloaded his ammo into Erica then ran out of AP with Erica a shell away from sweet death.
Within 30 minutes all 3 were dead at the hands of Zombies.
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