The Wake

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On Friday 11th September 2009, the well-loved Urban Dead player Brad Glore passed away after suffering a heart attack. During his time with the game, Brad, a genuinely nice, easy-going and friendly man, made many friends, especially in the groups Legends of Darkness and the Spartans. To commemorate his life and passing, and to honour his Irish-American roots, a traditional Irish wake was organised in-game. By bringing his friends and admirers, and those who just wished to say a few kind words, together in an Irish-named pub, players from all sides of the game were able to lay aside their differences for a few days and pay tribute to Brad's life. This page was created afterwards in order to preserve the wake for those who missed it, or for those who wish to look back upon it and reflect.

Brad's Passing

The Wake

In order to respect Brad's roots as an Irish-American (especially given his own love of his heritage), a list of suitably Irish-sounding venues was compiled, and eventually The Doran Arms was chosen for its location and its fitting name. Players from all sides of the game, be they player-killers, bounty hunters, zombies or death cultists, all dropped their grudges and conflicts to co-exist peacefully during the wake, declaring complete neutrality and peace during the official duration of the wake. The agreed start time was midnight (British Summer Time) of Friday 18th - Saturday 19th, continuing for three days over the weekend until midnight of Monday 21st - Tuesday 22nd September.

A full log of all that happened at the wake can be found here.

Personal Comments

Please add your comment to the list below by preceding it with an asterisk (*) and sign with it four tildes (~~~~).
  • Codail go maith, a chara, mar an chead beo eilé, tá sé suaimhneach. Slán leat, ó gach duine anseo. Cronaím é cheana. The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new 23:23, 22 September 2009 (BST)
  • Brad, you were such a good friend. All that you were has touched the lives of many. You will live on in your children and in the hearts and memories of countless friends, family and acquaintances. This page is dedicated to you and in years to come people will read it, remember you, and you will never truly be gone. I will miss you very much, but I truly believe we all will meet again. Till then my friend. Gheobhaidh tú síocháin. AU10Pantomime Mistress of Pain┌∩┐()┌∩┐04:23, 23 September 2009 (BST)
  • Athair, much clown love my friend; you saved my soul. Criminally Insane 20:21, 23 September 2009 (BST)
  • Although I didn't know Athair well, I provide my sincerest condolences to his family and friends at this time, and I extend the Dulston Alliance's feelings, which I am certain are the same. From what I know, he truly was a great man.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 15:55, 24 September 2009 (BST)
  • Athair was a great guy, he was quick to making new friends and was a great help for many new members, myself included. Rest In Peace Athair and my sincere condolences to his girlfriend, children, and family! Perzeus 16:46 26 September 2009 (GMT)
  • Although we never met, Athairs many fans and friends here tell me what his personality and kindness was like. I wish I would have been able to meet him at least in game. People like such are a rare and unique find to many lives they touch. Your memory goes on in the vast stories they tell, of your deeds, actions, and caring for everyone you interacted with. Ash Brimstone Talk LoD 22:23, 26 September 2009 (BST)
  • I can not count the number of times Brad and I have chatted and he often had me crying with laughter, or made me see things clear. This is the type of person he was. Just a all around good person. While his life was short, he made a lasting impression on me and I am happy that got to know him somewhat. To all those that knew him, keep your thoughts about him in your mind and heart, and he will never truly be gone. It is often said that those that burn the brightest often burn out the quickest, and in this Brad had enough fire burning for the entire world to see. I will truly miss his wit, and his kindness. To his loved family, smile, for you have had one of lifes greatest gifts, a person who honestly loved you. In this you are all blessed. Matt Aries 10:38, 7 October 2009 (BST)
  • A truly classy pker, and undoubtedly an even classier person. I'll miss him, and I'm sure everyone else will as well. --Met Fan F 02:01, 2 November 2009 (UTC)
  • I just wanted to tell you all how much your words and actions at Brad's wake means to those of us he left behind. I have sent a copy of the transcripts to his son in Florida and am printing one out for his younger boys to have later, just so they can know how special of a person Brad was. He played a few other games that also had people saying kind things, but I know that UD had a special place in his heart and words just cannot express how it felt to read what you all said, let alone getting a place set aside and people setting aside alts to honor him. He would have be awed and humbled. Pantie, Donald, thank you both so much for enriching his life. But everyone that showed up and spoke, you really touched my heart, it was a beautiful tribute to a man who really did deserve it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all of you. So much thanks~ Laura Ossilan 01:47, 8 April 2010 (BST) Ossilan 01:42, 8 April 2010 (BST)