The Wardropper Arms

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The Wardropper Arms
VSB, dark.
AndyMatthews (talk) 22:55, 31 January 2025 (UTC)
the Wardropper Arms

Spracklingbank [84, 35]

Shelley Road Ritchie Plaza Cowdry Walk
Bowles Street the Wardropper Arms Raesin Grove
Club Storer Salvage Cinema Cudworth Lane Fire Station

Basic Info:

  • Pubs have no internal descriptions, apart from " abandoned pub."
  • Arms can be barricaded normally.


Brewpub.jpg Bar Tour Stop
This location is an official stop on the Scenic Malton Bar Tour.

A series of three connected stout greystone buildings that served as a Regimental Headquarters to the Malton Airborne Militia before the outbreak.


The complex contained enlisted barracks, officers billets and the Regimental Hall which was converted to a Public House when the Regiment was disbanded upon the construction of nearby Fort Creedy. The Public House kept true to its roots adopting the name The War Dropper Arms after the painting behind the bar depicting a paratrooper under full canopy.

War Dropper.jpg

It has remained popular with the soldiers from the Fort and a new breed of soldier that has surfaced in Malton: Mercenaries. The Warren Zevon song "Jungle Work" is often heard on the jukebox as a result, and the walls are covered with the emblems and paratrooper wings of various elite forces from different countries who have "dropped in" to help maintain the Quarantine Zone.


Cosh barracks.jpg

Barricade Policy

EHB with entry point through Cudworth Lane Fire Station For full details, see Spracklingbank Barricade Plan.

Current Status

You are standing outside the Wardropper Arms, a derelict grey-stone pub surrounded by a large paved plaza. The building's doors have been left wide open, and you can see that the interior of the building has been ruined. 2 Zombies spotted outside of building.
-- Donjakob 13:48, 11 March 2011 (UTC)

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