UDWiki:Administration/Arbitration/TheUncleBob vs Angels of Mercy

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TheUncleBob vs Angels of Mercy


At the advice of a fellow UDWiki user, I'm looking for an Arbitrator. I can't imangine this will take any time at all to make a decision on though, but I don't really know many here on the Wiki, so I thought I'd see who wanted to bite on this:

  • The aggrieved parties. TheUncleBob and Angels of Mercy
  • The reason for the arbitration. A "Griefer" member of this group keeps adding me to their group's list of members, after I've made it clear I have no desire to be a member of their group.
  • Any pages affected by the aggrievement. Angels of Mercy

Any help getting this clear up would be appericated. Thanks! TheUncleBob 02:05, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

First, TheUncleBob has now vandalized our page three times, once after Boxy changed it back and presumedly warned him. If this did happen after the warning there needs to be more done than just a warning. Second, this has nothing to do with him. This is a reference to our newest member TheUncIeBob who has clearly taken an interest in being part of our group.--Aom 02:16, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

Okay guys. First you need to decide on an arbitrator. No arguing will take place yet. I am willing to volunteer for the role, will you guys have me?--Gage 02:21, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

I'm more than willing to have just about anyone be the arbitrator.  :) TheUncleBob 02:23, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
Now we just need Aom to nominate someone different or accept me.--Gage 02:49, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
Accepted!--Aom 02:54, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

Okay guys, this is how it is going to work. I don't know what has gone on here, so you will have to fill me in. I want Aom to sit back for a second and let TheUncleBob give his case. I want you to tell me everything that has gone on here on the wiki (providing links to any and all affected pages) and any outside links that may be relevant. Let me reiterate that I only want to hear TheUncleBob's side of things first, Aom's side will be afterwards.--Gage 03:01, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

TheUncleBob's Case

Make your case here, and remove this text when you have made it. Remember to sign your comments and use the preview button - I will probably only allow a few edits, so make sure you have everything you want to say written when you press the "save page" button

Thank you, sir.

Recently, I was killed in Giddings by a user named Kicky. Checking kicky's profile, I noticed that he/she was a member of a group called "Angels of Mercy" - so I check to see if this group has a Wiki page. They did!

What I didn't notice, however, was that members of this group are individuals who have been griefing me for some time because I verbally defended some other players that they don't like. (You can see this part of the story at http://www.killtrend.proboards58.com/index.cgi?board=archives&action=display&thread=1162520699&page=1 - I also have multiple screen shots of a particular member of their group, MrSadGuy killing me multiple times (whatever). Unfortunatly, I don't have any of the Grafitti that I strongly suspect these users were posting about me being anti-gay (You can see some of the Anti-Gay crap starting here: http://zombies.dementiastudios.org/boards/index.php?topic=1034.msg20750#msg20750 (I'm Dave21 there, btw.)).

Anywhoo, Had I noticed that this individual was allied with these players who have been griefing me for some time now (MrSadGuy, TheZombiePimp), I would have just let things be - however, I just skimmed through their page where it said they PK survivors with HP less than 30... so I went to their talk page to point out that I was killed while at full health. When I did, I noticed there was already discussion going on there about a similar killing - to which I replied that they're nothing but regular PKers. Shortly afterwards, I noticed Zombiepimp (which I'm assuming, although I could be wrong, is the same individual as TheZombiePimp from UD). replying... So we spat back and forth at which point, ZP offered to make me a member of their group... to which I declined. After which, he expressed that he was going to do so anyway - and added my username (with an "L") to their Group Page. I went in and simply removed my name from their page, again, leaving a comment on their talk page that I did not wish to be a member. They added my name back (again, with an "L"). Now, I know I wasn't morally right in doing so, but at this point, I blanked their page (which, as I've said elsewhere, since I was a "Member", I am allowed to edit "My" group's page, n'est-ce pas?) and changed their group's picture... just to be pissy. Someone changed it back, including my name yet again (which, I assumed to be a member of the group), so I wiped it again (which, I will still admit was wrong). After wiping it, I looked to see who had restored it, contacted Boxy and he suggested that I go to arbritration. I'm not 100% certian what order stuff happened in after this, but I was warned (to which I replied), I requested this moderation, the Angels of Mercy page was restored, at first with my name (with the "L") and later changed to the fake name (with the "I") after the fake account was created (which you can see the fake account was made after they made the first edit to the page including "TheUncleBob" as a member of their group. TheUncleBob 03:23, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

So, let me get this straight, are you saying they are using the fact that there is almost no difference between the L and the I on urbandead to impersonate you in game, and you want to be removed from their roster?--Gage 03:41, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
Well, First I would like to point out that I request arbitration *before* they changed their Group Page to include the "fake me". Second, Yes, I firmly believe (and I feel that the evidence backs me up on this) that "TheUncIeBob" was created and is on that page purely to cause grief to me. I don't feel something like this belongs on the Wiki and I don't think individuals should be allowed to use the Wiki simply to grief other player - and thus I feel that "TheUncIeBob" should be removed from this group's page at the least... and perhaps further punishment should be considered. TheUncleBob 03:48, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

Aom's Case

Well, the first thing to keep in mind, and a big part of what I think is driving his complaining is that he is a member of the CDF and the CDF has been griefing our leader Blurredbrain2 for quite some time now, you can see some of that [here]. Mostly by killing him constantly. When we put him on there it was mostly as a joke, but then we were contacted by TheUncIeBob who wanted to be part of our group. We only thought it was fair that he be added. In order to alleviate some of the confusion we asked him to add the note about not being TheUncleBob, he said he would but added when we told him about the arbitration case that if he felt this case was judged unfairly he would take it out. Just a quick note, we don't have a command structure for our group, in fact we don't even have a forum or anyway to give commands, just an informal structure based around a concept. Although there is some AIMing going on, we're not the types to give orders. --Aom 04:04, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

Rebuttal by TheUncleBob

Place your rebuttal of the statement above here

Fristly, I need to clear something up. I am not, nor have I ever been a member of the CDF. While I do visit (and am a member of) their forums, I am not a member of the CDF. I do like the CDF - as I've been healed and revived by them numberous times - but I am not a member of their group.

Second, I'd *LOVE* for Kevan to do an IP check on the various members of "Angels of Mercy" vs. that of "TheUncIeBob".... can anyone make that happen? :) TheUncleBob 05:06, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

(Edit: This might be too late, but I'd like to point out something above. First, AoM writes: "Second, this has nothing to do with him. This is a reference to our newest member TheUncIeBob who has clearly taken an interest in being part of our group." Shortly afterwards, he/she then writes "When we put him on there it was mostly as a joke". So which is it? Was it a joke about me, or did it have nothing to do with me? Also, per AoM's statement below, I can't techincally vandalize a group's page if I'm listed as a member of that group... right?)

Rebuttal by Aom

I think that perhapse the person who's been going around vandalizing the wiki shouldn't be accusing others of foul play, especially when he's been targeting the same guy his allies have been griefing for the past several months. I didn't create TheUncIeBob and I don't know who did.

Edit: Once we had a new member called TheUncIeBob it stopped being about him, and so it was both, just never at the same time. And if you're a member of the group and so can alter the wiki page, then why are we having this arbitration to begin with? You can't both be a member of our group in good standing and be complaining about being listed as a member. Which is it?--Aom 13:09, 14 December 2006 (UTC)


I will leave my ruling in this space once I have considered the evidence presented by both parties.

Okay, before I rule I would like TheUncleBob to provide me with his character link in game. It needs to be the one spelled with an "L" and the profile should say something along the lines of "Yes, this is the profile requested on the arbitration page of the wiki" for conformation of ownership. Only then can I rule this a case of impersonation. --Gage 02:43, 15 December 2006 (UTC)

My Profile - http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=600045 TheUncleBob 05:40, 15 December 2006 (UTC)


This is a pretty clear cut case of impersonation. The profile above is obviously the established character, and it is obvious from the spelling (with an "I" instead of a lowercase "L"), the fact that that the account was created and added to the wiki only 3 days ago, and the lack of xp that this account is a sham. Proof of these facts can be found in the image to the right in case the AOM decides to level up this character and then claim otherwise later.

I rule that TheUncleBob (or any variation thereof) will be removed from the Angels of Mercy group page, and all attempts by the Angels of Mercy (this includes members and affiliates) at impersonation or antagonization of TheUncleBob on this wiki will cease. I also rule for both parties to remain civil to each other on the wiki. I won't rule that you guys can't talk to each other in any way (it has been done before, on numerous occasions) because I believe that you can be civil to each other. I know "civil" is a relative term, but the mods can sort it out on M/VB should the need arise. Let me remind you that any attempt to circumvent this ruling will be considered vandalism and will more than likely result in a ban for the offending party.--Gage 06:02, 15 December 2006 (UTC)

Thank you, kind sir. Now may I ask to have some kind of punishment for vandalizing the Wiki? Despite the fact that I wasn't "in the wrong", per-say, it was still done in bad faith and I should have some kind of punishment for doing so, if nothing else, to set an example to others. Thanks. TheUncleBob 06:08, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
While the other party's actions in this case were extremely distasteful, the only person I see true vandalism from is unfortunately you. So no, their actions do not warrant punishment now, but I can assure you that if they don't leave you alone on the wiki that they will be duly punished. No, I won't change my mind, so don't bother asking. Sorry.--Gage 06:12, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
Er, I think he was asking for himself to be punished. Cyberbob  Talk  09:19, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
*Gage does a double take--Gage 09:24, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
Hmmmmmm. You want yourself punished huh? You got a warning, and as you seem to know that you did something wrong, I see no reason to pursue the matter. Case closed.--Gage 09:24, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, I was reffering to myself. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. ;) Thanks. TheUncleBob 13:10, 15 December 2006 (UTC)

Follow-up Question

Hey Gage, I'd like to ask a follow up, if I may. While I do feel that the wiki issue has been taken care of (for now, at least), the in-game griefing continues. I would like to use my user talk page to compile screenshots and links to collect the various forms of constant harassment and griefing that I'm getting so that I can collect enough evidence to show that it is over the top and unnecessary - and ruining the enjoyment of the game. Perhaps this is the wrong way to go about doing it, since it's just giving more attention to those who don't need it, but so be it. Anywhoo, if all I do is post screenshots and other such factual evidence (and no assumptions on my part - allowing the readers to make their own conclusions, would that be okay, or should I just leave it off my Talk Page and off the Wiki? Thanks. TheUncleBob 00:30, 16 December 2006 (UTC)

This is the wiki. No one here, exept Kevan, can mingle with the characters in-game. Arbitration cannot help you here (otherwise it is giving itself more power than it is intitled to). If you want to get back at someone for what they did in-game, do it in-game. -Certified=InsaneQuébécois 02:40, 16 December 2006 (UTC)
Nono... I'm not asking for the Wiki Mods to do anything about the in-game griefing. I was asking about using my personal talk page as a place to collect and disperse infomation about those who are griefing me. TheUncleBob 03:11, 16 December 2006 (UTC)
You can do that all you want on your talk page. You just won't be able to use it to punish them in any way, other than by discrediting them perhaps. -Certified=InsaneQuébécois 04:32, 16 December 2006 (UTC)
You could put them up for war crimes trial, and that makes them KOS, but beyond that wiki arbitration can't help in game things. if you keep getting griefed, move out of the mall. If they follow you, talk to me and I'll send a death squad after them.--Dickhole Bonaparte Leader, Malton Rangers 21:01, 16 December 2006 (UTC)
I would love to be listed as KOS on the wiki. Also, I may keep you as a primary target Unclebob just so you will tell Dickie to send his sorry excuse of a squad after me. CDF is starting to get pathetically boring anyway. In other words, Blurredbrain2 and Zombiepimp DARE you do attack us Little Dickie. Baibai--Zombiepimp 07:15, 17 December 2006 (UTC)

Follow Up Question 2

If TheUncleBob whines enough will the wiki arbitrators vandalise our wiki page for him? Seriously, this goes beyond ridiculous. Is TheUncleBob related to you or what? --Aom 17:31, 17 December 2006 (UTC)