Upper Left Corner/Radio Broadcast

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Radio Broadcast Logs of the Upper Left Corner

Sooooo this is a work in progress that is what we've needed for awhile because half of ULC coolness is in the radio. So woot! Updated when I feel like it or if someone else wants to but I highly doubt it....bleh. ;) --Jelly Otter 06:42, 17 November 2008 (UTC)

Added MOAR TADERS FOR JELLY --Jelly Otter 06:51, 20 November 2008 (UTC)

Giddings Mall Fun

Giddings the Birth place of Jelly's Tader Broadcast coming from the Jelly rant series.... its an awe of nature


When: Mar 10 2008
Where: Giddings Mall
About: Where moar taders for Jelly began, the You say is Jelly Otter speaking as well just tried to find the best copy. ;)
  1. You say "Kilt Store Owner and a Quartly Librarian? STANBURY/ROFTWOOD IS ATTACKING!!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"
  2. You say "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *runs about flailing*"
  3. You say "Loki- grab the badgers and hide them, Tinners- get the stabbing spoons, Newt- get some pokemon cards stat! Come on people we don't have much time!"
  4. You say "And Duck why havn't you been Pked yet today! Seriously lazy shiftless PKers!"
  5. You say "And why hasn't anyone given this dog a sammich poor thing is half starved *make em a sammich* he you go boy."
  6. You say "Seriously I'm dead for one day and this place is as messed up as usual....I mean at least change the baby once a day ironhyde"
  7. You say "Not once a week...it's already a messed up hybrid zombie/human wacked out iron cabbage patch fruit baby, do you really need to give it

more reasons to be messed up, poor things already batting a thousand there? I mean the fumes could kill us all!"

  1. You say "and it's eaten most of our marshmellowie friend, just what we need for it to be...insanely hyper so it can kill the rest of us by drowning us

in a pool of booze then eating away our toes and playing this little piggy with them... not cool I say not cool!"

  1. You say "No I don't want to go to the flippin market, and roast beef is out of the question, and we got enough trenchies running home crying to their mommies...

the world is in disarray! "

  1. You say "Zombies are roaming the streets- I mean when did this happen! I swear their were no zombies yesterday then BOOM I wake up and I'm dead and a zombie, seriously WTF?!?!? "
  2. You say "I can't even die in peace, I gotta keep coming back like... Okra or some wacked out vegtable of the like that no one loves but is always around for some odd reason....

and whats okra's problem! GET A JOB OKRA GET A JOB!"

  1. You say "And for goodness sake THIS PLACE NEEDS MOAR TADERS! I hardly see any, crap crap everywhere but not a tader in sight. I must go on a quest for more taders...

maybe the nice helis will bring us some god damn taders!"

  1. Jelly Otter- broadcast "ATTENTION MALTON: we need more taders!" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (5 minutes ago)
  2. Jelly Otter- broadcast "please bring taders to the ULC of Giddings please!" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (4 minutes ago)
  3. Jelly Otter- broadcast "I need them, I cry alone at night without them..." from here, on 26.70 MHz. (3 minutes ago)
  4. Jelly Otter- broadcast "nothing to pelt the zombies with... NOTHING!" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (2 minutes ago)
  5. Jelly Otter- broadcast "I going flippin CRAZY HERE...and I might do somthing drastic" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (1 minute ago)
  6. Jelly Otter- broadcast "like throw a badger at Milty.... I'll do it, OH I'LL DO IT!" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (1 minute ago)
  • Amy Virstania said "Jelly Otter, you are an inspration to us all." (47 seconds ago)

You broadcast "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! so please remember..." on 26.70 MHz.

  1. Jelly Otter- broadcast "MOAR TADERS FOR JELLY 08'" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (33 seconds ago)
  2. Jelly Otter- said "Why thank you Amy :) and thank you for the heals William!" (27 minutes ago)
  3. Jelly Otter- broadcast "ohhh... and cheese, god so help you if you forget the cheese" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (21 minutes ago)
  4. Jelly Otter- said "*marching* my potatoe has a first name it's S-C-A-L-L-O-P, my potatoe has a second name it's T-A-D-E-R" (20 minutes ago)
  5. Jelly Otter- said "I like to eat it everyday and if you ask me what I SAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" (19 minutes ago)
  6. Jelly Otter- said "Jelly Otter has a way with T-A-D-E-R everyday!" (17 minutes ago)
  7. Jelly Otter- said "And now that I've effectively burned 30 odd AP in my awesome rantings I must say on my last and dying AP!" (16 minutes ago)
  8. Jelly Otter- said "If I should die before I wake, pray the lord the taders take! Preservatives + small mammels FTW! Take that and smoke it PKers/zombies/

and everything else that sucks and kills me...naw just kidding much love even for the UD lunatics *looks at doc* even u" (12 minutes ago)

Message in a Bottle

When: Mar 12 2008
Where: Giddings Mall
About: Jelly sings message in a bottle and a little rant.
  1. Jelly Otter said "Well getting PKed is mighty fun... nice to see some new faces... oh Hagen your still here? Just to let you know...

DAT DONT KILL ME ONLY MAKES ME STRONGER...word! Allthough you did kill me *glare*" (14 hours and 50 minutes ago)

  1. Jelly Otter said "But anyways.... I see no taders where are the taders! Tader bader bo bader banana fana fo fader fee fie for mader TADER! *le sigh*" (14 hours and 43 minutes ago)
  2. Jelly Otter broadcast "I feel like singing tonight...I sing for TADERS bring TADERS" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  3. Jelly Otter broadcast "Just a castaway, an island lost at sea, oh" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  4. Jelly Otter broadcast "Another lonely day, with no one here but me, oh" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  5. Jelly Otter broadcast "More loneliness than any man could bear" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  6. Jelly Otter broadcast "Rescue me before I fall into despair, oh" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  7. Jelly Otter broadcast "Ill send an sos. to the world, Ill send an sos to the world" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  8. Jelly Otter broadcast "I hope that someone gets my, I hope that someone gets my" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  9. Jelly Otter broadcast "I hope that someone gets my, MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE! Yeah!" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  10. Jelly Otter broadcast "A year has passed since I wrote my note" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  11. Jelly Otter broadcast "But I should have known this right from the start" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  12. Jelly Otter broadcast "Only hope can keep me together," from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  13. Jelly Otter broadcast "Love can mend your life but Love can break your heart" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  14. Jelly Otter broadcast "Ill send an sos to the world, Ill send an SOS to the world" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  15. Jelly Otter broadcast "I hope that someone gets my, I hope that someone gets my" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  16. Jelly Otter broadcast "I hope that someone gets my, Message in a bottle, yeah" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  17. Jelly Otter broadcast "Message in a bottle, yeah! Message in a bottle, yeah!" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  18. Jelly Otter broadcast "Walked out this morning, dont believe what I saw" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  19. Jelly Otter broadcast "Hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  20. Jelly Otter broadcast "Seems Im not alone at being alone" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  21. Jelly Otter broadcast "Hundred billion castaways, looking for a home" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  22. Jelly Otter broadcast "Ill send an sos to the world, Ill send an sos to the world" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  23. Jelly Otter broadcast "I hope that someone gets my, I hope that someone gets my" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  24. Jelly Otter broadcast "I hope that someone gets my, Message in a bottle, yeah" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  25. Jelly Otter broadcast "Message in a bottle, yeah! Message in a bottle, yeah!" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  26. Jelly Otter broadcast "Message in a bottle, yeah! Sending out at an s.o.s." from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  27. Jelly Otter broadcast "Sending out at an s.o.s., sending out at an s.o.s." from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  28. Jelly Otter broadcast "*fading* Sending out at an s.o.s., sending out at an s.o.s." from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  29. Jelly Otter broadcast "I'm sending out and SOS FORE TADERS! Please hear me people!" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  30. Jelly Otter broadcast "ULC GIDDINGS: MOAR TADERS FOR JELLY 08!" from here, on 26.70 MHz. (14 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  31. Jelly Otter said "So 4ap left to rant... seems like a chased away our Standbury friends from yesterday... pokemon cards are some scary

things people! Or maybe they are planning elsewhere?!?! ." (14 hours and 12 minutes ago)

  1. Jelly Otter said "Probably in the LRC....BASTARDS! The lot of em, with their shifty LRCiness I say we have a coup of epic proportions....

take dow everything that is right in the world and make it left! Muahahahah brillant Brillant BRILLANT I says!" (14 hours and 10 minutes ago)


When: Mar 13 2008
Where: Giddings Mall
About: Jelly things the people of the LRC have all the taders and is willing to fight to get them back.
  • Jelly Otter said "Attention Malton it has come to my attention today who has all the taders" (7 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "They are a shifty group of people all right!" from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 37 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "One of the worst groups of people in Malton!" from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "Worse the lazy PKers, Zombies, and Tinners combined!" from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "They are the people of the LRC at Giddings!" from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "They are hiding Malton's supply of taders for hostage!" from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "We must stop them at all cost!" from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "We must fight for our freedom, our life goals," from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "and our right to eat exuberant amounts of taders" from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "and pretend to be Irish!" from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "I demand the taders be delivered to the ULC of Giddings," from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "By this time tomorrow! Or the LRC will see a war!" from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "A war like one never fought before! THERE WILL BE TADERS!" from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • Jelly Otter broadcast "thank you and goodnight! MOAR TADERS FOR JELLY 08!" from here, on 28.07 MHz. (7 hours and 27 minutes ago)

Beaverville 1 week

Jelly does a broadcast every night for the entire week, getting killed many times in the process but pwning all by doing a radio broadcast for the night

Gader the Tader

When: May 22 2008
Where: Beaverville
About: Kids Story about a dancing Tader... named Gader
  1. 26.06 MHz: "There onces was a tader" (22 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  2. 26.06 MHz: "His name was Gader" (22 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  3. 26.06 MHz: "But he has a very big problem..." (22 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  4. 26.06 MHz: "he isn't like most taders." (22 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  5. 26.06 MHz: "He craved bra!nz, and had teeth and claws" (22 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  6. 26.06 MHz: "and knew how to use them... some people call that" (22 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  7. 26.06 MHz: "a zambah tader.... which they are right." (22 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  8. 26.06 MHz: "Well Gader was saddened by the site of seeing other taders.." (22 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  9. 26.06 MHz: "being eaten by people and he knew he had to do somthing..." (22 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  10. 26.06 MHz: "one day he stole a sack of taders from the LRC of some mall" (22 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  11. 26.06 MHz: "they are meanie heads by the way, don't trust them, LRC=lose" (22 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  12. 26.06 MHz: "and told the taders of how they could eat the people..." (22 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  13. 26.06 MHz: "who ate them. They didn't listen" (22 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  14. 26.06 MHz: "because they were normal taders...no bra!nz" (22 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  15. 26.06 MHz: "Gader was so sad he commited suicide, but then remembered he" (22 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  16. 26.06 MHz: "was already dead" (22 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  17. 26.06 MHz: "so he shamble around for awhile" (22 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  18. 26.06 MHz: "until he found an amazing sight" (22 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  19. 26.06 MHz: "her name was Jader" (22 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  20. 26.06 MHz: "and she was like him, except she was a girl zambah tader" (22 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  21. 26.06 MHz: "Gader was so happy" (22 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  22. 26.06 MHz: "hey jelly" (22 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  23. 26.06 MHz: "that night they went to a random sock factory and dined" (22 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  24. 26.06 MHz: "what are you singing?" (22 hours and 44 minutes ago)
  25. 26.06 MHz: "soon they married and had babah zombie taders" (22 hours and 44 minutes ago)
  26. 26.06 MHz: "I'll tell ya a secret" (22 hours and 44 minutes ago)
  27. 26.06 MHz: "d'oh" (22 hours and 44 minutes ago)
  28. 26.06 MHz: "many people died, and they made for quite the zombie horde" (22 hours and 43 minutes ago)
  29. 26.06 MHz: "othing like a good bedtime story" (22 hours and 43 minutes ago)
  30. 26.06 MHz: "many died, but Gader and Jader and family" (22 hours and 43 minutes ago)
  31. 26.06 MHz: "lived happily ever after" (22 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  32. 26.06 MHz: "which is trite but true :D" (22 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  33. 26.06 MHz: "anyways the end" (22 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  34. 26.06 MHz: "this story was brought to you by Jelly Otter" (22 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  35. 26.06 MHz: "bravo" (22 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  36. 26.06 MHz: "MOAR TADERS FOR JELLY 08" (22 hours and 41 minutes ago)

Grocery List

When: May 23 2008
Where: Beaverville
About: Grocery List is what it is
  1. 26.06 MHz: "So I'm lowz on the APz 2'nite so I'll make it short" (3 minutes ago)
  2. 26.06 MHz: "Mah grocery list.... could someone pick me up some...." (2 minutes ago)
  3. 26.06 MHz: "ICE CREAM, Bra!nz 4 tha zambahz, some bananaz for gangbangz" (32 seconds ago)

You broadcast "Gatorade for mah haterade, BEANS for toots, " on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "mac n' cheese, cheeeeeese, pai of the pumpkin varity " on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "and oh.... I WANT TADERS MOAR TADERS FOR JELLY!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "please deliver these goods to the ULC of Beaverville...danke" on 26.06 MHz.

The Start of Taderhah

When: May 24 2008
Where: Beaverville
About: It's where the whole Taderhah thing started.

You broadcast "Hello Malton, its another great day is it not?" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Those dead birds are hawt, and these cades are just awesome" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "zombies speak of dreams they have, bah ah nah understando" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "the PKers are in full bloom, its spring..." on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "or is it summer already? I'm not sure..." on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "I know its not christmas anymoat... I miss the trees" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "and the pwetty lights, and the zombie z!ng!ng" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "the bloody snow and the footprints" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "really tbh, there are no taders... thus its a bad day" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "it phails with royal might" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "where are the taders! the zombie taders! the mash taders" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "the scallop taders, the baked taders" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "the tader chips, tader pai" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "they are not here, Malton lacks somthing it lacks..." on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "TADERHAH! " on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "We must revolutionize, we must fix this!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "The Taderhah cannot die! PKers, survivors, and zombies alike" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "must join together for TADERHAH! Or we all lose! Which Sucks" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "so MOAR TADERS FOR MALTON!!! MOAR TADERS FOR JELLY!!!!!!! =)" on 26.06 MHz.

Tader Call

When: May 25 2008
Where: Beaverville
About: Its party time, with some wicked sweet jams.

You say "Well hai there beavervillians!" You say "I see we still lack taders, and thus the blessings of Taderhah!" You say "It's a shame! Ah crying shame!" You say "Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" You broadcast "so I must make the tader call tonight!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "OHhhhhhhaawaaaakkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Kikikikikikiiikikoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Tatatatatatatatatatatader!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "So taders COME... COME MY CHILDREN!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Wahahahahahahaha! We will dance together!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "I have the Tape PLayer going already!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "And the all time musical favorites containing...." on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "PULL SHAPES \o/" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "The Macarena!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "YMCA!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Achy Breaky Heart" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "MmmBop" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Cotton Eye Joe" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Wind Beneath My Wings" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "I’m Too Sexy" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "She Bangs" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Barbie Girl" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "and other asorted songs of pure awesomeness" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "everyone is invited to the ULC Dowdney for this cool parta" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "we will gain taders! MOAR TADERS FOR JELLY! TADERHAH!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Now to go argue with the mailbox and eat some hair! WEEEE!!!" on 26.06 MHz

Ummm Yay

When: May 26 2008
Where: Beaverville
About: One of those random broadcast... with taders of course.

You broadcast "Hello again Beaverville, I hope everyone had a super day!" on 26.06 MHz. You say "But before I make my rant for the day, I would like to thank an awesome group" You say "Dribbling Beavers, shoutout to all of you guys, you rock hard core! " You say "argh *head----desk* why do they put the boxes next to each other? Man I hate that, so wanted to broadcast that. " You broadcast "Anyways...someone told me today, no taders for jelly" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Well, I want to say whatever whatever taders are life... " on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "They are the coolest thing since sliced bread" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "nay since cheese, nay since EVER!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "They bring Taderhah for all! Who dosn't want that?" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Maybe if malton had a few taders, we could all join together" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "and be BFFs forever, just like a gay Disney Movie ending!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "U know u want it...moar taders for malton! " on 26.06 MHz.


When: May 27 2008
Where: Beaverville
About: Jelly declares it to be Malton Chat Speak Day

You broadcast "I deem today Maltonian Chat Speak day FTW!" on 26.06 MHz.

  • S Aline- broadcast "NO U!!!" from here, on 26.06 MHz. (3 minutes ago)

You broadcast "Soooo... I'm starting the day with some weirdo chatspeak..." on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "BYORL- Bring your own rocket launcher" on 26.06 MHz. You say "srsly WTF iz up with dat? " You broadcast "DILLIGAFF- Do I look like I give a flying f**k?" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "FUBAR- fouled up beyond all repair" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "IANALBIPOOTV- I am not a lawyer, but I play one on tv" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "IARTPFWTSIOWIM - I am repeating this parrot-fashion with..." on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "out the slightest idea of what I mean" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "ILSHIBAMF- I laughed so hard I broke all my furniture!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "OTTOMHAROO- Off the top of my head and rolling out of bounds" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast " POME - Prisoner of Mother England" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "ROFLMAO- um u should know cause white a nerdy ROCKS!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Anyways CHATSPEAK FOR THE TADERS! FOR TADERHAH! luv-Jelly =)" on 26.06 MHz.

New Changes?

When: May 28 2008
Where: Beaverville
About: Jelly's thought on the new updates.

You broadcast "I see CHAT SPEAKS WINZ!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "anyways... I wish to talk on a seriouse note tonight..." on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "First off, taders are not a melay weapon... thats just sad" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "what would be cooler then a tader weilding zombie...and then" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "the kill message, you were hit with a tader....you die" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "if that is total winz I dunno what is!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Although Death By Toolbox is way awesome too" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "also... the dark buildings..." on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "if zombies could install gennies and fuel them, " on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "then eat everyone inside, that would be total lulz..." on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "lulacopter lulz, that flippin awesome" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "but seriously, I can find beer bottles in the dark anymore" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "unless I go to the mall... pft who buys beer at the mall?!?!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "*looks around* oh wai... the mall flippin rocks!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Also dark clubs, dosn't that lead to somthing like" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "stranger danger?!? I'm just saying!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "I think we all need melay taders and banana" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "although bananas may be a little stranger danger too" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "taking bananas into unlit clubs" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Also monroeville, better get like a diamond trophy, yeah!" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "But anyways since someone asked me to be productive" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "the mall has 0 zombies inside it atm." on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "Just letting everyone know! But anyways" on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "petition for melay taders... full of winz! Let's achieve..." on 26.06 MHz. You broadcast "MOAR TADERS FOR MALTON! Yours truely- Jelly" on 26.06 MHz.

Sarah Aline

Sarah's New Life

When: May 30 2008
Where: Beaverville
About: As a Radio Jockey
  1. S Aline broadcast "Good afternoon, Malton. How are we today?" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  2. S Aline broadcast "Are you nippy? Nipply? Napoli?" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  3. S Aline broadcast "If you are, you'd best stay tuned in to the ULC Radio Show!" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  4. S Aline broadcast "It's the best danged radio show in Malton, baby." from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  5. S Aline broadcast "Sponsored personally by Horatio Caine of the Miami CSI." from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  6. Horatio Caine broadcast "...Now that's a ham... radio. *Won't Get Fooled Again plays*" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  7. S Aline broadcast "Yes, yes, thank you for that H. Nice glasses - are they new?" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  8. S Aline broadcast "Because I am a woman - RAWR - this first song is..." from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  9. S Aline broadcast "I Am Woman! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPDcMyPlFvw" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  10. S Aline broadcast "Ladies, not only can you do anything... You can also dance!" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  11. S Aline broadcast "Yes, we can dance, we can dance!" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  12. S Aline broadcast "Have you guessed what song is up next? That's right..." from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  13. S Aline broadcast "It's the '80s megahit, Safety Dance!" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  14. S Aline broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcOZ6xFxJqg" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  15. S Aline broadcast "Who doesn't miss the '80s? I know I do!" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  16. S Aline broadcast "Come on! Snap bracelets, Alf, My Little Pony, NES..." from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  17. S Aline broadcast "Rainbow Brite, big hair, wild uncontrolled fashion!" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  18. S Aline broadcast "It was a mecca of awesome. So enjoy another rad '80s hit!" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  19. S Aline broadcast "Remember Jennifer Rush? Here's a reminder..." from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  20. S Aline broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEI2rXVcUh8" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  21. S Aline broadcast "I love the '80s! I'm even having an '80s party tomorrow." from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  22. S Aline broadcast "Because yesterday was my 21st birthday, I'm leaving you..." from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  23. S Aline broadcast "...zany, wacky, Goonies-loving kids on this '80s note!" from here, on 26.06 MHz.
  24. S Aline broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40K2S0-5Xo0" from here, on 26.06 MHz.

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