User:Aislinn Hanrahan

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Aislinn Hanrahan was born in Omagh, Ireland on July 10th, 1982 to Padraig and Saorise Hanrahan. She was the second child of the pair, having one elder sister, Orla. Her family owned a Pub and Inn by the name of Tir Na Nog, where from a series of factors (i.e. Being Catholic in a largely Protestant area, working as a barmaid, being generally unlike her sister) she learned growing up how to handle herself around firearms, knives, and hand-to-hand combat. Attending Catholic school as a child, Aislinn faced teasing from her peers due to her hetrochromia - a rare genetic condition that did nothing but give her one green eye, and one blue eye. It did, however, look unnatural, and as result of the childish mocking, as a defensive mechanism she became even more of a tomboy.

Life proceeded as normally for her as possible until at the age of sixteen, Aislinn lost everything. The IRA committed a terrorist attack upon Omagh, and the Queen's Lancashire Regiment was called in to assist the rescue. Pulled from the wreckage by a young Private named Isaac McCormick, the teenage girl had sustained severe injury, as did her family who, after a few days, died of their wounds. Aislinn would not see Private McCormick until several years later. Having no where to turn to, upon finishing her education and becoming of age, she joined the British Military post-haste, entering into their Combat Medical Program. Completing her training as a Combat Medical Technician, she was placed with the Queen's Lancashire Regiment, 1st Battalion and met her hero, now Corporal McCormick, again at last and over the years fell half-in-love with him. Until the crisis in Malton, she went where her Regiment went and was recently in Dhekelia, Cyprus.

When things in Malton started to spiral out of control, various regiments were called in, Aislinn's squad among them, but they arrived in the city woefully unprepared. No one had mentioned undead. And so perhaps maybe an hour had past for Aislinn's squad when they were suddenly attacked by a zombie horde. Ordered to retreat, she got separated from her fellow soldiers, and losing everything she had once more, now believes them to be all dead or among the undead. On her own and on the run from the hordes, her radio was her sanity, to which she listened to word from other survivors, especially groups like the Emerald Guard and Radio Free Malton. Hoping to lend her skills to the Guard's service, she traveled to Dartside and Lockettside, but instead of finding Melanie Booth, she found Radio Free Malton's own Alexander Shaw and Barry Bravado. They courteously offered her their HQ's to stay for a while, and taking to their easy-going cheerfulness, she has been with The 'Sards ever since and wherever they may go. In that time, she has died once from a vicious neck bite, but the virius had no time to take over her control - as soon as she stood up she was revived. Also, she has encountered her Corporal among the undead, although he could not be saved, and she was forced to slay and burn the corpse of the man she once loved. Codenamed Red Rose, currently twenty-three, she is rumored to be romantically involved with Tompson Mall Irregular Sylvos Moon.

Out of Character

Aislinn, along with other additions, ran the still standing RPG thread on the Unofficial Urban Dead boards known as School House Rock!. With the closing of Desensitized, they have since moved location to LiveJournal[1].