Bloody Green Boyz
Group Numbers:
Unknown (Estimated in the 40s)
Zheke, Rachael, Mackenzie, Mitch
Run our "legitimate business" ventures on the streets of Malton while helping our fellow survivors. We supply revive and other, "wanted goods".
Recruitment Policy:
New members are required only to pick up a dog tattoo at their nearest tattoo parlor and add our group and their new tattoo to their profile. Proceed to our forums for further information. Zombie members need only to place the experimental mind control collar on in their profile and find us.(NOTE: We only take civilian and zombie members, we are a strictly refugee and rag tag group and don't have any trained personnel above and beyond your typical civilian.)
BGZ Forum
The Bloody Green Boyz
The Bloody Green Boyz were a drug cartel before the outbreak in Malton, now they're turning their efforts to previous clients and survivors of the outbreak, supplying aid and syringes to fellow survivors. The dog tattoo worn by members symbolizes the pack mentality they share and surprising efficiency at working as a unit to take down their adversaries with the cold merciless disposition a pack displays towards its prey. Drug peddling wasn't the only aspiration of the Bloody Green Boyz however, distribution, manufacturing, and replication of highly dangerous and experimental electronics and weaponry was a particularly favorite hobby of their ringleader, Zheke, of particular note was the prototype of a still very experimental and mostly untested "mind control collar", allowing a person absolute reign over the subject's actions, ranging from a fully functioning human being to a long deceased corpse. The collars went missing from one of the Bloody Green Boyz warehouses days before the outbreak. Occasionally, one can see some of these collars on some of the local zombie population, but one must wonder if there's mind control at work, is it the Bloody Green Boyz behind the strings...or the zombies?
The Creepy Boyz
The Creepy Boyz have accepted their demerits and laid down for punishment, and are reinstated into the BGZ under the condition Mitch no longer acts on his own accord, so says the Don. --Greymanx12 00:48, 11 September 2011 (BST)
Syndicate Prayer
[The Bloody Green Boyz Prayer] - Swedish House Mafia
"Say all I talk about is bling bling, jewels, do you fools listen to music or you just skim through it?" - Jay-Z
"We'll take as many of these bastards with us as we can before they decide it's time to drop the bombs and fry us all." - Zheke, Don of the Bloody Green Boyz.
Check out what we've been up to here. This is posted in EST.
- 23/7/2011, 12:14 PM - The BGZ transfers from World of Warcraft to Urban Dead and start setting up shop
- 8/6/2011, 2:06 PM - The BGZ sets up a hideout in The Butterell Arms.
- 12/6/2011, 4:11 PM - The BGZ heads to the mall in havercroft and Locketteside to pick up some fancy new threads.
- 18/8/2011, 11:42 PM - Fiona Hatherley strands some of their associates in the streets by barricading while they were gone, they retaliate and kill her.
- 7/8/2011, 11:02 AM - The BGZ move to Chudleyton.
- 20/6/2011 4:01 PM - The BGZ claims both The Blackholler Arms and The Waugh Arms.
- 10/8/2011, 8:42 AM - They defend Caiger Mall during a siege.
- 27/8/2011, 3:12 AM - The BGZ set up a radio and generator in The Blackholler Arms.
- 3/9/2011, 11:45 PM - The Caiger Mall remains in survivor hands, for now.
- 4/9/2011, 8:34 AM - A second base of operations is set up with a radio and powered generator in The Waugh Arms. With a backup transmitter nearby.
- 5/9/2011, 11:36 AM - Trench Coated kills Chris the Switch and hides in The Preston Arms where he is eliminated.
- 6/9/2011, 4:13 AM - New forum was made for their group.
- 7/9/2011, 7:58 AM - Their second in command kills the leader of PHOBIA, Mr Watt
- 8/9/2011, 2:58 AM - Mitch and the rest of his zombies attack The Preston Arms without consulting the other officers.
- 9/9/2011, 12:24 PM - The Bloody Green Boyz thwart their defecting officer and pack, who were attempting to take down The Preston Arms, they retreat.
- 9/9/2011, 2:58 AM - The Bloody Green Boyz temporarily ban Mitch from the forums.
- 9/9/2011, 10:30 AM - The Creepy Boyz retreat from The Preston Arms and move to assault The Blackholler Arms. The barricades nearly fall twice but the building stands firm for now.
- 9/9/2011, 3:04 PM - The don and Mitch make plans to discuss the mutiny, hopefully with a peaceful conclusion.
- 9/10/2011 7:00 AM - Mitch and the Creepy Boyz break into The Blackholler Arms, they are dumped back into the streets.
- 9/10/2011 11:40 AM - The BGZ sets up base in the Kennen Building.
- 9/10/2011 5:00 PM - The BGZ prepares for a siege operating between their headquarters and The Kennen Building.
- 9/10/2011 6:16 PM - Mitch and the Creepy Boyz continue their failed assault on the Blackholler Arms, bringing the barricades down to QSB during a meeting on our forum. Barricades back at EHB.
- 9/10/2011 6:57 PM - Malton DEA scum, Down he goes We took persuit after a member of the Malton DEA took out the generator in the Kennen Building.
- 9/10/2011 10:25 PM - Creepy Boyz fall back under the iron grip of the mind control collars and return to their duties. "Brraai- zzt! ..maastaah!!!" --Greymanx12 03:25, 11 September 2011 (BST)
- 9/11/2011 10:05 PM - The Blackholler Arms doors are breached, generator and radio transmitter destroyed, but the building stands, the zombies dumped back into the street below.
To join our group, go to our forums and submit an application, once accepted, add our tag and tattoo to your profile (a little medicinal green doesn't hurt either), there is a list of members new and old on our forum. This is a civilian based group, You won't find military or science personnel in our ranks (if you do, they're not with us), zombies are welcome. Occasionally we will have a character bio added to our forums, we will add them here as members write them.
Syndicate's Head
These our the elites, the original members, and our syndicate leaders.
- Zheke, Ringleader of the Bloody Green Boyz
Zheke Cross Ford
Character class:
Favorite equipment:
Pistols, Shotgun, Knife and an Axe
Character profile:
Urban Dead profile
Current status:
Character group:
Character stats:
Level 19
no journal for Zheke Cross Ford
This user is a consumer, and is probably off looting a mall somewhere.
Before the outbreak, Zheke was a cold and calculating man, seeing the world as either with or against him. All in all, not much has changed, while Zheke and his gang do make conscious effort to help the survivor cause, it is only due to the very self-serving nature he had since the beginning, deep down he is still the very same crime syndicate leader he always was. Outside of his tight knit cronies and his love interest, Rachael, he sees others as "acceptable losses".
- Rachael, Love interest of Zheke and Second Officer of the Bloody Green Boyz
Rachael Carter
Character class:
Favorite equipment:
Pistol, and her boomstick.
Character profile:
Urban Dead profile
Current status:
Character group:
Character stats:
Level 8
no journal for Rachael Carter
This user is a consumer, and is probably off looting a mall somewhere.
Not long after the outbreak Rachael met up with the Crime Boss Zheke of the Bloody Green Boyz, and quickly they became an inseparable pair. While others may not have seen what lay beneath the logical, cold and calculating exterior, time itself had proven to her that regardless of how he looked at outsiders in his life, he did not share this view of people with those close to him. Once things in Malton had gone to hell, she followed him and his gang without question, and while more empathetic than her counterpart, she never hesitated when dealing with any potential threat to their associates with zero tolerance.
- Mackenzie, Third Officer of the Bloody Green Boyz
Nineball Mackenzie
Character class:
Favorite equipment:
Switchblade, pistol.
Character profile:
Urban Dead profile
Current status:
Character group:
Character stats:
Level 9
no journal for Nineball Mackenzie
This user is a consumer, and is probably off looting a mall somewhere.
Mackenzie was a crafty man, with strong beliefs in the spirit world. At the time of the outbreak he had felt something foul stirring in Malton and warned his boss, Zheke, who was skeptical but being the paranoid man he was raised an air of caution in the days before the unholy uprising. Mackenzie is an expert with hardware and electronics and had a hand in the development of the experimental mind control collars developed by the Bloody Green Boyz whiz kid, Kyle.
- Mitch, Lead Scout and Fourth Officer of the Bloody Green Boyz
Mitch Harrison
Character class:
Favorite equipment:
Character profile:
Urban Dead profile
Current status:
Character group:
Character stats:
Level 6
no journal for Mitch Harrison
This user is a zombie and is probably off eating some brains.
Mitch was in life the head of finances for the Bloody Green Boyz. After the outbreak, after retrieving the experimental mind control collars, the Bloody Green Boyz managed to corral and attach the collars to some of their fallen associates, such as Mitch, seemingly giving them control over the now walking corpses, or so it would seem.
Elise Angel; charming, devilish, dashing. She was a member of the cartel long before they became an organized syndicate, and an old, long time friend of the don, Zheke. Before joining up with the Boyz she made her living selling her body on the street. It was after a chance encounter with the don and "negotiations" for her release from contract that she ended up joining up with Zheke and his associates. After Malton fell, she was right by Zheke's side as they raided their warehouse, spraying down freshly risen zombies mercilessly in order to retrieve an experimental set of mind control collars.
Troy was one of the peacekeepers of the Bloody Green Boyz, and an ex biker. He totes his weight around in confrontations but is generally a level headed guy.
Murdock oversaw drug shipments before the outbreak in Malton, and kept tabs on the warehouse inventories and movement and distribution of their various merchandise. He was from the beginning a loyal friend of the syndicate don Zheke, their friendship going back to their childhood. When Malton fell, he was one of the associates that followed Zheke to retrieve their experimental tech from one of their many warehouses, by suggestion of Nineball Mackenzie at the potential usefulness of the collars. Murdock has never been a patient man, and is prone to outbursts of anger at best.
Thomas was one of the lead designers for the experimental drugs and weaponry the Bloody Green Boyz produced before the outbreak. His expertise in chemicals is unparalleled, and is responsible for their most popular seller, manic, a compound which produced a mix of effects similar to speed and ecstasy. After the outbreak, Thomas was able to replicate the revive serum produced by Necrotech and began manufacturing a large supply for the syndicate to both use and supply to their clients.
Before the outbreak, Robbie "The Kid" Paige was lead peacekeeper of the syndicate. His right hand man, "Righteous" Jack and himself oversaw the elimination of any potential threat to the associates of the cartel. He met up with a young blonde thing named Jennifer "Sweety" Blake, who got involved with Robbie and the syndicate and now runs with their crew. Once the outbreak had fallen upon Malton, he was right behind Zheke and his boyz as they raided one of their warehouses to reclaim a special set of mind control collars co-invented by Kyle Trapp and syndicate head Nineball Mackenzie. Even in all the chaos, he still finds time to maintain his frosted bangs.
Richard was a private doctor working very exclusively with the Bloody Green Boyz, often treating bullet wounds and drug overdoses associates suffered from. After the outbreak befell the city of Malton he followed the associates to provide medical support while they raided one of their factories in search of a particular item of interest to the don. Now he has his hands full treating infections and patching up zombie claw and bite wounds.
"Righteous" Jack was a peacekeeper for the Bloody Green Boyz before the outbreak. A more ironic name could not have befallen him, he was cold and took enjoyment out of his duties, silencing any potential enemies of the cartel. Once the zombies had overrun the city, he was one of the last members of the cartel to run to safety, guarding their escape from one of their warehouses during the retrieval of their experimental tech, particularly a set of mind control collars which they now use to keep some of their former associates walking and useful, so it would seem.
Francis Monroe was head of public affairs in the syndicate before the outbreak, a respectable attorney on a large payroll courtesy of the Bloody Green Boyz. He likes to dress well and is a bit of a cleanliness freak. Once the fall of Malton began he and the Bloody Green Boyz retreated to Eastonwood and took up refuge at one of their fronts, the Butterell Arms.
Syndicate's Right Arm
These our some of our older members, the second waves.
Kyle served as the lead scientist before the outbreak and head of experimental development for the crime syndicate of the Bloody Green Boyz. He was the mind behind the experimental mind control collars that the gang uses to seemingly control some of their fallen associates. He did not accompany Zheke and the boyz during the retrieval of the collars and instead opted to wait in a secure factory they often use to discuss business.
Syndicate's Left Arm
These are our younglings, our newer members and our shock troops.
Syndicate's Informants
These are our scouts, our spies, and our hidden eyes.
(Member names not listed for practical reasons)
What we're about
We are an independent group stationed in the northwestern quadrant of the map. We are quite constantly on the move and will repair barricades, heal other survivors, whittle zombie populations and leave them injured where we can (And occasionally a survivor or two if they rub us the wrong way), as well as actively defending malls and forts in suburbs we are in as we see fit. Unnecessary player killing is frowned upon but we will defend group members against bounty hunters and the like, attacks made against members of our crew regardless of the reason will be retaliated against. We organize very well, and always have someone keeping an eye on things. We now have an active forum and can be contacted there. All that being said, count on us giving adequate support should we be in the neighborhood, but count on us also watching our hides first and everyone else second.
Revive Points
We actively maintain two revive points at our discretion at "Rome Way" in Chudleyton and "Selwood Crescent" in Darvall Heights. Brain Rotters will be shot dead upon scanning.
If you would like to join an alliance with us, visit our forum and let us know, then add a link to your group here upon confirmation.
New Members
New members to our group are urged to locate our headquarters in either Chudleyton or Darvall Heights via one of the free running entrances located near them. We urge new players to read the guides section before doing anything substantial in game, but we can't make you. Some guides we recommend include Grim's Guide to Staying Alive, P.W.N.D., and for those of you just starting out, Modern Suburbia:Surviving Level One. We also urge you to register on the forums.
Didn't we make ourselves clear?
Remember kids: Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me twice, YOU ARE DEAD
War On Sheep
This user or group is sick of survivors acting like lame sheep. Zombies are supposed to be the herd creatures, not the living!
We gon find you
You don't have to come and confess, the BGZ be lookin' for you, we gon' find you.
We laugh at your futility.
We are Watching...
Our eyes are everywhere, our name is legion, for we are many.
People find themselves pwned around this group.
Happy Pills
This group has what you need.
The Bloody Green Boyz wish you a happy 4:20.
Oops! Sometimes we get a little carried away.
These are policies we support/follow.
Proud To Be Alive
This group is a survivor and proud of it.
Centers Of Learning Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Centers of Learning Policy & acknowledges that all libraries, schools, zoos, and museums in the city of Malton are considered safe places. No survivor in one of these locations may be killed for any reason unless that survivor is a specified enemy of this user or group.
Anti Dual Nature Supporter
This user believes that Dual Nature players simply can't make up their mind and thus are TRAITORS to BOTH SIDES.
No Honor Among Thieves
This user or group believes there is no such thing as honor among thieves. There is only the client and the target. Whether the target is a innocent survivor, bounty hunter, or criminal in the end they're all as good as dead when it comes to fulfilling the contract. Honor? There is no place in Malton for that nonsense.
Equal Opportunity
This user/group supports the equal opportunity policy and does not discriminate on grounds of vitality, welcoming members/friends from both the living and the dead.
Good Grooming
This user or group practices good grooming habits, and recommends that other Malton survivors do too.
This user thinks that adding 1 AP to the revive cycle is pointless.
Tactics and Playstyle
These are tactics we employ and play-styles we endorse.
This user finds people with 20 shotguns and katanas to be obnoxious.
Ban Stupidity
This user or group does not tolerate stupid people.
Life Cultist
We will bring vengeance even after death.
This user or group supports Mob Tactics.
Bounty Hunter
This User or Group hunts and kills PKers.
Friends Don't Let Friends Zerg
This user and/or group is opposed to the use of Zergs and multiple character abuse, and reserve the right to publicly humiliate those who do.
This user or group believes that while zambahz and humans must kill each other, they can still be civil about it.
PKers are people too!
This user or group acknowledges the fact that PKers play a legitimate role in a zombie apocalypse and that they are people too.
Roleplaying Notice
Notice: This User or Group enjoys the RPG aspect of MMORPGs, the category of games that Urban Dead falls into. As such, there is probably quite a bit of roleplaying and/or creative writing on this page and in said User/Group's in-game actions. In other words, if you think the difference between IC and OOC is "One has an 'I' and the other has two 'O's," buzz off.
CPR supporter
This user or group supports the use of CPR on the living-impaired.
Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.
Frequency: 28.52 MHz, 26.24 MHz
Transmitter coordinates: Malton