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Currently has 3 alts...only one of which has a meaning in life, the Sex Possy. Doesn't like seeing links to his name in red so decided to fill my whole page with templates to avoid actually doing any work. SWEET!!

Joined: 2006-10-26 01:14:27
Character class: Marine
Favorite equipment: Shiv
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Zombie, but looking for revive.
Character group: Sex Possy
Character stats: Zombie Kills:??? Survivor Kills:0 Raves Attended:2
Journal: "No journal" for AnUglyMarine
The v.jpg Remember, Remember the 5th of November
This user or group supports the vendetta against the villainous undead in Ridleybank. On the 5th of November, we will march on the choked heart of Malton and liberate it anew. Victory will be ours, and with it, vengeance!

-Saw the movie, had to use the template.

Union Flag.png British
This user is British.

-Marine, AnUglyMarine

Dolphin.JPG Dolphins
This user thinks dolphins are better than killer whales, and would totally be a dolphin, but with wings and lasers and shit.

-Don't you agree.

Martini.jpg Sobriety
AnUglyMarine is currently riotously drunk

-Definitly not a tee-totaler

F for Freedom.JPG F for Freedom
This user or group supports F for Freedom.

-Or football, whatever.

Vandalism.gif IT NEVER ENDS!
This user is frustrated by the sheer amount of stupidity and crap on the wiki.

-Don't you love random violence?

Gun.jpg Trigger Happy
This user has guns. Do not cross them.

-It's true.

Gun.jpg Bang!
AnUglyMarine wants Gaybait to die.

-See Sex Possy forums for more info.

WR-Manbagz.jpg Manbagz
This user understands the value of Manbagz to carry miscellaneous vital items.

-Oh, so that's what the zombies ment by manbagz.

McZeds.png McZeds™
This User or Group eats at McZeds™. They also support the Use of Corpses for High Quality Processed Fast Food.


Nuke.jpg Just Nuke the Place!
This user thinks the military should drop the bomb on Malton so that the zombies can mutate into something more powerful and finally pose a real threat to survivors. That is, if any of the survivors make it...

-Yay for large scale explosives.

M24.jpg Scout/Sniper
This User is capable of a 1000yd HeadShot

-A sniper rifle would be such a sweet Christmas present...please, Kevan, pretty please.

RightSaidFred.jpg Sexy
This user claims to be too sexy for his car, too sexy by far.

-Thats why I'm in the Sex Possy

250px-OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb.jpg A Complete Waste of Time
This user doesn't even know why they bother using templates anymore.

-Yeah, I'm speechless.

Redskull.jpg Violence is quicker
Both diplomacy and violence solve problems. But violence is quicker.

-You can't argue with that logic, especially with a gun to your head.

Visited Treweeke Mall
This user has visited Treweeke Mall.

-And I'm not leaving.

Sauron eye.jpg I SEE YOU!!1!


Weapons.JPG Weapon of Choice
This user's weapon of choice is his saturday night special (pistol for the layman).

-And possibly a shiv as backup.

This user supports bringing the World Cup back to Malton.

-And England will win this time because Italy will stop cheating.

Burnthewitch.jpg Burn Her! She's a Witch!
This user is on a witch hunt and will burn any witch they find.

-Monty Python kicks ass.

Zergling.gif Alt user
This user has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.

-They are all at least 2 'burbs apart.