Howdy folks! Like my name might suggest to you, I'm an American Citizen who grew up overseas in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia with the Aramco comapny there...hence the name... At the moment, I'm on a completely different time schedule than most U.S. Urban Dead players, which is sort of slow at times, but soon I will be back in the United States and able to join in the real action. As a whole, I don't really play violent characters, and would enjoy the chance to rp with anyone should they wish to. How did I get introduced to this game? By getting bitten on the "GRAAAAGH!" thing, of course! Prior gaming experience extends mainly to Neverwinter Nights, where I hosted and administrated the persistent world servers of Estium, Estium II and Estium Origins over the course of a few years until interest in NwN as a whole and my overseas travels interfered with things. More information than you ever wanted to know, I'm sure, so let's get to the character info! Oh, yay, how exciting, I'm sure you find yourself thinking...
Character information (human): "Smelling slightly of exotic frankinscense and speaking with a slight arabic accent, this former employee of necrotech is obviously not the fighting type-his lab coat bristles with pens and pencils of every color of the rainbow, and his glasses, held together with small amounts of duct tape seem to be in constant need of re-adjusting. Despite his somewhat quirky mannerisms, he seems to have quite the zeal in his journey to track and, someday, revive all of the zombies that he can find that are worthy of such action. Seems to have a bit of a smoking problem, and since cigarettes can be difficult to come by in this world often seems to have cravings and widthdrawals... He wears a small tag on his lab coat that says, in bold, happy fun colored crayon-"If I try to eat your brains please revive me or direct me to the nearest cemetary". He claims it's a joke, since that'll never happen to him, but anyone trying to take it off is met with an unusually cold stare... " Character information (zombie): "This zombie seems to have a rather tattered lab coat on and a pair of now broken glasses-though he eyes other zombies with a harsh look in his eyes (assuming they haven't rotted out yet), he seems quite content with nearby survivors...if seen near a cemetary or a building of his own old employer, he will be seen lurching towards them with a sad look on his face, if such a thing can happen with a zombie..."
Policies I ascribe to in game:
Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter | |
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard. |
I can certainly see the value in a good, uniform policy for barricading things-I have been caught out in the open far too often, unable to enter a building because someone barricaded it far too I only have to get the free running skill, I suppose.
Sacred Ground Policy Supporter | |
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points. |
This is a great idea whose time has certainly come-it will make revives far easier to get for people who may not be able to network as closely as some of the UrbanDead community out of the game itself, and look forward to making some good revives at these places.
Planned Revivification | |
This user or group supports organized revivification. |
I think this one is fairly self explanatory...
Mr. Rogers Style! | |
This user or group supports and follows the Mr. Rogers policy. |
As a science oriented character in game, I really cannot see myself breaking this too often. I think it's a great idea, especially from an RP perspective.
Malton Hospitals Group | |
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton. |
Healing is a good thing!
Malton Forensics Unit | |
Aramcobrat is a member of the MFU. |
I stand by my DEM brothers and sisters!