Dirk Bender
Short-wave Radio Info
This user monitors the DEM dedicated radio frequency.
Frequency: 26.26 MHz
This is my primary character in Urban Dead.
Malton Fire Department: Malton Emergency Management Services
Assistant Instructor, Darby Campus
NE Division
Badge #675

Here is a cool centered map.
Funt Solo's neat little map - it's city wide and you can toggle building types on and off. Very cool.
Imageshack - good for posting screenshots (like PK reports) to forums.
DEM Tools and Services
Forums: Brainstock, Ackland Mall Security, (To the)Four Winds,
Malton Fire Department
Dirk Bender is a member of the MFD.
Malton Emergency Medical Service
Dirk Bender is a member of the MEMS.
This user is a medic and is probably off healing the troops.
This user is in the Military and is probably off trying to control the zombie outbreak.
Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.
The Almighty Crowbar
Wooden crates beware, this user has a crowbar.
Dirk Dresden
I also play Dirk Dresden in Havercroft. He's part of Ackland Mall Security, and the mall is always up to code!
DEM Ally
Dirk Dresden is an ally of the DEM
Gift Certificate
good for $50 at Ackland Mall