Bakimono was an off-duty Fireman when the wave of death began to sweep over Malton,
and has been doing his part to both stave off the advancing hoardes of undead, and to
heal and revive those that he was unable to protect.
While so far he has traveled only to the 'burbs surrounding Havercroft, he has had to deal
with a mall-takover, zed spies, PK'ers and has even picked up a second carreer as a NT employee.
In these dangerous times, he has found the satisfaction of reviving an ally to be
Usually can be found hanging at Ackland Mall, but makes regular forays West and South on
revive runs, to keep supplies available, and to keep track of local Zed populations. After the
recent attack on the Mall he has begun to call home, Baki has decided to join up with
Ackland_Mall_Security as a member of their Medic Corps, and can usually be counted on to be
carrying several FAK's and a NecroTech Revivification Syringe or two. If you see him and need a
bit of a boost, or know someone who's lurching a bit more than they used to, speak up, he'll do
what he can.