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Colonel Angus "Booter" Cooter, US Confederate Colonel turned Minister of Protocol, Decorum, and Dueling for the Lumberjacks in Penny Heights

Level: 41

Group: the Lumberjacks

Home Turf: Odo General Hospital, Penny Heights



Working on it.


Working on it.


Working on it.


Before Z-Day

Angus Ambrosius Cooter was the son of wealthy South Carolina plantation owners during America's antebellum South. The Cooters had a proud military history, and Angus' father Emil Angus Cooter was also a Colonel before a jaw injury ended his military career. Angus followed in his father's footsteps, attending West Point and ultimately becoming an officer in the US Military.

When he was a young officer in his early twenties, Angus married Miss Colleen Sartoris, a Georgian gentlewoman from a respected family. Unfortunately, Colleen died giving birth to the couple's first son, Angus Jr., after which Angus remained a quiet widower for many years. Angus Jr. was raised by his aunt Beatrice on the Cooter family estates, seeing his father regularly but opting to pursue a career in steelwork rather than follow his father into the military.

Angus eventually attained the rank of Colonel, like his father before him, and had command of a number of American soldiers. In his early fifties he found himself engaged to an English Baroness by the name of Lady Catherine Dacre, who had come to America to finalize the purchase of a plantation for her cousin. The Baroness was younger than the Colonel by over twenty years, but found herself taken by his gentlemanly ways and flowery speech, just as he found himself charmed by her modest manner and quiet dignity. The two engaged in a brief but heartfelt courtship, and arrangements were made for the pair to be married in a year's time in England. Then the troubles began for the American people.

When the South seceded from the Union, Colonel Cooter (known as "Booter" for his ability to kick objects over great distances) sided with Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee, serving as a Colonel in the War of Northern Aggression. Ever a gentleman, he was civil and respectful to his adversaries, but fought with a legendary savagery, often having at Yankee soldiers with his family cavalry sabre, Julep.

He was unforgiving of rudeness and insult, challenging a number of fellow officers with uncivil tongues by the Code Duello to pistols on the field of honor. An unparallelled marksman and a dangerous sabre fencer, he could have easily killed a number of Southern gentlemen had he not sworn to do minimal injury, instead marking them to prove his point and humbling them into heartfelt apologies.

Colonel Cooter died in the Battle of Gettysburg when his horse was hit by a gatling gun, sending him crashing to the ground hard enough to break his neck. His will specified that his body be sent overseas to England and buried in the countryside on the estates of his fiance, Lady Catherine Dacre.

Early Days of the Zombie Scourge

When the zombie plague first struck Malton, Colonel Angus rose from his grave, which was buried in a cemetery in Lockettside. With Julep in hand, he ravened through the south of Malton, undead and mindless. From what reckoning he can decipher, he took part in an assault against Fort Perryn, and at some point destroyed the storeroom of a brewpub. Luckily, those memories are sparse and undetailed, lacking emotional connections for Angus.

Eventually the undead Colonel found himself in the southeast of Malton, ravening through Penny Heights and attempting to break through the walls of Lumber Mall. He cannot recall who revived him or when, but he rose to find himself in a confusing world far different from the antebellum South. He located a library, where survivors kindly explained where he was and what had happened, and texts explained what had become of the world since his death at Gettysburg. He was able to reach deep within himself and find the reserves of strength he needed to push past this nightmare and see what needed doing, pledging his heart and his sabre to defending the survivors of Malton.

Membership in the Lumberjacks

It was a chance meeting with Ignatz Walechowitz that truly made the difference in Colonel Cooter's life. The leader of the Lumberjacks administered first aid to Angus at Odo General hospital, and his organization of the survivors and dedication to their protection inspired the Colonel to join forces with the nascent group, crossing sabre to axe in defense of Penny Heights. Over time, the Colonel's good nature and gentlemanly etiquette led to his place as the Lumberjacks' Minister of Protocol, Decorum, and Dueling, a position he relishes.

Now a local fixture and lieutenant of the Lumberjacks, Colonel Angus "Booter" Cooter is a respected defender of Penny Heights, reviving the unfortunate undead and savaging the feral packs and predatory survivors who threaten the good-hearted citizens of Malton.


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