User:Haflinger/Mickey Linehan
Hardboiled in Malton
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This story is part of the Malton Chronicles. This story is fan-made, and is not officially part of any background history for Urban Dead. |
Arrival in Malton
Mickey gets lost a lot. He seems to have wandered into Malton, ax in hand. Hmmm, there's a lot of strange things going on here. Maybe it's all just a whiskey-soaked dream, maybe not.
So he kills a couple zombies. Then, one day, he's out and about in Roachtown, and gets smeared.
So, what the hey. It's time to head on over to get revived, back to whiskey and soda. Looks like Bateson Street is all clogged up, and the ROACH Klips are nowhere in sight, so he heads on over to Shearbank, ax in ... dammit, claw.
Welcome to beautiful downtown Shearbank.
Hey hey! That was quick. Not five minutes after he gets to Male Way CalaveraDeOro of the TTLG scans him, and brings him back up.
Still, he feels pretty tired after all that. He spends a day or so lying in the gutter, and then gets up and runs straight north, past rows of zombies, up to Lamport Hills.
More zombies, but at least an open motel. In he goes.
So, of course then a PKer stops by, and kills some of the locals. Off he goes again, seeing as how the zombies are now inside the motel, after hitting one of them with an ax, and nicking it. He starts heading out, towards Chancelwood, where he gets smeared again trying to get to the Gaffney Building.
Hmmm. This is no good. Bah, lurching around town, getting attacked by zombies, even when he's a zombie himself. He takes some satisfaction in watching Jenny Green get blown away after she claws him up, and then moves along.
Gotta get those claws off. Need that ax back.
He sees some B-Town Boyz graffiti, heads to Curton Mansion, and this time Angkar revives him.
He lies there for a while, and hears some disturbances outside. The ghost of Curton Mansion wanders around, and people start to clear out. Zombies congregate at the Haslock building, and Fireman Chewy heads over there too, he doesn't know why.
The Battle of Pashenton
He gets up, rubs his hands to his face, and heads on out. It takes him a while, but he finds his way to the barricades at Club Swabey in Earletown, and catches his breath there. Things look a little better in this neighbourhood, so he decides to keep on going, and makes his way to Rawkins Row Police Department in Pashenton, which seems to have been turned into a survivors' fortress.
Back to the hunt. Turns out, Aishwarya, an old friend of his, was in Rawkins Row. They set out together, and between his ax and her gun, brought down another zombie by Sambone Walk Railway Station. Next day, PeeWee Gaskins of the Minions of the Apocalypse breaks in to the cop-shop. So Mickey chops him up. Then, he and Aishwarya take another one down at Sambone, and start raiding Denbee Bank too. He ends up that night behind the barricades in the Mist Library reading a book.
That continues for a little while, Mickey and Aishwarya patrolling together.
One night, though, things change. A bunch of zombies, led by some wandering members of The Plague, start attacking Rawkins Row. Aishwarya shoots a bunch of them down, but after the initial attack by The Plague, ferals start streaming in from the west and she gets killed.
A couple times.
Mickey's spending so much time in St. Seraphim's Hospital that he learns some first aid skills. He starts running his ax and first aid kits down to Rawkins Row on an almost full-time basis, until Rawkins Row falls to the horde.
Mickey's in the war now, whether he likes it or not. He doesn't mind it at all, though, until one night; the night after the fall of St. Seraphim's, he's over in the Dickin Building trying to help organize a counterstrike, and who should he see coming through the door but the body of GRZA, one of the other old defenders of Rawkins, who then claws him to death with a little help from Krashan.
So he sighs, claws some guys a little (he's always cranky when he's dead), and heads out the door to the nearest cemetery, over in Rolt Heights. The next day, Yonec pops by and revives him.
Mickey's still so tired. He just lies there for a bit, but then he gets up, grabs his axe, and heads off to where he heard the zombies hunting, down to the south. He chops at one of them, then rambles back on to his old stomping grounds, St. Seraphim's, fuel can in hand, but can't find a generator to power.
Dammit. We need lights.
But he manages to scrape together a little bit of first aid supplies, even in the darkness. He runs a little help over to the factory, before the zombies break in again: and then ZeroBite mysteriously walks in and chops him up with an axe.
Hey! I was fighting the zombies here, you!
Before he got the chance to claw back ZeroBite, though, Doctor Mad Scientist of the Buckrell Arms Troops revived him.
Lying in cemeteries, ah, how relaxing.
After he gets tired of doing that, he gets up and looks around. St. Seraphim's has been overrun, but Aishwarya is hanging out in Rawkins Row with a bunch of other survivors. He gets in there, and manages to chop up a few more zombies in Seraphim's a bit, but mostly he works hard barricading. Eventually, the zombies wander out of Seraphim's, and he takes up residence there again, collecting first aid supplies by the bushel. It takes maybe a week, but he satisfies himself with the progress made against the zombies...
He remembers Doctor Mad Scientist, so he heads to The Patterson Building to see what's going on down in Gibsonton. When he gets there, the lights are out, but the barricades are up, and he goes to look for a generator.
By the time he finds a generator, a dozen zombies are standing outside, and the building is ruined. He heads over to Silverius General Hospital to look for supplies, winds up handing out first aid to passersby. After a couple days of that, he grabs his axe and heads back to Patterson.
The Winchester Boyz and the Rolt Heights Vigilante Patrol, along with a number of other survivors, have gotten inside. He takes a look around the place, finds a DNA extractor, figures out how to use it.
That night, there're a couple breakins. But most of the zombies miss him; he gets infected, but barely stirs in his sleep before he's healed again.
He figures, hang out here in Patterson, get to chop zombies. He figures wrong.
The Boyz and the RHVP get things well under control. At one point, the bodies outside stack up so high, you'd need a helicopter to get past them, but all he winds up doing is hanging out on the rooftops, waiting for some action inside. He runs back to Silverius, gets some more first aid kits, and patches up folks as they come in.
This gets old pretty quick, and then he remembers Doctor Mad Scientist. He links up with Aishwarya again, and heads down to the Buckrell Arms. The Doctor is not in, so he hangs around for a bit. When the Doctor gets back, he joins up.
Gibsonton. He likes the sound of that name. Looks like a fun home.
Another friend of his turns up in Malton. Typically, she shows up right at the other end of the city; he treks west to Bowen Towers in East Becktown to meet up with her. Happily, the building's empty when he sees her there, and they get some time together. After that, he takes her back east a bit, to McGarth Walk Fire Station in Havercroft, and gets her a fire ax to go along with her impressive supply of first aid. Zero Whipple stops by and installs a generator, but he doesn't even get the chance to thank her before she's out the door.
Havercroft eh? Looks rough.
Gets to use his ax pretty fast, too: ZombieCorey drops in for a visit. Guess somebody revved him by mistake, he's infected, wants to stay that way. After he dies again, he tries to pass on his infection to Ataraxiiia, but she stands her ground; Mickey chops him with the ax, dumps his body out the door, and then cures her.
Nobody messes with Mickey's girl.
Well, nobody except for a horde of around twenty zombies. Dammit, now they're both dead. Mickey and Ataraxiiia go to the local cemetery. Mickey gets there first, and gets revived the next morning. She's back among the living just a few hours later; the two of them head off right away to St Odile's Church in Richmond Hills, and rest there for the day. That night, the two of them go to Club Lazenbury in Ketchelbank. There's a zombie standing outside; Mickey helps coach Ataraxia on the fine art of chopping him down. After the zombie's out of the way, the two of them slip inside, and spend the night there.
The next morning, they sneak past a fairly large group of zombies and get to St Eusebius's Hospital; Ataraxia gets some more ax lessons on the way, but then they go inside the hospital and Ataraxia restocks some of her first aid supplies. They spend the night there; that night while they're sleeping, there's a breakin, and a single zombie manages to get inside. Mickey cuts him pretty badly with his ax, and then Ataraxia finishes him off. The two then go up to the roof, and Mickey shows her how to jump between buildings; they run together to Traves Lane Police Dept in Roachtown.
Ah, Roachtown.
There's still graffiti for the Roach Klips here, but no Klips. Mickey wonders where they went. But they keep on heading east; Mickey stops at Dowdney Mall in Santlerville, picks up a generator.
Ataraxiiia still doesn't know how to use the gun that the Army gave her, but now she's got a shotgun that she can't use either.
When they get back to the Buckrell Arms, Doctor Mad Scientist is out.
Mickey Linehan | |||||||||||||||||
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Real Gamer is an Asshole |
This user or group believes that Real Gamer is a n00b, a loser, an asshole, as well as a host of unspeakable things.
He deserves to die by being stuffed with bananas in his ass. Or worse... |
PK Deaths | |
Mickey has been Pked 2 times. |
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Body Count |
Mickey has killed 15 zombies. |
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Revive Count |
Mickey has revived 17 people. |
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Sacred Ground Policy Supporter |
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy. |
B.A.T. | |
Mickey is a member of The Buckrell Arms Troops |