- Date of Birth: your date of birth
- Hair: your hair color
- Place of Birth: your place of birth
- Eyes: your eye color
- Height: your height
- Complexion: your complextion
- Weight: your weight
- Sex: your sex
- Build: your biuld
- Race: your race
- Remarks: comments about you
YE - fill in whichever of the above categories you wish. Simply remove any you don't want.
Write some comments here - whatever you come up with is fine (this is your page, after all). I'd suggest perhaps a brief profile, or maybe some notes about what you hope to accomplish.
You can also add some comments here if you wish. If not, just delete this line.
Member ranking and information.
Kill List
A list of all kills made in the name of knowledge.
Friends, adversaries, and other remarkables.
Information on current and past operations.