Despite carrying the appearance of a stereotypical high school jock, Kenny is actually a licensed (though not particularly skilled) doctor. He is dressed in nothing more than pale green surgical scrubs and a light jacket he managed to grab before the evacuation. These meagre trappings he proudly wears, however, for they alone serve as physical reminders of a more innocent, hopeful time.
The B.A.C.H.Z. wants YOU!
This individual or group has pledged to join the B.A.C.H.Z. in combating the zombie apocalypse by the systematic annihilation, conversion and habilitation of zombies.
This may or may not involve the use of melodrama.
This user or group supports etiquette.
This user or group supports the use of proper grammar and spelling on the Wiki.
This user is a Doctor and is probably off healing someone.
Friend Of The Zoo
The Thinking Monkey brings luck to friends of the Malton City Zoo!
Yay for Penguins
Kenny Matthews thinks penguins are neat.
This user or group and the rest of Kinch Heights would like to extend a warm welcome to you!