User:Liam Degen
Liam Degen, MD Ph.D.
in 1984, Liam graduated from Malton Academy of Sciences with a bachelor's in Biology, and a minor in Biochemistry. He then went on to receive his Masters of public health and medical degree from Malton University of Medicine. In 1995, He received his Ph.D. in Pharmacology/Molecular medicine from The Sealey Institute of Malton for his work on the Mark III revivification syringe and its pharmacodynamics. Liam did his postdoctoral work at Necrotech Research Labs and finally took on clinical rotations at area hospitals in South-Central Malton.
Hospital Hours
Liam holds regular office hours at Zacharias General Hospital in Gulsonside, where he is a staff surgeon and director of emergency medicine. Liam also regularly visits St. Spyridon's Hospital as a visiting physician through the Clinician exchange program and gives Grand Rounds monthly at St. Telesphorus's Hospital. If you have an medical emergency, please contact the DEM or visit the nearest hospital. If you would like to make an appointment, please visit Zacharias General's front desk. For those of you with insurance questions, Dr. Degen works with Zacharias casualty, a subsidiary of Malton Hospitals.
- UPDATE- due to a rather long bout with ZD, Liam has regained consciousness to find himself in Kempsterbank. Due to the surge in Zombie activity and the general decay of central Malton, he will be concentrating his efforts in this area, working out of Julie General Hospital and the Jillard building until further notice
Research Rotations
Dr. Degen is also director of research at the Sealey Institute in Scarletwood. His time is spilt between the lab and the clinic, but he usually makes time to visit the lab a few times a week. There are several areas of focus in his laboratory, most dealing with the current situation in Malton.
research interests include:
- genetic determinants of ZD
- Zombie horde structure
- Determinants of Zombie behavior
Dr. Degen is probably most recognized in his field for the controversial discovery of Zombie Dementia, a disease estimated to affect 20% of Malton's citizens.
Selected Publications
- Epidemiology of the plague of reanimation: a review of current knowledge. 2000. Malton J Epidem. Apr;4(4):633-55
- Pharmacokinetics of Revivification in conjunction with the Mark III syringe in non-BR patients. 2000. J Pharm Malton. Aug;10:45-51
- Evaluation of revivification in Brain-rotted patients: establishing the need for generators in Lab facilities. 2001. Malton letters. Jan; 12(2):566-76
- Elucidation of Zombie behavior: molecular markers for intelligence and food gathering capabilities of undead specimens. 2004. Zombie Behaviorial Gen. Oct. 1(4):34-43
- Identification of a novel chromosomal translocation related to the putative syndrome Zombie Dementia. 2006. Zombie Behavior. Gen. Oct. 1(4):34-43
- Statistical estimation of Zombie Dementia predisposition in the survivor population of Malton. 2007. Zombie. Apr 1:12-14
Professional affiliations
Founder, League of Malton Physicians
Founder, Lab coats, not Trench coats!
Founder, Zombie Dementia Support Network
Member in Esteem, The Sealey Institute of Malton
Staff Physician, Zacharias General Hospital
Liam enjoys long walks through Ledward Park, evenings at Meetcham Library with a good book and a great scotch, and watching movies Gillepsie theatre. His favorite author is, of course, Richard Matheson. He was married before the outbreak, and still considers himself so, even though his wife has been missing since the early days. Liam is confident that he will find her someday- and that revivification will reunite them. If Liam is not at the Hospital seeing patients, or in the lab researching the plague- it is entirely possible that he is zombified and sleeping in the cemetery north of Sealey. Since he is a sufferer of ZD, use caution when reviving him.
League of Malton Physicians | |
This user is a member of the |
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Zombie Dementia |
This user is genetically predisposed to Zombie Dementia |
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Zombie Dementia Support Network |
This user or group is affiliated with the Zombie Dementia Support Network |
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Malton Hospitals Group |
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton. |
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Sacred Ground Policy Supporter |
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy. |
In late April, 2007, I discovered Zombie Dementia. I suffer from this debilitating disease. Although I am a dedicated survivor, I can't guaruntee that I won't immediately turn on you the moment I am killed. This goes double if you PKed me Liam Degen 23:24, 26 April 2007 (BST)
Joined: 2006-11-01 21:27:43
Level: 36
Class: Scientist
Status: Alive
Location: Fort Perryn
Wearing: a ripped blue short-sleeved shirt, a blood-flecked white coat, a bloodstained pair of blue trousers and a scuffed and bloodstained pair of black boots
Updates/ Diary
I have safely reached fort Perryn, and in an effort to increase communication in the area, I have installed and powered a generator at [St. Gall's Church], which is home to a mobile phone mast in [Pennville] We'll see how long it lasts. In the meanitime, I am spending the nights in the safety of the fort, awaiting the arrival of the Minons of the Apocalypse- reported to be moving south to this position. I hope to find the source of this mysterious distress call soon...Liam Degen 19:56, 27 September 2007 (BST)
I have received a strange distress message from Fort Perryn. I am making the treacherous journey there now. Liam Degen 20:31, 25 September 2007 (BST)
As mentioned in the updates above, I find myself now in the suburb of Kepsterbank, where I will remain until I feel I am no longer needed. besides, the change of scenery is nice. Although I didn't know it at the time of my suggestion, this is a rare location in malton that would be affected by the implementation of Translational Research--Liam Degen 00:10, 22 September 2007 (BST)
After several weeks of general order in the suburb except for the occasional PKing by Karrupt I have managed to hone my Zombie-hunting skills. I have been hunting on my own now and have become fairly adept. With so few survivors needing my assistance here, I feel like moving on... We shall see what the future holds for Dr. Liam Degen. 22:16, 23 July 2007 (BST)
I have awoken to find myself in a very different Blesley Mall. The humans here seem coordinated and helpful. the barricades are intact and unassaulted. Virtually no one needs medical assistance at either the hospital or mall. I think i might finally have the time to wash the blood from my hands, change my scrubs and put down my suture kit for once. In fact, with things so in-order I might find time for a personal diversion. I think I'll take up axe lessons and try my luck at zombie smashing. Before the outbreak, I used to calm myself by pruning the hedges around my property. Now, considering the state of things, I suppose I'll just have to prune the zombies. A head here....a leg there.... 03:57, 12 June 2007 (BST)
Again I find myself freed from my curse of Zombie dementia, by chance having spent an exhausted night swaying at a revive point. I am now currently healing patients on the front lines of the battle at Blesley Mall. I am wishing I knew the right end from the wrong end of a gun- although if there's a better place to get combat experience, I can't think of it. After this mess gets cleaned up, I should be back making regular rounds at Zacharias General Hospital Liam Degen 15:36, 16 May 2007 (BST)
As is the curse of a survivor with ZD, I have been zombified and found my way randomly to Michum Mall- were I will probably be doomed to attack the barricades ceaslessly and to no effect until I get combat revived. At any rate it is easier to gain experience as a Zombie these days... Liam Degen 19:50, 11 May 2007 (BST)
Ahh- feels good to be alive again. after some r&r I will be back to my rotations at Zacharias General Liam Degen 17:33, 28 April 2007 (BST)
In the wake of the Horde moving throgh the Blesly mall area, I am still dead and wandering aimlessly through North Scarletwood. Liam Degen 15:27, 28 April 2007 (BST)