Intro and About Me
Welcome! I'm an Urban Dead player who has wandered the city in various forms since late 2010. I'm only sporadically active on the wiki, but I can usually be found hanging around the IRC channels #MCM or #tearoom on Mostly, I've put this page together so that there is some info tying my characters together, if anyone is at all interested.
Outside of the game, I'm a medical student working towards my MD (and possibly my MPH) in Chicago, IL, USA. That tends to more-or-less overrun any other life (or interesting facts) that I may have. It also tends to affect both my mood and humor: I range from sober to manic, and from dry to dark to wacky; converse with me at your own risk, but I generally try to be a good time (and a relatively cheap date).
About my characters: At any given time, I usually have 3-4 characters living their lives (or, you know, not) in Malton. Each of these characters leads completely separate existences (with the possible exception of in-game comments as I role-play, generally for humorous purposes). Among other things, this means that you should always treat my characters as separate individuals. If you got shot by ForTheFourthTime or eaten by adogonaleash, please feel free to ask Paul Leahy for a needle or some good, home-style FAKing.
My Sandboxes
Where I'm messing around, trying to learn the basics of Wiki-ing. Feel free to stop in and be horrified/make changes & suggestions.
Current Musings
Big Bash 4!
This user or group was with Big Bash 4. They're heading home after the party. Please have your brains ready for next time.
User Info
Medical Student
Chicago, IL, USA
IRC Nick:
PaulLeahy (Usually)
What are we without them?