User talk:Alphy

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the Truth

The only thing that is necessary that you say is the truth.TerraI know the truth. 01:17, 5 June 2008 (BST)


Highlander.jpg Monogamous
This user has only one, single, lone character in Malton.

Alts and zergs are for pansies.

Ejército Maltano de Liberación Nacional

Base Camp - History - Volunteer - Constitution - Propaganda - Forums
Beholder-june.gif Like Use These Super Awesome Templates
Use my templates or be pestered by flying pumpkins from hell!!!

Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|21:25, 23 May 2008 (BST)

Thanks dude --Alphy 22:54, 23 May 2008 (BST)


Just follow the link. Sonny has an Arby's case up against you, in case you haven't realized it yet. --Axe Hack Talk 18:45, 18 June 2008 (BST)


Excellent. How would you like to conduct it. Apparently Sonny has forgotten about it. *rolls eyes*. -- THELORDGUNSLINGER 19:01, 23 June 2008 (BST)

Whatever works best for you. My AIM is thebyrnemeister and my MSN is --Alphy 17:13, 24 June 2008 (BST)


I'd just like to know what crime my character was guilty of (from a roleplay perspective) that warrants murdering him? :) It's just that I found it funny that "Article One: No EMLN member shall kill innocents. Every death must be a means toward an end.", when as far as I can see my poor little character was rather innocent. Also I have a question about that article (from a non roleplay perspective), isn't it somewhat paradoxical? As you could end up killing innocents as a means to achieve an end. Anyways, no hard feelings.. but what was that bit about DEM? - User:Whitehouse 17:51, 25 June 2008 (BST)

If I have this right then you are a member of BrainRotRum. A random pk group (group that pk's for no other reason then to kill somebody). If that's not what you are doing then switch your group. It's a pretty safe bet for me that if there's a Red Rum dude next to me it's kill or be killed. Sorry if I made some sort of mistake.--Alphy 21:37, 25 June 2008 (BST)

No, you are absolutely right that I am a member of RotRum.. it's just that not all of us are murderers. :P - User:Whitehouse 15:28, 26 June 2008 (BST)

Your kidding me. I'll have to look into that...--Alphy 15:49, 27 June 2008 (BST)