User talk:Diano/Voudan Curn

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Do you have an email Diano? Reading through pathetic bill's page inspired me a bit, and i thought it'd be fun if The Sons of the Wendigo made a joint strike. what do you say? I've got this page on my watch list so you can reply here, or email frankfreeman@live.caJack S13 T! PC 15:11, 18 June 2008 (BST)

Can I get a...

Can i get a revive there buddy? I'm at 17,67 a cemetary in Mornington. Normally i wouldn't ask, but i don't currently have lurching gait so getting to active RP's is painfully slow, and i've been dead for over a week. More of frank's story is up if you care to read it. I haven't yet connected the link form his profile to his journal, I'll do that once i finish all of the back story.

You'll see I've used Voudan Curns page as a bit of a template, or guid, but still mad Frank's page unique. It would be awesome if each future Son of Wendigo had wiki journals for thier characters. It would add a sort of depth and richness that no other UD group has. --Jack S13 T! PC 15:58, 8 May 2008 (BST)

Amusingly enough, with all of the skills that I have, I don't actually possess Lab Technician skills. I'd love to help you out, but I'm not captable. I'm also currently a zombie, which makes things difficult. I also agree that having journals would be cool, but I can't really force people to keep them; let's say it will be strongly encouraged. --Diano 17:19, 8 May 2008 (BST)
That is funny. can't complain really, especially if i stick with my skills to kill rule. oh well, i'll keep shambling NE Untill i get a viv. Maybe I'll get lucky and find myself a free meal. --Jack S13 T! PC 17:47, 8 May 2008 (BST)

Family Ties

So Started my PK'er, and have been racking up XP quickly. I've started writting a back story for Frank, and will begin documenting his story soon. I spawned in New Arkham, and it's a bit of a mess down here. anyway, the link to his journal will be up when i finish the back story, and can start chronicaling his adventures in malton. I hope the character will be a fitting Son of Wendigo.

Excellent -- good for you. It looks like you have some of the essential skills, so that's good. If you want my advice, your next best bet for skills comes in one of two forms. Either pick up Shopping and Diagnosis and start healing people at the Mall, or pick up Basic Firearms Training, then Pistol Training and Advanced Pistol Training, reloading from a police department. Either way, those are the next 5 skills you probably want, followed by Bargain Hunting, then Shotgun Training and Advanced Shotgun Training. --Diano 20:55, 28 April 2008 (BST)
Firearms will be the way, I loath spending time in malls. plus, it goes with my skills to kill rule, you'll see when i finish the back story. what i have written so far is connected to my user page if you'd like to read it. it will continue to shape up over the next few days. -- Jack S13 T! PC 21:54, 28 April 2008 (BST)
I've been keeping up with it, and I like what I see so far. Going the Firearms route is great, but eventually you'll still have to pick up Shopping and Bargain Hunting (preferrably prior to getting the Shotgun skills) because searching for ammo in a PD is a waste of time. Search rates there are abysmal compared to the Mall. Just be careful when you reload after you hit the Rogues Gallery, because bounty hunters will be watching for you. --Diano 22:21, 28 April 2008 (BST)
hahaha, my one charcter goes to malls to hunt bounty hunters. i love the irony. check out the S13 group pages and let me know if you'd interested in joining. --Jack S13 T! PC 04:11, 29 April 2008 (BST)
Well, I did already volunteer Lasher Star for it when Monroeville closes and all of the alts are ported over to Malton. --Diano 05:02, 29 April 2008 (BST)

Sons of the Wendigo

If you've heard of the Sons of the Wendigo and you think that's a cult you'd like to be a part of, leave a message here and I'll get back to you about that ASAP. If enough of us band together, I'll put up a Wiki page -- honest. --Diano 23:21, 21 April 2008 (BST)

I hadn't heard of Sons of Wendigo, but i did recognize the myth of the Wendigo. When i Start my new alt count me in. I was going to offer a sort of trade, one of my characters joins your group, and one of your characters joins my group... but then i notice you've got a man with the DEM, and i have to protect my interests. The one catch is i don't like the word "cult" simply because a cult would never call itself that, but Sons of the Wendigo is an awesome name. -- Jack S13 T! PC 14:36, 22 April 2008 (BST)
Well, this is my Talk page, so nothing I say here is particularly in-character. The ones who'd have heard of the Sons of the Wendigo would be coming from one of two forums, being the South Paynterton Aces (my survivor group) or the PKers Hub (way more likely). I posted up two quick ads for the group there yesterday, figuring it was a way to drum up interest. As for my DEM alt, hey, he's all about reviving people in Whittenside -- I don't even read the damn forum. If you're still looking for new group members, I'll see about joining Lasher Star up when Monroeville goes down and everyone gets ported to Malton. I don't cross-post information from my groups unless they're officially allied (in which case I'm just saving myself time); I have alts in the DEM, the RRF, the QSG, the SPA... a number of groups, anyhow; the point is, I play them all separately, for the experience of playing different characters with different styles. If you don't trust that, that's totally cool by me (you're entitled to act as you like, and my feelings aren't hurt by it), but I don't cross the streams. As far as the name of the group, "Sons of the Wendigo" sounded cool, but I think I may switch it to "Tribe of the Wendigo"; less a cult than a group of believers united into a community through common purpose and sacrifice. --Diano 19:20, 22 April 2008 (BST)
My personal favourite is "Sons of Wendigo" or "Sons of the Wendigo" but call it what you want dude. I was just trying to say the "Cult of eat your brains" would probably more likely call it's self something along the lines of the "Grey Matter Dinner Party" ya know what i'm saying? haha =) really just a matter of appearances --Jack S13 T! PC 18:35, 23 April 2008 (BST)
And I'm saying that from an out-of-character perspective, it's a freaky cult. It has nothing to do with the name, but if I'm not actually playing as Voudan at the time, I'm gonna call a spade a spade. If you like "Sons of the Wendigo", that's cool; no official name has been chosen. --Diano 18:43, 23 April 2008 (BST)
got an idea for group policies/guidlines? I'm just starting my alt today. what class? i don't know. I wanted to go with consumer but that would break my rule of only buying skills to kill. I did want the appearance of your average civillian though. hmmm... i guess people don't pay to much attention though do they?--Jack S13 T! PC 20:15, 23 April 2008 (BST)
I know some of the basics will come from Voudan's code, specifically things like no multikilling, no GK/RK, no griefing, and a strong request that you leave the suburb when someone kills you. No killing newbies (level 5 and below), and that sort of thing. I have a list of 15 items that are less rules and more guidelines. As for class... I have this one down to a science. You don't want to start as a corpse, because while zed skills are valuable, you will be focusing on PK. Private is a bad choice because even with Basic Firearms Training, you're a terrible shot with your gun; you'll miss more often than not, you have very limited ammo, and you cannot free run into any buildings yet, so you won't be able to reload. Medic starts you with First Aid, so you'll earn XP slower than people without First Aid for healing, and you won't know who's injured, anyway. Scout gets Free Running, which is damn cool; you have no good way to earn XP at the start, but you can get equipment from anywhere, which means you can pick up a knife and work your way up. NecroTech Lab Assistant is the wrong direction for you, because it focuses on revives. Doctor, however, gets Diagnosis (a vital PKer skill) and presents an easy way to earn XP -- see who's injured and FAK them. It's slow going outside of a mall, but it works. Consumers get Shopping, which is useless to you because you can't get into a mall without Free Running. Cops have the same problem as Privates, but with less ammo. Firefighters, however, are the absolute best starting class. You start with the best melee weapon in the game and a skill that helps you use it. You can go around hacking at zombies and work your way up to 100 XP, at which point you buy Free Running (always buy Free Running first). Next up is Hand to Hand combat, and then you're in business. My recommendation to you is to start as a Firefighter; failing that, it's Doctor or Scout. None of the other classes is worth a good goddamn to you, as Corpse and NecroTech Lab Assistant are the only other 2 classes that are viable, and neither helps you. --Diano 20:32, 23 April 2008 (BST)
Very right my friend. I was tempted by private class, for the ammo, but life time use of the axe is huge. The Name is Francis Ford Freeman. hehehe. I might punk the layout of Voudan Curns page, and I'll stick buy yer rules man. No Multi-killing, no one under lvl 5, and i'll leave the suburb if i get a retaliation kill. consider it a deal. --Jack S13 T! PC 21:11, 23 April 2008 (BST)
I've put up a preliminary version of the rules & policies entitled "Creed of the Wendigo"; take a look and let me know what you think. --Diano 23:47, 23 April 2008 (BST)

Life in the South

Diano, I have to admit that was one of the most stylish PK's i have ever seen, Allbeit against one of my men. I'd say S13 and Voudan Curn are even now. My boys don't take lightly to people messing with the Rev. Cheers to good play! --Jack S13 T! PC 17:13, 15 April 2008 (BST)

My thanks for the compliments. I'll be out of your suburb today; I'm true to my word, and if you kill me in retaliation, I absolutely get out of town afterward (though I may come back some day for RuckerT, and would expect that to unsettle the score again). Thanks for seeing that I'm not out to grief anybody, and that I'm just playing my game. I hope the Rev doesn't have any hard feelings (and I wonder if he knows that I killed a nun just before killing him...). --Diano 19:05, 15 April 2008 (BST)
It's all good and well Diano. The way i see it Pk'ing is part of the game, if done with style, or in character. Infact, I actually quite like Voudan Curn's character. I don't think the Rev. reads the wiki, so i'll mention the nun to the group; and as far as leaving the burb, I'd do so to save yourself a headache(I wouldn't try to "ban" a character). I don't mean this as a threat at all but understand I can't control my group members, Reverend Scrape has an Personal Guadian who's out for blood, and the rest of the men they aren't to happy either. oh well, like i said, well played. Check out our group pages, and let me know what you think.---Jack S13 T! PC 21:02, 15 April 2008 (BST)
I'd have left regardless -- it's one of my rules. If I'm PKed in retaliation, I get out of dodge; it's a small victory I allow people who stick up for their own, and it ensures that I don't get too comfortable in one place. Feel free to pass on my best to your crew. I'll be sure to look at your group pages, and we'll see if this particular serial killer ever locks eyes with your group again. --Diano 22:29, 15 April 2008 (BST)

I've set your page on my watch list so i can follow Voudan Curn. have the marshals come for you yet? I quite like the only hint you give about your location is a vague geographical area. later.

No Marshals yet, though I've been hit a few times by group members avenging their own, and today I was hit by Oscar the Grouch in retaliation for my killing him yesterday. His immortal words, "Voudon you fuck. You have now 140 USAI on your ass. You might as well stop playing. For PKing me I claim my bounty.", will stay with me, I think. Mostly because I'm willing to bet they're about as true as my being afraid of them. --Diano 22:43, 19 April 2008 (BST)
HAHAHA, no kiddin'. there's only what 10,000 city blocks to hid in? LMAO. I'm actually half tempted to start a new character just for PK'ing. I've got Jack 13, pro-survivor... but there's some grey areas, and a rotter, which I've not touched since The Dead.
Playing a PK alt has been very liberating for me. I can now very clearly see and understand their part in the game, and being a predator is nothing but fun. No responsibilities, no cares, no concerns beyond keeping up on ammo. No rules save for the ones I set myself. It's wonderful. --Diano 09:43, 20 April 2008 (BST)

being a predator

I understand the liberation of PK’ing. My main character is openly hostile towards the DEM, and I have and will give loan survivors a chance to get out of my safehouse, but have no fear of shedding blood. The difficult part is PK’ing the “right” way, you could say. If you are doing it in character, or as part of a war or fued I understand. But senseless styless slayings are what give PK’ers a bad name (yes I understand the irony of the statement).

We have a pest named “toto and dorothy” who repeatedly attacks our members without provocation. This has earned him eth honour of being placed on the S13 KOS list. A funny game of cat and mouse we have. He comes looking for one of us, but another finds him first, or if he makes his hit, retribution is soon to follow (as you’d know, we don’t F around! Haha).

Because of your character Voudan Curn, and our conversations, I am seriously contemplating a dedicated player killer character; The difficulty in this is creating the right character. I have some base ideas set, like I will only by skills to kill (ie, firearms training and diagnosis) but passed that, the background is still to come to me. Tell me a bit about the Wendigo, it’s a native American myth isn’t it? That eating the flesh of a man gives you his strength? - Jack S13 T! PC 16:11, 21 April 2008 (BST)

Yeah, being an asshole like that isn't so much PKing as it is griefing; you're doing it to annoy people, which detracts from the game. I roleplay out what Voudan does, and I like to think that actually enhances the game -- it makes it a scarier, rougher, more realistic apocalyptic environment within which to exist, and it gives people a reason to fear strangers. That's why I made a rule about multikilling for Voudan; I kill once, because that's all it takes to steal a soul. Anything more than that is pointless, because you can't eat the same meal twice. In other words, I refuse to grief a single person.
As for making a PK alt, hey, it's a lot of fun. I play mainly survivors (this was not intentional), but have two PK-oriented alts (the other one is Sejes Rath, my bounty hunter). The best part about them is that playing them is less of a grind than my other alts. Survivor characters constantly have to barricade, search for FAKs and needles, maintain grafitti, and all that. PKers just hunt victims and search for ammo, and bounty hunters can camp out at malls or NT buildings and scan the Rogues Gallery to see who's in the neighborhood, waiting for their targets to come to them. It's nice to have characters you don't have to worry about that aren't zombies (who have their own issues).
On Wendigo... let's see, how do I put this succinctly? Voudan Curn's mother was raised Cree, and his father was an anthropologist. As a boy he was obsessed with cannibalism, and his mother told him stories about the Wendigo spirit, which is a winter spirit that would possess cannibals. You could take power from eating the flesh of your enemy and absorbing his spirit, but if you did it too often, with greed, then you would be possessed by Wendigo. Your hunger would be out of control, and you could only draw sustenance from human flesh, but you could not shake the hunger. It began to possess you, and while you grew powerful, you became a beast. Voudan believes that Wendigo is responsible for what is happening in Malton, and is driving the zombies to feast on the flesh of humans (they are possessed, in other words). He believes Wendigo has chosen him to grow powerful from the death of those around him, and in time he will likely start a cult around that belief. The rules are simple -- kill your victims and eat their hearts. Accept death as part of the cycle. Always keep moving. If you're interested in being the first disciple, I'd be more than happy to take you on. --Diano 20:20, 21 April 2008 (BST)
funy you mention it. I had been thinking my new alt could be a "Son of Wendigo". I thought recognized the name when you hit the Reverend. The concept of ther character is great for roleplay, and fits terrificaly with the spirit of malton. In addition the sheer class of the PK. I can't stand Pkers that don't banter with their victims. I just need a name, i think i've got an idea for the character. --Jack S13 T! PC 21:16, 21 April 2008 (BST)
Well, perhaps it's time to start taking on disciples. If you want in, that's perfectly acceptable to me; if we get enough people in our cult, I'll throw up a Wiki page for it and all that, discussing the IC doctrines and OOC rules of the game as I play it. --Diano 22:39, 21 April 2008 (BST)

The creed

I couldn't get the link to work for some reason.

User:Diano/VoudanCurn/Creed|Creed of the Wendigo

it's pronounce "when-day-ho" right? not "win-dee-go", or am i totaly off? I plan on putting up a character page for Frank in the next few days. I picked the name because F is the sixth letter of the alphabet. I'll probably punk some of the Voudan will, and voudan won't from you, and that hell template because it's damned sweet! --Jack S13 T! PC 17:12, 24 April 2008 (BST)

Sorry about the link -- I formatted it poorly. You can view the Creed of the Wendigo here; it's mainly the kind of stuff on the Will/Won't list, which you're welcome to crib from my User page. You can also take any templates you like, and I encourage you to take the PKer template and keep an accurate count of your kills.
As for the pronunciation, it depends on who you are; it's a mythology shared by a number of First Nations tribes, so you're looking at a number of different patois going into it. Wengigo is the common spelling, but it can be Windigoo, Windigo, Windago, Windiga, Witiko, Wihtikow, and a number of other variants. A lot of First Nations mythologists say wen-DEE-go, whereas most laymen just say WEN-dih-go. Voudan is from the Czech Republic, and tends to say WHEN-tih-koh, but when he speaks Cree he says WEN-dih-go, especially when referring to a wiindigookaanzhimowin (ritual dance). --Diano 19:51, 24 April 2008 (BST)


congradulations on number 30. Once i am strong enough we will make the sons of wendigo a name to be feared, and spoken only in hushes!--Jack S13 T! PC 01:26, 18 May 2008 (BST)

Thank you for the congratulations. My body count certainly is getting up there. I await the day you're ready to begin hunting on your own. --Diano 21:22, 18 May 2008 (BST)
shouldn't be too long from now. one more level and i can buy all of my pistol skills. is there a region you prefer to hunt in? i had the thought that we could increase our infamy by hunting in certian areas. i am going to hunt in the nine suburbs of the south west untill it becomes to dangerous, or aparent that thats were i can be found. --Jack S13 T! PC 16:07, 19 May 2008 (BST)
I usually keep Voudan in the west because I have a lot of alts in the east, but I don't actually have a preferred turf. I'm already getting pretty infamous -- I'm KOS on the Rogues Gallery now -- but a little more won't hurt. --Diano 17:22, 19 May 2008 (BST)

Three in one day!!! that is quite the feat! my hunt soon begins. Franks back story will be finished tommorow and i have the skills i need. The Sons of the Wendigo will be one stronger!!! --Jack S13 T! PC 21:42, 28 May 2008 (BST)