User talk:Finn the Fox

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Sinclair Hotels

This is Sinclair we are offering an allience with us plz contact me thanks! [1] --Dr. Sinclair 20:29, 27 January 2009 (UTC) In Eastgrayside in the Frederick Bank The museum next to it and the police station next to it but this is where i need help i was forced to evacuate the complex and it has been ransacked since i am at the Applegate Alley Police Department and am a zombie and i need assistance to rebuild the Sinclair Hotels Complex and to be revived. If i could get the complex reacivated i would love for your group as well to call it home. I am trying to make it the corperate center of the suburb. If you can help me i would be willing to enlighten you on future plans Sinclair has for the suburb of East Grayside if you would like to form and alliance just add our groups tag at the bottom of our page to your page!--Dr. Sinclair 18:34, 30 January 2009 (UTC)

    [Add this to your group page to be a Sinclair Corparation Affiliate]

Sinclair logo.gif Sinclair Affiliation
This group is an affiliate with The Sinclair Corparation

A Better Future for a Better Life.

--Dr. Sinclair 18:25, 2 February 2009 (UTC)

Millar Lane Project

Millar Lane is a zombie destroyed district in the suburb of West Grayside. Sinclair's Millar Lane project is set in place to take the Egbert General Hospital, the Farrington Building, the Stround Building, and Club Garwood and then modernizing the buildings into a Sinclair complex and a modern shopping business district. Also a safe haven for survivors. I would Love for your group to secure the location and help sinclair start this project

Welcome to our Wiki

--Axe Hack Talk

MIC redirect spam

All those redirects were pretty darn spammy. Quite over the top and excessive and unnecessary, don't you think? Thus they've been put up for deletion. You're free to comment on that page, however personally I just don't see ANY need for all those redirects. None. I hope you'll show a little more, uhm, restraint in the future. Thanks. --WanYao 03:45, 16 July 2008 (BST)

Damn close to vandalising the Mall Information Centre

Do not place advertising for your group on one of the most widely used community informational pages. It does not belong there. I don't care what your group's initials are... If I see advertising for your group there again -- or in any other inappropriate spot on a community page -- I will have to report your for vandalism. Thank you for your time and consideration. --WanYao 08:33, 23 August 2008 (BST)

You kind of got into the "crosshairs" over the whole redirect spam thing, which is discussed above. And, the Mall Information Centre is a major community page... And groups/individuals placing their names in NPOV sections of any community page is very frowned upon... You did on one the most high visibility pages in the game... Thus my reaction was pretty strong, yes, and I think appropriately so. That being said, it's all over and done with... Cheers! --WanYao 23:57, 24 August 2008 (BST)