User talk:Hentemann

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Dartside, anyone?

How about joining our alt zombie group in Dartside for a change? We have a lot of fun with all sorts of survivor gangs, like Regulators Alliance, Tikhon Medical and Legion of the Octopope. Let me know if you are interested. --JohnRubin 09:59, 9 July 2007 (BST)

Zank yah farh thar offah! Bhat ah whal stah harh ahn zharhahls. Thar fahd ahz jahzt zho tahztah hah! --Hentemann 04:57, 14 July 2007 (BST)

NZG Info guy

Hi there. I left a message on NZG Talk and was told to talk to you. While I'm interested, my main character is currently in the Pashenton, so I don't think I can commit. May vodka flow freely wherever you shuffle. --Soloman Frisbee 18:45, 30 October 2007 (UTC)

No worries, When (if) we wander off, I'll let you know so you can decide whether to send an alt to play with us. We're all jolly good fun to be with! I just hugged and kissed a lot food, and then played "eenee meenee minee mo" with one of them, he's now it! --Hentemann 13:52, 31 October 2007 (UTC)

Just so we're clear

As you have decided to prevent further civil discussion via your forum, I am placing the relevant information here for your response.

Bette Noir Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:05 pm Post subject: Discussion Deleted
I cannot help but notice that the thread discussing Sinclair's proposed methods of "claiming" buildings she "owns" has been deleted.
I provided the "proof" requested by your people in that thread. Do I need to repeat myself?
Additionally, another individual, Ralph Barfington, was calling into question your claims on the Bainton Hotel in Buttonville.
Will a reason be given for this deletion?

Ralph Barfington Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:40 pm Post subject: Discussion Deleted
Well, Dr Sinclair, I see that you have decided to obfuscate the issue. No matter, the truth will out as they say.
If you choose not to conduct this business in the light public scrutiny, then so be it. Just bear in mind, that you are not the only party involved, and by making these claims, you have involved a lot of people. Hiding from the questions will become more and more difficult.

Dr Sinclair Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:05 pm Post subject: Discussion Deleted
It is mine i sent the Group Gunz for Hire over thier or theyl be thier it will be mine. Or can we strike a deal before the slotter begins.

Bette Noir's post deleted

Ralph Barfington Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:14 pm Post subject: Discussion Deleted
If that is the way you wish to play it, so be it.
If you have sent a group to enforce your claims, they will be met in the manner in which they treat us.
You may be surprised by how many friends it's possible to gather in Malton. Just, y'know, in case it came to blows, thought you might like to know, we're not exactly on our own.
I await the arrival of the "Gunz for Hire" with anticipation bordering on the apathetic.

Dr Sinclair Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:42 pm Post subject: Discussion Deleted
Hey cunt, watch your lip. Ill kick your ass myself. Stupid bitch. Ill be thier if you will.

I assume that was in relation to Bette's deleted post? Well, now I see how it shall be. I look forward to seeing you there. I am glad that we were able to discuss the issue civily until your last post. I will not run, be assured of that. -Ralph Barfington --Hentemann 23:55, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

Cross posted from Here in case the discussion is removed to hide the situation. --Hentemann 23:59, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

And it proves to have been a wise maneuver, Mr. Barfington, as Xela798 has removed the conversation from their talk page without a word. Apparently, you will be facing Guns 4 Hire provided they still exist, which they supposedly did as of September, but only sporadically. They still member no more than 10 and their wiki page has not been updated since 2006, but there you have it.
I suppose this means she will not be coming to "kick your ass" hirself then. --Bette Noir 05:25, 10 February 2008 (UTC)

From: Dr. Sinclair
To: ralph barfington
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:36 am
Subject: Re: WTF
Im not afraid of you but i want to get rid of you so i will not claim the building now maby later.

Just so that it's here and recorded for posterity. I'm not asking you to be afraid of me. I'm not threatening you, but I'm not leaving my home. If you wish to 'claim' it later, I'll still be there, and we can take the issue up then. --Hentemann 10:44, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
Mr. Barfington, just as an update, apparently Guns 4 Hire does still exist in some form. Their leader, Kielios has said they no longer use the group name in their profiles, so you may wish to watch for him and/or possibly a woman named Star or something similar, among others. Just because "Dr." Sinclair claims s/he will leave you alone does not mean s/he will. Do let me know how things turn out. --Bette Noir 03:30, 11 February 2008 (UTC)
Ofcourse i will. Who do think i am.
I just want to be civil its you who is being
uncivil i mean look at those fake comments you wrote
i never said any of that. im the victim here.--Xela798 20:00, 12 February 2008 (UTC)
All these messages are verbatim posts from your own forum that you have conveniently deleted the threads for, hence the need to make a record that you cannot erase. Do not try and play the innocent party here. You deleted two threads and three users who questioned your activities, after the first deletion of the thread, measures were taken to ensure that the discussion was not removed.
If you are to leave us alone, then this shall be the end of it. I note that you are currently in the region of the Buckley Mall, yet have not taken up my offer to talk directly, so I shall take it that you not going to be turning up anytime soon to confirm the situation.
In the mean time, I suggest that you do try and conduct your business in a more civil and constructive manner. We were not the only people to see or make comments in those threads, never forget that history has a habit of coming back to haunt you. I hope that you learn from this situation and avoid making the same mistakes in the future.
-Ralph Barfington --Hentemann 22:55, 12 February 2008 (UTC)
I can confirm that this was a verbatim discussion. In fact, allow me to provide overlapping screenshots for the posts which have yet to be deleted from the Sinclair Forum. As the observer can see, the accounts being posted under have been deleted and rendered anonymous.
First three post remaining
Last three post remaining
Quite a contrast to the smiling avatar, no? --Bette Noir 04:11, 13 February 2008 (UTC)


The DR. TIME is money im not watseting it on you$$$$$--Xela798 20:01, 12 February 2008 (UTC)

And yet you did post on the discussion lower down, did you not? Dr Sinclair. I/we have given you numerous opportunities too resolve this. If time is money, then I'm willing to spend some of it on this.--Hentemann 22:55, 12 February 2008 (UTC)

Just for that comment i am taking your hotel, its mine and i plan to strike up a deal with some other hostile group. So yeah i am willing to waste my time on you. Bring it.--Dr. Sinclair 19:28, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

As you wish, you may find it is somewhat difficult to claim at the moment, as you must have noticed the somewhat large horde of zombies that has setup in the area. I look forward to crossing paths with you again now that your intentions have been made clear - Ralph

--Hentemann 23:40, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

SO i see your stationd behind my Westward finacial-Pilbeam Bank building and your in the dian hotel. Well that hotel you abandon will be mine ill just send a recovery team out thier. I personaly dont have to be thier. I can just sit in my office at my bank. So you kill me for no reson. I just was taking your old abandon building that the zombies swarmed, and you kill me. YOu now prepare for the consiquences.--Dr. Sinclair 18:57, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

I do hope you have better luck then your current intelligence. And I certainly wish your 'recovery team' every success against the SA horde. Given that, so far, I've yet to encounter any resistance capable of standing up to that horde for longer then 24 hours, that being the time it took to take down three malls at once, I will take your comments with a pinch of salt. Do keep me updated.

-Ralph --Hentemann 23:28, 12 March 2008 (UTC)