User talk:Johnny Crow

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I won't be on for a while, so I'm making you Cap till I'm back. Bya. --Officer 123satsitx 23:29, 25 April 2008 (BST)


Revive all the zombies inside the Towers, they're all vigilantes. --Officer 123satsitx 21:15, 9 April 2008 (BST)


Kill also PrivateDamage and Ca1istagriffin! The douches killed me again!!!! Going BALLISTIC!!!!! --Officer 123satsitx 21:38, 29 March 2008 (UTC)


Kill pickmansmodeI ON SIGHT!!! He killed me and RoObert for nothing. NOTHING!!! KILL HIM!!! READY THE TANK!!! GET ME A DANISH!!! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Officer 123satsitx 18:34, 22 March 2008 (UTC)

Dude You have to give me the id=# so I can find them and kill em. lol.. no worries.. revenge is best served cold. Johnny Crow 22:51, 25 March 2008 (UTC)


Check out the Tank's new page. The link is in our group roster. --Officer 123satsitx 22:53, 12 March 2008 (UTC)

I'm Back

Yeah I'm back. Woot. Nice work on stuff by the way. I replied to zyll. --Officer 123satsitx 17:10, 25 February 2008 (UTC)


Sorry I ahven't been on for a while, but my parents have me banned from the computer. You're in charge till I'm back. Do whatever seems cool. NIVE LOGO, by the way. I'll add it to my user page when I'm allowed back on the computer. Also, could you tell big daddy what I've told you? Thanks man. Captain out.

--Officer 123satsitx 19:01, 10 February 2008 (UTC)

RE: Sacred Groups

Well, on the page it clearly states that if there are any disputes, the person in question should discuss it with the keepers of the list on the talk page. I think it may be best to put this text in bold, so that it clearly states that there is a less volatile way for Finis to get his name stricken from the list. I think it is a fair example of vandalism, because he really is doing detriment to the wiki by removing his name from a list that points out people who act in bad faith, in game. He just doesn't want his name tarnished. So I think it is best to make it more clear to anyone who reads the page that if you want your name removed you should take it to discussion and state your case. Otherwise, it will remain. We should see where he takes it from there.--MichaelRead 07:23, 8 February 2008 (UTC)

Howdy from the Vigilante

Hey, it's me, you're friendly (but not so bright) neighborhood Zed Hunter. Welcome to the group, and hope you're cool. Some notes - be sure to add "Malton Police Department Vigilantes" to your group box in settings - tell me where you are so I can send a doctor to revive you. And that's it. Nice work with the "you guys couldn't do your job" thing. I can hear that douch's brain melting from here. --Officer 123satsitx 01:47, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for the info! I already added it to my box and I am in Pegton and I had already put in a revive request, and am now healthy, just waiting for more turns... I thought my comment was fitting... I am glad you liked it. Let me know if there is any more I can do. Johnny Crow 03:14, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

More you can do

Yeah, I kind of got eaten, so I'm gonna need some help re fuelling the gen in our home base. That's the Thicke Towers, and how would you like to be our Wiki Defender? --Officer 123satsitx 18:41, 17 December 2007 (UTC)

LOL. Not a day after I got revved did I get trampled again.. Today some revved me again, I leveled and I am headed to Thicke Towers. I just made it to Santlerville and I am at the Dowdney Mall [76, 29]. I should be there tomorrow. I have no fuel and I am out of ammo for both my pistol and Shotgun. As for being the Wiki Defender... sure why not. Someone needs to tell others when to STFU. Let me know my duties and I will gladly do them. Johnny Crow 19:14, 17 December 2007 (UTC)

Hey Again, Wiki Defender

All you need to do to be Defender is log on every second day or so, harass Finis, reply to people on our group's talk page, and reply to any messages on you talk page. That's all. Also, add {{Heavy Guns}} to your user page RIGHT NOW!!! Don't look it up first, it'll be a surprise! --Officer 123satsitx 21:36, 19 December 2007 (UTC)

HAHA! I like the Heavy Guns add. It was Great! Sounds good.. I will do my best to defend us. btw, who is Finis? Friends or Foe? Anywho.. thanks for the honor.Johnny Crow 22:29, 19 December 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, Heavy Gunz in da bomb. Didja see the one on our group page? I'm gonna promote you to Sergeant, cuz you're the only one who seems to know how to "edit" the wiki. And that chris whateverthefuck guy just isn't workin out. Finis? HE IS OUR MORTAL NEMESIS! KILL ON SIGHT! can't type more now, parents home. ewwwwwww. --Officer 123satsitx 20:43, 22 December 2007 (UTC)


Could you renew the timestamp in our recruitment page? Thanks. Nice voting thingy there, too. --Officer 123satsitx 16:29, 28 December 2007 (UTC)

I do not follow. What exactly is it you want me to do? Johnny Crow 22:53, 1 February 2008 (UTC)


I punished Vargos by headshotting him and dumping him in a snowman's corpse. Make sure your radio is tuned to 17.33 MhZ. Captain out. --Officer 123satsitx 00:35, 10 January 2008 (UTC)

Finis Sucks

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to remove this from your user page. Should you refuse to remove it, you'll be experiencing serious in-game consequences.--Finis Valorum

Ahh Finis. I have been wondering when you would show up and try to scare me. It's funny because I almost forgot about you until today. It's a shame really, that I won't get to see you disappear like you should. Just for reference, I will not take down the template aforementioned. Do not send idle threats, for I will take them as you are, petty and insecure. Be warned Finis, do not even try a war with me. You will loose. Good day. Johnny Crow 22:48, 1 February 2008 (UTC)
Go you!--Jed 03:45, 2 February 2008 (UTC)
Thanks. Too bad he tried to delete it from his talk page, like it never happened... His user edit comment was "Let the hunt begin" HAHAHA! What a puss. Should be fun!--Johnny Crow 18:59, 2 February 2008 (UTC)

Johnny Crow, please stop trying to place your comment on Finis's talk page. It's obvious he doesn't want it there, and it can be considered vandalism to keep placing it there. I know you're aggravated at Finis, but there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry. Now please stop.-- dǝǝɥs ɯɐds: sʎɐʍ1ɐ! 21:02, 2 February 2008 (UTC)

just because he is a bitch, I have to stop? Fine. I will stop. Only on his page. As for the Santlerville news, I will not stop, unless I get told otherwise. Too bad. It was fun while it lasted. HAHAHA, the poor guy.. nobody loves him.. I apologize Suicidalangel, I will stop, Promise Johnny Crow 21:06, 2 February 2008 (UTC)
It's okay. Not everyone knows the rules as soon as they sign up. Just be careful in the future.-- dǝǝɥs ɯɐds: sʎɐʍ1ɐ! 21:10, 2 February 2008 (UTC)
I knew the rules, I just didn't know it applied to User pages. Too bad there isn't a Speedy deletion criteria for Douchebags. I will play by the rules. He will just have to get the piss beat out of him in game. Thanks. Johnny Crow 21:14, 2 February 2008 (UTC)
Considering that I was the one who made that template... Well you're lucky; I got sent to A/VB after getting into an edit war with our dear friend. But actually it gets boring after a while - he just keeps PKing you. I'm getting this strange feeling of déjà vu. Hmm. --LH779 12:03, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
I saw the A/VB that he is currently in. As for him PKing anyone. He has yet to do anything to me. I suppose he is either scared or "busy". Oh well, when I find him, and I will. I will kill him and take a screenshot. After that, I am good I will probably continue playing and try to forget about the fag more and more each day. Johnny Crow 15:36, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
Santlerville having fallen, Finis has evacuated all his zerglings to Heytown/Pitneybank (Craske Triangle and Giddings and possibly other places in between) and the surrounding areas. So have fun searching. And are you sure you want to kill him - look here (Nute Gunray is another Finis alt, and so is MaximilianVeers. Well I'd wish you the best of luck but the only problem is that the Beavers suspect/have accused me of being Finis, so you might not want believe me. Whatever you choose, have fun PKing him. --LH779 06:03, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

What the Douchebag Finis deleted from his own User page

In response to your request to remove Finis Sux from my profile. I must decline. Johnny Crow 22:51, 1 February 2008 (UTC)

Why did you delete this response Finis? Afraid of what people might think? Even if you do come after me, there are plenty of others whom you will take your eye off and who are more than happy to see you go down. Happy hunting! Johnny Crow 18:51, 2 February 2008 (UTC)
You deleted it again? WOW, how lame is that. HAHAH I just noticed you put your own cute version of Finis Sux up but instead you had to be all egotistial and put that you "Rockz". LMAO how funny is that. Why are you afraid to keep this up huh? --Johnny Crow 19:44, 2 February 2008 (UTC)

(As you can see above, I was forced to stop messing with Douchebag and play by the rules, which I did not know applied to USER Talk pages. Oh well. a War is a War. Happy Hunting! Johnny Crow 21:17, 2 February 2008 (UTC)

Hey again, just letting you know you're not the first person to leave a message for finis on his talk page only to have it deleted. In fact i'd say you're about the 20th. So if you're looking for funny shit said about him, may i suggest you browse the history of his talkpage? And a word of advice, don't get in revert wars, you'll just get warned/banned. There are far better strategies.--Jed 23:29, 2 February 2008 (UTC)


Well, as mentioned before by Jed, I am one of the other twenty who used to pick on Finis, only to have him cry and bitch before he deleted what was said about him. Poor guy. It had just been a while since I had insulted him, and to be honest I was looking for some drama hahaha. The thing with Finis is, he must be blowing all the mods. If you look at his history with vandal banning and such, he weasels his way out of a lot of crap. Anyway, good luck giving him hell, haha. The most fun you can ever have.--MichaelRead 00:00, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

Check my talk page, i think it should make you guys (and a lot of other people) very happy.--Jed 00:01, 3 February 2008 (UTC)
Much thanks to both of you! I hope to find several ways to mess with Finis. So long as he continues to be a Douche and if he tries to come after me in game. If he wants me to stop, he will have to apologize PUBLICLY and never delete it. HAHAHAHAHA! I hope someone finds him in violation. Johnny Crow 00:41, 3 February 2008 (UTC)
Hahaha! And so it starts again. Finis makes yet another enemy. Just out of curiosity, and for fun, how many were there before us (the BBK) who hated Finis? I know there was Inofiles of the Gouger Arms Alliance, who hated him while Finis was still in SR (a "must read" scenario). So that's Inofiles, the entire BBK, Adrian Jeshua (see this hilarious episode, Goolina and the Gore Corps, Bob Fortune, lh779, and now you, Johnny. Did I miss anyone? Chances are I did.--Nick 06:17, 3 February 2008 (UTC)
I have only been around since December 07 and I merely put it up from his douchebag ways on a friends page and his "bully" type mentality. You forgot Officer_123satsitx, , GomerPyle41, That's just the few I have seen on the wiki. I will HAVE to read those you list. Should be good reading. Sad thing is, that he should have been out of the Wiki already rather than have all of this time spent on him. But since he IS still here so why not have some fun? Johnny Crow 06:28, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

Yeah true dat. Btw, Gomerpyle41 was a BBK.--Nick 06:31, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

AH! ok, makes since. So what, is everyone a Dribbling Beaver now. I see it on a lot of peoples pages that tend to hate Finis, yet on his UD profile He lists himself as a member? Is he impersonating one or am I simply too tired and seeing shit? BTW, that is some funny shit you posted. Thanks-- Johnny Crow 06:35, 3 February 2008 (UTC)
lh779 was a recent addition to the war on finis (see what i did there?) But yes, we are strong and we are many.--Jed 06:53, 3 February 2008 (UTC)
Plus, some of the BBK (i.e. Finis haters) went on to become beavers. Others formed the ATO, and some became the Spice girls - all healthy finis-hating groups. Good times...--Nick 07:07, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

Yeah but my question is, Why does Finis have Dribbling Beavers in his Profile? Here

I just noticed Finis got killed last night. He was @ 99 now he is at 100. Wonder if he jumped out of a Window again? LMAO! Johnny Crow 17:49, 3 February 2008 (UTC)
He has the beavers as his group because he's a liar and he's trying to trick uneducated people into reviving him.--Nick 05:06, 4 February 2008 (UTC)
What a jackass! Do most of the Beavers know? Either way, I am going to kill him, that is, if he is man enough to come after me. LMAO! Scared little bitch that he is. Anyone know his real e-mail? I have seen the one he gives people. I did a search and it is a 29 year old divorced architect.. but then again, he is a lair, so who knows. Johnny Crow 06:42, 4 February 2008 (UTC)


This'll take your mind off Finis, as it is totally unrelated and not the same person.--Nick 07:12, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

I nearly fell out of my chair laughing! HAHAHA! "Fenis!" Thanks for making my day. Johnny Crow 17:40, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

Wasteland Descriptions

My new proposal for all Wasteland Descriptions that are unused to be as follows:


This Wasteland is your Wasteland, this Wasteland is my Wasteland
From Dulston to the New Arkham
From the Peddlesden Village to the River Kevan
This Wasteland was made for Human and Zombie.

As I went walking that ribbon of highway
I saw above me that endless skyway
I saw below me that golden valley
This Wasteland was made for Human and Zombie.

I roamed and I rambled and I followed my footsteps
To the shattered glass of her deserted buildings
While All around me zombies were moaning
Saying this Wasteland was made for Human and Zombie.

The sun came shining, and I was strolling
And the idiots Zerging and the Noob's are Trenchcoating
As the smog was lifting, A voice was chanting,
This Wasteland was made for Human and Zombie.

This Wasteland is your Wasteland, this Wasteland is my Wasteland
From Dulston to the New Arkham
From the Peddlesden Village to the River Kevan
This Wasteland was made for Human and Zombie.

Urban Dead sung to "This land is Our Land" rewritten by Johnny Crow 23:03, 5 February 2008 (UTC)