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[[Category:Human Groups]]
[[Category:Survivor Groups]]


Latest revision as of 07:14, 13 March 2009

Abbreviation: NW
Group Numbers: Unknown
Leadership: None
Goals: To battle the undead hordes across the city, and aid any survivors wherever we roam.
Recruitment Policy: Group dispanded no longer recruiting
Contact: Nightwatch Forums, laundry hamper, or our discussion page

Who are we?

Roam in your room, weep in your dwelling, howl in your home. By all means, stay inside, the Nightwatch is in town. Their battle with the zombie hordes will be destructive and nameless. The Night watches over you. The Nightwatch watches over the night.

Nightwatch is a pro-survivor group with a fondness for taking the fight to our enemies. We gladly place ourselves in the path of rampaging zombie hordes, fighting bravely, standing our ground, before being munched by the living dead. We seek out the biggest conflicts across the city, then charge headlong into the fray. If you find yourself under siege from the undead masses, Nightwatch will answer the call to battle.

Group Charter

Nightwatch is a pro-survivor group, who most of all want to enjoy the game. For us, that means taking part in the greatest fights we can find, bolstering the line, rallying the survivors, and going out with a bang!

However, we are not trenchcoaters. We fight clever. You will not find us charging into groups of 300 zombies, dropping a few and proclaiming victory, then scurrying back inside. No, we aid our battle brothers in any way we can. Healing, reviving, 'cading, and killing any zombies who break through the defences. That is how we do battle.

- Nightwatch are not PKers, nor do we support them in any way. We will, however, carry out revenge kills on any who slay one of our own. An eye for an eye, and all that jazz.

- GKers, RKers, zombie spies and zergers are treated the same way, but only if they hit us several times.

- Although we respect our undead foes, we will not ally with them. They are the enemy, so we must battle them until we can fight no more. They may be the enemy, but we respect and admire zombie groups who fight fair, and who fight with bravery and skill.

- We endeavour to be good revivers whenever we can. We never combat revive, for that leaves us with less honourable foes to do battle with. We never kill zombies at known revive points. We always scan before reviving, to ensure that those we bring back are good, honourable humans.

- Several Nightwatch members run multiple characters, but we abide by the rules at all times. Only one character per player is part of the group, and our alts do not assist the group in any way.

Nightwatch keeps a record of all PKers, GKers, and RKers that have acted against us. This list may be found here. We encourage local friendly human players to report incidents they have witnessed, to help any others in the area identify these threats.


This group is no longer active,


Nightwatch no longer has a HQ as it has dispanded


Contact laundry hamper in game or visit our forums. Other groups do not need to register to post (but it would help ;) )


S.T.A.R.S - Proudly fighting together in EG since... a few months ago.

Detulux Inc - Helped us recover from the BB2. Very cool folks.

West Grayside Watch - Fun bunch of people, who stand for everything we do.

Rapid Response Tactical Squad - A new group who we shall fight alongside in the war against the zombies

Central Medical Service - New kids on the block.

Current Events

Nightwatch have no current operations.


Nightwatch was formed in late August 2007 by members of the Bethsoft forums. A previous group, The Buoyant Armigers (based in Whittenside), had been formed from the same forums the previous year, lead by the same player, but fell into inactivity a few months later.

Nightwatch's first action was to gather the group and establish a home suburb. Members flocked to Fort Perryn in the hope of taking The Buoyant Armigers' old HQ in Whittenside, but the danger level meant that the group would struggle to set up in the area wih so many new players.

Instead, they set up in East Grayside. For several months they helped the surrounding area and trained their skills.

Nightwatch took part in the human attack on Ridleybank on Nov 5th 2007. For several days they helped hold several buildings in the suburb against the relentless zombie hordes. Most fell eventually (often several times), but we came expecting nothing less.

The group's most prominent action has been fighting the Big Bash, taking a stand at their home suburb of East Grayside, specifically the Angerstein Building. For several days they fought alongside such greats as the Channel 4 News Team, the Malton Rangers, STARS and many others. To the last man they fought to hold the line, but eventually the undead prevailed. Since then Nightwatch has stood against the Big Bash at two further locations: Fort Perryn and Giddings Mall/Morrish NT. Members were there until the bitter end at both sieges to witness the buildings fall to the zombies.

Since then, most of Nightwatch's members have left for one reason or another, and those few who remained decided to go their seperate ways in the city. Currently, members number less than half a dozen, and it is unknown how many of these are active, but they await the day that Nightwatch rise again.


Nightwatch's special branch, Deathwatch, have been deployed into the city of Monroeville. Their goals, policies and methods of operation are the same as the parent group.


In addition to our Charter, we support the following policies:

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.
Rogers.jpg Mr. Rogers Style!
This user or group supports and follows the Mr. Rogers policy.
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
The v.jpg Remember the 5th of November
This user or group supports the vendetta against the undead of Ridleybank.
Confederate flag.jpg The South Will Rise Again!]]
This User or Groups fights to make the Southern Suburbs RISE again!
Survivor giddings stand.jpg Battle of Giddings
This user or group was among the living that fought honorably against the Big Bash 2 in the one month long Battle of Giddings.