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How badly has the update broken this place? --[[User:Rosslessness|<span style="color: MidnightBlue ">R</span><span style="color: Navy">o</span><span style="color: DarkBlue">s</span><span style="color: MediumBlue">s</span><span style="color: RoyalBlue"></span>]][[User_Talk:Rosslessness|<span style="color: RoyalBlue">l</span><span style="color: CornflowerBlue">e</span><span style="color: SkyBlue">s</span><span style="color: LightskyBlue">s</span>]][[User:Rosslessness/Safehouse_Hatred|<span style="color: LightBlue">n</span><span style="color: PowderBlue">e</span>]][[Monroeville Many|<span style="color: PaleTurquoise">s</span>]][[Location Page Building Toolkit|<span style="color: PaleTurquoise">s</span>]]  20:57, 8 November 2014 (UTC)
How badly has the update broken this place? --[[User:Rosslessness|<span style="color: MidnightBlue ">R</span><span style="color: Navy">o</span><span style="color: DarkBlue">s</span><span style="color: MediumBlue">s</span><span style="color: RoyalBlue"></span>]][[User_Talk:Rosslessness|<span style="color: RoyalBlue">l</span><span style="color: CornflowerBlue">e</span><span style="color: SkyBlue">s</span><span style="color: LightskyBlue">s</span>]][[User:Rosslessness/Safehouse_Hatred|<span style="color: LightBlue">n</span><span style="color: PowderBlue">e</span>]][[Monroeville Many|<span style="color: PaleTurquoise">s</span>]][[Location Page Building Toolkit|<span style="color: PaleTurquoise">s</span>]]  20:57, 8 November 2014 (UTC)
:Ehh, minor things here and there. A CSS update should be able to address most of the issues, I think, and Kevan has already indicated he has plans to do so at some point. {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 21:14, 8 November 2014 (UTC)

Revision as of 21:14, 8 November 2014

ˈīˌkän :Talk

Announcement: I'm no longer active. My talk page is still your best bet to get in touch. Aichon 04:39, 15 December 2018 (UTC)

Please be aware of the following guidelines before posting here.

  • New conversations should be started at the bottom using a level two header (e.g. ==Header==). Or with the +
  • I like to keep conversations wherever they start, but if a conversation ends up here, I will keep it here.
  • I will format comments for stylistic reasons, delete comments for whatever reason, and generally do anything else within reason.

Thanks. Aichon


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I thought I noticed a bug, but it just turns out I was confused by the icon colours. Are factories supposed to have the same colours as warehouses on the minimap? A ZOMBIE ANT 11:59, 7 August 2014 (UTC)

Warehouses aren't supposed to be colored at all unless you turned on the visibility for them yourself by modifying the code. Is a specific warehouse being colored in? It's possible it's miscategorized as a factory. Aichon 15:34, 7 August 2014 (UTC)

"Current Status"

Most building pages in the wiki have a section called "Current Status," whose last update is usually from 2008 or 2011. Given that the Danger Report at the top of the page makes such a section 100% redundant anyway, would it be OK if I started going through and deleting the "Current Status" section from building subpages? -- Jen T | SFHNAS | PK 08:08, 15 August 2014 (UTC)

I'd suggest an Open Discussion on the topic. I'm fine with you archiving the old ones, but I never really cared about them at all, and I'm not in a place of authority where I can answer that for everyone. Aichon 14:40, 15 August 2014 (UTC)

remove min required votes

yup, i voted nay back then. But they were different times, we still had a lot of active users both ingame and the wiki. This is no longer the case. --hagnat 19:00, 13 September 2014 (UTC)

Yup. I was just poking fun because I could. ;) Aichon 21:02, 13 September 2014 (UTC)

so, how are things doing for the wiki ? need someone to fuel some drama and bring some life to misconbitration ? --hagnat 04:42, 17 September 2014 (UTC)

Eh, I guess things are winding down is the best way to put it. Or maybe that they're approaching the "long tail" on the graph, so to speak, where very little activity happens for long periods of time. There have been discussion recently about how to handle things in a sort of low maintenance mode. Maybe redefining the roles or term lengths/evaluation procedures for the various admin-type folks around here so that we don't have to go through bureaucratic administrivia to no end.
We haven't had legitimate drama (i.e. drama that spanned the wiki and pulled in everyone, rather than just being confined to a ridiculous case or two in arbitration) in so long that I really have no clue how it'd be handled these days, but it seems like most of the folks who are still around are seasoned in dealing with drama and handle it in a pretty no-nonsense way when it comes up. Plus, most of us have known each other for long enough that we can defuse our own potential drama before it becomes drama, just because we know that the other person probably didn't intend it as it sounded.
If you ever held onto any Grim-complex notions of staging a coup or remaking the wiki in your own image, now is a good time to try and make that happen, I'd say, since as I mentioned, there's a lot of interest right now in trying to lay the right foundation for the wiki that will last it basically until its end of life, and I think most of us are open to radical changes. Aichon 14:35, 17 September 2014 (UTC)
meh... i never had a God complex like grim did, so i will pass on this opportunity. Not to say that the wiki already had a lot of me in it. It was me who created or improved most of the tools in here, after all.
my 2¢ on how to work around here is forget these damn rules, forget about re-evaluation, and keep sysops on the payroll even if they become inactive. The more psyops the merrier, i once said.
Anyway, good luck running things around.--hagnat 19:14, 17 September 2014 (UTC)
Yeah, I think most of us, myself included, are coming around to that way of thinking. I've been thinking it might be a good idea to basically ditch EVERY policy and rewrite things from the ground up in a short, sweet, simple way that gets rid of the legalities and focuses more on simple principles. And yeah, there's been some talk about making the current sysops into benevolent dictators-for-life, more or less, with re-evaluations maybe only coming around in cases where there's actually a problem. Aichon 19:19, 17 September 2014 (UTC)
Nup. The more boring a wiki is the more it's because it's working. Sysops are only fun during drama and we don't have drama now cause we don't have anything to whinge over. R/E got rid of the bad sysops, the trolls have gone to pastures new and it's just us anal freaks hanging around in our domain. We won. Savour it. A ZOMBIE ANT 12:51, 18 September 2014 (UTC)

New users can't make wiki accounts

Hello there! I just want to inform you that for the past few months new members cannot sign into this wiki. This is the message that keeps coming up. "Set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; at the bottom of LocalSettings.php to show detailed debugging information." I was hoping that you or any of the admins of this wiki page can look into this and solve the problem. I sent this message to Boxy as well. It would help this wiki come back to once how it was. Thank you! --LuE Colo 20:59, 23 September 2014 (UTC)

Hey there. Thanks a bunch for passing that along, since I was completely unaware of it. I actually saw your message a few days ago on IRC when you first mentioned it there, but I wasn't around to respond at the time. Anyway, I've confirmed that it's happening for me as well, so I went ahead and e-mailed Kevan (the guy who created and owns all of this) about it. Beyond that, I'm afraid there's not much else we can do, since the sysops don't have the ability to access the back-end of the wiki. Aichon 21:02, 23 September 2014 (UTC)


Hey,sorry you have to clean up after my shit....I know it must be frustrating doing it....sorry trying to fix it!--PayneTrain(FU) 07:59, 4 November 2014 (UTC)

Ehh, it's a way to pass time while watching YouTube videos at the end of the day, but please do get it figured out. If it keeps happening to full pages of comments from other people, like one of them did, you're liable to land yourself on A/VB for continuing to do it when you know it's a problem. That'd hardly be a fun way to mark your return to the wiki. Aichon 08:05, 4 November 2014 (UTC)
Yeah,ill try only posting from my Laptop but i can't gaurentee it with Radical running around :D,btw can you take a look at my Sig and see if its all good there?--PayneTrain(FU) 09:32, 4 November 2014 (UTC)
Looks like valid syntax to me. The font tag has been obsolete for a few years and is no longer valid in newer versions of HTML, but most browsers are still smart enough to recognize the old stuff and know how to use it. If you want to update your sig with some newer code, you might consider the following, which has been updated to more recent standards and for future-proof maintainability purposes (e.g. tossed in some extra fonts for people to use if they don't have the ones you specified):
[[User:Paynetrain|<span style="font-size:1.4em;font-family:impact,monospace,serif;color:#f30b0c;">Payne</span>]][[User talk:Paynetrain|<span style="font-size:1.4em;font-family:'poplar std',verdana,sans-serif;color:#0a1cf2;">Train</span>]]<sup>'''([[FU]])'''</sup> which looks like PayneTrain(FU)
If the fonts look different (particularly for the "Train" part), it means that you didn't have the Impact or Poplar Std fonts installed on your system, and that what you've actually been seeing this entire time is the system's or browser's default font (typically Times, Arial, or something else similarly bland). I just looked up Poplar Std though, and it seems most similar to Verdana among the web-standard fonts, so I'm using that as a fallback if someone doesn't have Poplar installed. Aichon 16:08, 4 November 2014 (UTC)
Hey! thanks!!! it looks great! Im gonna use it right away!!i wont mind if you tweak it up a little know change the colors--wink,wink;)--,change the font--wink,wink;)-- and make it as awesome as your sig --wink,wink-- just with my name.only if you're not too busy :D --PayneTrain(FU) 09:29, 6 November 2014 (UTC)
You're very welcome! But as far as tweaks go, you're on your own there. I'm afraid I'm rather wrapped up with work and after-work stuff these days. That said, it shouldn't be too hard to tweak things how you want, since the signature has the same structure that it had before. Aichon 16:21, 6 November 2014 (UTC)
Hey,its cool....sorry,I have a talent for pushing it... :P--PayneTrain(FU) 03:37, 7 November 2014 (UTC)

That feeling when...

...our temporary zombie group, that's been dead for a year, has nearly as many active and tagged members as some of the 'big' survivor groups on stats. Big Bash 4 - 15, The Fortress - 19, Army Control Corps - 17. FEELS GOOD. --BOSCH 17:06, 5 November 2014 (UTC)

Hah, yeah, I happened to check the stats page a few days ago and was surprised to see that we're still showing up, despite it having been over a year now. I guess we resonated with a few feral folks who are keeping the tag alive.
I briefly had one of those, "Ya know, maybe we should do a Big Bash 5..." moments after seeing we were on the stats page the other day. Thankfully, I came to my senses a few seconds later when I realized a few things:
  1. If we wanted to aim for the traditional summer launch, we'd have to start doing prep and laying groundwork now
  2. I'm certainly not inclined to take on more of the day-to-day responsibilities, which is the part we'd need the most help with
  3. We don't have anyone stepping up who can do or is willing to do what you did for BB4 (and that person certainly won't be me!)
Seriously, I doubt anyone, myself included, will ever appreciate the full extent of the effort you put into making BB4 go so smoothly, simply because you did it so well that it made it seem as if it wasn't being managed at all. I just remember how when we had a week where you were gone, things started unraveling because Vapor and I didn't have a grasp for just how much you were handling all by yourself. You made it look deceptively easy, and every time I remember that it looks a lot easier than it actually is, I realize why we won't have a successful Bash until someone is willing to step up in the same way you did and sacrifice their time in the same way that you did.
But hey, if you ever go insane and think leading BB5 sounds like fun, I'm guessing I could find a new Bash wiki page design in my head somewhere, and you know how to get in touch with me. ;) Aichon 16:52, 6 November 2014 (UTC)
I kept the tags all the way up to the point that I idled. I even joined two groups but kept my BB4 tags. I also smile every time I see stats and there's BB4 one year later. ~Vsig.png 17:04, 6 November 2014 (UTC)


How badly has the update broken this place? --Rosslessness 20:57, 8 November 2014 (UTC)

Ehh, minor things here and there. A CSS update should be able to address most of the issues, I think, and Kevan has already indicated he has plans to do so at some point. Aichon 21:14, 8 November 2014 (UTC)