The Burchell Arms Regulars

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The Burchell Arms Regulars

The Snug - Crumpled Up Newspaper - Staff Cleaning Rota - Broken bottles, Painkillers & the Jukey - Syzpid's Hobby Cupboard
- No! No! The beer barrels go in the cellar! - Cabbie Sam's Dartboard (AKA The Deadbeat List) - The Burchell Arms Employee Of The Month! -
Jesus Sante's Patented Drinks & Cocktail Menu

The Burchell Arms Regulars
Abbreviation: The BAR
Group Numbers: 22 (Highest 65)
Leadership: Jim Phil - BAR Owner (Retired)
Tommy Monahan - BAR Owner

and BAR Managers:
Goals: Defend and maintain the Burchell Arms pub in Rolt Heights.
Recruitment Policy: Open to all survivors, join us!
Contact: 27.66MHz BAR radio station
BAR Group Forum

Introduction to the B.A.R

Introduction to the B.A.R

Back before the dead roamed the streets, there was a pub that was the scene of much drunken revelry. One time when some of the more unsavory locals started acting up and tried to disturb our drinking, the Burchell Arms Regulars (BAR) united together as equals and decided to team-up in defense of their beloved pub. Now, after securing our home pub and local area in Rolt Heights they continue their good work. Despite a long history of zombie attacks and drunken nights, the Regulars have taken another step forward in providing support for their fellow survivor when they created the Traveling Drunk Tank (TDT). Comprised of those Regulars who want to help spread camaraderie to other suburb pubs, the whereabouts of the TDT can only be found by following the sounds of drinking and merriment that follow them as they bring portable generators, revives, and beer throughout Malton.

Now a word from Jim Phil (Retired BAR Owner and Operator):

"The Burchell Arms Regulars are a group of survivors who operate out of the Burchell Arms (imagine that) in Rolt Heights. We're dedicated to the maintenance of the pub and to providing our members with medical services and revivification. Oh, and we're not above retaliation against those who compromise the safety and security of the Burchell Arms, either. Beyond that - we're just regular guys trying to keep the power on and the beer cold.

If you're new to Malton and need a group to watch your back -

If you're a maxed-out veteran looking for a new safehouse -

If you're just passing through Rolt Heights and want to relax -

- the BAR is always open."

Group Goals & Objectives

Group Goals & Objectives


The BAR stands for a lot of things, but ask any Regular and they'll tell you that our true objectives have always been to:

  • Have fun!
As a group we try to strike a balance between actually achieving goals and having fun. Our operations are largely voluntary, and only in extreme situations are orders issued that we expect followed (for example, if a huge zombie horde decides to invade Rolt Heights, like Mall Tour or The Big Bash). Of course every Regular gets a say in what we do, but when decisive action is required the BAR looks to its leaders to call the shots.
Our home, the Burchell Arms, is always in need of our protection and vigilance. To do this the BAR needs to keep the surrounding area and resource buildings safe too. The BAR also set a two drink minimum at the Burch', so be sure to drink up before you leave. On a more serious note, since the Burchell Arms is our group's headquarters, it should be noted that during a time of strife precautions will be taken. By that we mean if you happen to be a stranger to the BAR, have all the telltale signs of a zombie spy, and refuse repeated hails, you may very well end up "forcibly evicted" from the pub, if you catch our drift. Unrepentant murderers are never welcome at the Burchell Arms.
It is our pledge to keep at Otto Street revive point in nearby Pescodside fully operational and provide at least 12, if not 24, hour revival services. Survivors and BAR members alike are asked to simply request a revive on our forum's revive thread, or just stand at Otto Street like a Mrh? Cow and we'll get around to you eventually. This revive point has been in place for over 8 months, so local doctors are well-versed in its location and it receives a lot of non-BAR support. A big thanks to those survivors helping us move the revive queue along! For more specific details read below.
We also extend our defenses to what we call "satellite pubs" in nearby suburbs. In order to facilitate our assistance to these locations the Regulars migrate around to wherever trouble can be found. If you think that your group or area needs our assistance just post your request on our forums and we'll see what we can do! This is now a much more important part of our group's goals as our numbers have grown so much that many members want to do more and get back into the thick of the fight, which is much harder to do these days as Rolt Heights has become mostly safe nowadays. So don't be surprised if one day soon you spot the BAR helping secure your neighborhood or fighting right alongside you.

Group Rules & Regulations

  • No Zerging
Zerging means using 2 or more alts to perform any task, which includes fighting the same group, and using/sharing ANY information with one alt gathered by another. Alts must lead separate lives.
  • Only 1 character per person is allowed to be in the B.A.R.
To be a Regular is a mark of honor. As such, we must hold ourselves to a high standard of gameplay. Using more than one character in the same group not only borderlines alt abuse, it is considered a cheap tactic.
  • No GKing
There is almost no time in which destroying a generator in a tactical resource building is beneficial to the survivor side. As for non TRP's, it can be useful at times to sleep in a darkened building, and is allowed, provided the action does not harm/hamper other survivors.
  • No PKing
Only kill PKers, GKers, PROVEN zombie spies, and anyone that's a general threat to the survivor side, and our area. Never kill a fellow group member, or ally. If there is a problem, bring it to the attention of the group, and we'll first seek a diplomatic solution to the problem.
  • No Spying
Joining a group/forum to gain undisclosed knowledge under false pretenses is strictly VERBOTEN. Information that the group puts in the public domain is acceptable, as is any information they disclose to you, provided they know full well in advance that you will share the information with the B.A.R..
  • Conduct must remain civil
While playful banter with enemies is encouraged, remember that this is a game. Our enemies are here to have a good time just as well as we are. Be sportsmanlike in your actions. Keep the cussing at PG-13 and below in game, and on the public forums.
  • Regulars MUST have Fun
This is our most sacred rule. If you break this, the B.A.R. has no place for you. We take our fun VERY seriously.

The punishment for infractions vary from verbal warning, to expulsion from the group, based on frequency and severity of the infraction.

The B.A.R. is an equal rights group. Every member has a say and choice in following orders issued from Management, provided they do not go against these rules. Every member is encouraged to speak their opinion, and rank is determined by level of commitment and activity in the B.A.R. If you want a promotion, prove it.

B.A.R Revive Services

B.A.R Revive Services

BAR Poster.jpg

Revive Point Policy
The BAR sponsored revive point in Rolt Heights/Pescodside is Otto Street (91,16). Survivors are asked to wait there and the BAR will send someone to revive you as soon as we are able. However, BAR members are a priority, as are scientists who may be carrying syringes and might be able to help revive even more undead survivors. Of course posting on our forum's revive thread is the surest way to getting yourself revived faster.

People who abuse our revive point, either by purposely clogging up the queue with their rotted brains, or by using the waiting undead survivors for some target practice, will be shot on sight. The BAR does not take kindly to those who mess with our services.

Otto Street Revive Point
Queue Level: At the moment, the waiting line at the revive queue is:
5+ Zombie(s)
Queue Revivers: The number of reviving survivors at the revive point:5+
Queue Bodies: The number of dead bodies at the revive point:8+
Status Report: Clewett just got caded, needles are flowing -CH, 21 July.

B.A.R Radio Frequency

B.A.R Radio Frequency

know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 27.66 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates:
The Burchell Arms, Rolt Heights: [89,17]
The Knight Arms, Santlerville: [73,22]

The BAR has a radio station which we use to provide current information on our group's status while reporting from the suburbs of Pescodside, Rolt Heights, Gibsonton and Santlerville. So be sure to tune your portable radio to 27.66 MHz and listen in Regulars!

This radio frequency is used to share information on strategic matters, such as zombie sightings and hotspots, murderers, vandals, and similar trouble where the need reinforcements are required. The radio frequency may also be used for updating the status of local revive points. It should be mentioned that this frequency is hardly secure or private, and as such there is a fair amount of banter that takes place across the airwaves between not only BAR members, but also other survivors. Never pass along secret or vital information via radio unless it's part of an ongoing assault where a fast response time is expected. All member conversations that require security should be handled from inside the BAR's Office forum.


Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.