Boyd Bank

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Boyd Bank
--VVV RPMBG 05:40, 10 June 2024 (UTC)
Boyd Bank

Stanbury Village [56,52]

the Stollery Building wasteland Halsey Auto Repair
Bently Towers Boyd Bank Brougham Way
Bateman Way Brome Library Stribling Library

Basic Info:

  • All banks were emptied or looted prior to evacuation. Tagging a bank earns 1 XP.
  • Banks are Dark buildings.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Banks:
    • "The vault lies open, its contents either looted or transferred."
  • Banks can be barricaded normally.


The building is a derelict yellow-stone building. The armored truck loading dock has a semi parked inside with a giant S logo on its side. No one is entirely sure what the S might stand for, but Snacks is the best guess.


The blue Monster Munch monster

Boyd Bank is unusual in that it was set up by an individual at the turn of the 21st century in order to protect his personal assets. As the individual was former Rangers striker Kris Boyd, it will be no surprise to learn that those 'assets' consisted of several million packets of Monster Munch in the full range of flavours (but especially beef), which Boyd ordered kept in the bank's especially cool, dark vault in order to ensure he would have a regular supply of the tasty corn snacks should, say, a zombie apocalypse occur.

Kris Boyd

Boyd's apparent far-sightedness proved fruitless, however, as the tubby goal-poaching wonder was an irresistible target for zombies, who also enjoy meaty snacks. Boyd - who was seeing out his career with Malton Rovers' reserve team - was seized upon as he left Floyde Stadium, and his undying fanbase declared he was indeed a "harman bargarz" with "barbaga zaarz" to remember.

Since the Malton Incident the bank is usually too dark for any of the Monster Munch packets (now long past their sell-by date, as was Boyd) to be found, but munching monsters are often spotted.

Barricade Policy

EHB at all times.

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