Red Guards of Williamsville
We are the Red Guards of Williamsville, a Williamsville-based group created from the ashes of the old M.S.L.F. Dedicated to the cause of defending Williamsville and assisting its residents in daily life. We aim to put our lives on the line for the greatest suburb of Malton, and have fun doing it. What we lack in numbers we make up for in Defending Williamsville since August, 2006.
The Third Big Bash danced into Williamsville with a look of... drunkness in their cold, undead eyes. The glorious Red Guards responded adequately by rolling all the barrels in Williamsville down a series of platforms and ladders in their general direction. Unfortunately, Zombies never stay down. The RGoW continued the barrel rolling campaign on both fronts of Williamsville and Dartside but despite their best efforts, the BB3 rolled through both suburbs, smashing everything, raping the horses, and riding off on the womens. They did have the courtesy to leave a letter that only read, "LOL." As soon as the Bash moved on, the Red Guards reformed the lines on their Etch-n-sketches and took to securing buildings in Williamsville. By the end of the week they had already covered alot of ground. The battle still draws on, but the restoration of Williamsville looks to be quick and painless thanks to the courages Red guards of Williamsville *heroic music cue.* --DeAleksandr 20:24, 3 July 2010 (BST)
The Red Guards of Williamsville are led by two elements, together known as the Red Command. The head of the group is the Triumvirate, which is comprised of the Supreme Commanding Officer, the Red Guard Commanding Officer[Second-in-Command], and the Executive Officer. Backing up the Triumvirate is the Command Staff; comprised of the Tactics Officer, Information Specialist, Head Diplomat, Recruitment Officer, and the Company Clerk.
E-11 - Colonel E-10 - Lieutenant-Colonel E-9 - Major E-8 - Captain E-7 - First Lieutenant E-6 - Second Lieutenant E-5 - Staff Sergeant E-4 - Sergeant E-3 - Corporal E-2 - Private First Class E-1 - Private
1) We only Player kill troublemakers, and the occasional heretic. 2) We don't combat revive. 3) We like having random fun. 4) We don't zerg. 5) Keep thy friends close, and thy enemies closer... but not too close. 6) We don't kill zombies waiting for revives. 7) We enjoy roleplaying 8) We're equal opportunity arse-kickers. Red Guards of Williamsvile is dedicated to helping those in need that are in Williamsville and the surrounding suburbs.
Long Live Eddie Bullor!
So I got on Urbandead and did a backflip... BUT I SURVIVED, I actually completed the backflip, at the same time avoiding being PK'd. Nothing can describe how awesome I feel right now.
♫Runnnn toooo theeee hilllsssss dunanananananana runnn forrrr yourrrrr liiiii-iiiiife!♫
Deck of 52 (WDC) Dibbings Plaza Special Operations: Echo Team
Zombie Juice (WDC) The Randoms (exASB)(WDC) Tactical Area Rescue (exASB)