
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 11:29, 22 October 2008 by HandsofBlue (talk | contribs) (→‎Info)
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Nickname: HandsofBlue
Location: Malton
Group: OctoLegion
Alliance: SWA
Sex: Male
Age: Early Twenties.
Believe in the Octopope

And we shall not falter.


Not Actually Me But Pretty Close

Life was happy once. Things were good. Then the evil ones cancelled Firefly destroying HandsofBlue's fragile sanity. After a lengthy rehabilitation he decided to start afresh in the friendly welcoming town of Malton. Again things were good. Then the dead rose. In order to survive HandsofBlue was forced to revert back into his original form: A raving, insane Whedon fanboy whose passion for the 'verse is matched only for his faith in the Octopope, that blessed being who will strike down the undead and bring peace back to the streets of Malton. Only be his guiding hand will humanity be saved, evil ones turn asunder and the Boston Bruins win back the Stanley Cup. HandsofBlue can be found in Foulkes Village or collecting First Aid Kits in Ruddlebank and Greentown. He would best describe himself as a Soldier first, Medic Second, Cader Third, Revivor Fourth. If someone needs healing, he can do it. Don't much care who it is.

And if a Zed needs killing, he really dosen't care who it is.





Zombie Hunter



Octopope-Coloured.jpg Friend of the Octopope
We stand by the Octopope. May his dark and holy ink blind our foes.
Cacti small.png South West Alliance
This user or group is a member of the South West Alliance.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Rat-ah-tat-tat.jpg Rat Tactics
Survive. Revive. Thrive.
Gladiatorial Arena.jpg Gladiatorial Arena Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Gladiatorial Arena Policy & acknowledges that all stadiums in Malton are gladiatorial areas, in which the killing of another survivor is not a crime and therefore not punishable in any way.
Malton recycle.GIF Combat Revive Any Person
Oh, C.R.A.P.!

Yet another proud supporter of the Malton Zombie Recycling Program

Flags of Ireland.gif Irish
This user or group is Irish.