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Starting Occupation: Police Officer
Group Membership: Dunell Hills Police Department
Goals: The usual...white picket fence, 2.4 kids, 20K after taxes. NO ZOMBIES
Username: Rubix41
More details: Urban Dead profile


Basic Info

Arrived in the City: (2006-01-13 12:00:15)
Current Status: Alive!


In an office, three days before the outbreak...

With a fresh academy smile, the rookie stood up. "Yes, sir?"
The Captain paused so that awful smile would falter before picking up the new recruit file that had been on his desk all last week. He undid the opening clip and facially sneered at the contents.
"You came from Burnstock Academy?"
Rubix41 nodded.
"Below average training, yadda yadda." The Captain dropped the file. "Why choose Malton?"
"I thought..." With a shrug, Rubix41 lit up again. "I thought all police officers should go where we are needed the most! And I heard you have a shortage of officers so I applied for a transfer."
The Captain gritted his teeth. "I am going to be frank with you, son. I don't like your kind."
"My kind, sir?"
"Freshers, boy. Freshers from the Academy. You are too happy. Too enthusiastic. Too green. I ask for policemen and they send me college boys who are better off behind a typewriter than behind a '35."
The Captain looked outside from his office window. Another claptrap day was outside.
"I don't need pussies like you on the beat."
He turned to face the disheartened rookie.
"You will be assigned to Admin as of tomorrow. Dismissed."
Rubix41 saluted and turned to the door.
"Oh, by the way," Rubix41 looked back. "Welcome to Malton, kid."


1) Currently to get ammo. 2) Get to Caiger. 3) You know, the rest!

Departmental Links

Dhpd.jpg DHPD
This user is a DHPD officer.


Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)
Syringe crosshairs sml.jpg Fertilize the Land Policy
This user or group believes in regaining NT buildings at any cost!
Dhpd.jpg Dunell Hills Police Department Dhpd.jpg

DHPD Main Page

DHPD Departments: Comissioner's Office | Internal Affairs | HR and Recruitment | Field Operations | Research Sciences | Internal Communications | Public Relations | Resource and Supply | Interdepartmental Relations | Medical Services | Chaplain Services

DHPD Precincts: Broadbelt Grove | Bunter Street | Burrell Way | Cottam Way | Cotty Street | Kenefie Lane | Ruggevale Walk | Rodwell Row | Swinnerton Square | Uppill | Yea Drive

DHPD Squads: Alpha Squad | Bravo Squad | Charlie Squad | Delta Squad | Dixie Squad | Ghost Squad | Omega Squad

DHPD Allies: Special Tactics And Rescue Squad | U.S. ARMY INFANTRY | The Crimson Clan | The Veterans | Umbrella Corporation | CMS-Meta | Malton Rangers | Zombie Squad

Other: Radio Free DHPD | DHPD Forum | Department Archives | DHPD Policies and Procedures | DHPD Most Wanted | Rogues Gallery | DHPD Testimonials