Dulston Alliance/3rd Anniversary

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Dulston Alliance – 3rd Anniversary

History of Greatness - "Anniversary N00dles" - Guest List - Party Photos

History of Greatness

February 27th 2009 marked yet another glorious milestone in the grandiose history of the Dulston Alliance. A history that is composed of both sweet victories and bitter defeats. But in all honesty, mostly awesome victories. Here to share a few words with us on this historic day is none other than Officer Murphy, who is known as the original architect of the Dulston Alliance. The following are his words to his fellow Alliance members during the celebration party at the Burch':


"Just a tad over three years ago Lairth, Lefty, Prvt Jimmy, and myself formed Dead vs Blue. We gathered an estimated 75 members and after carefully studying each 'burb we decided Dulston was the best place to be from all standpoints, especially with the resources it had in its possession.

Shortly after moving into the 'burb, I noticed the decent number of other survivor groups in the area and decided to send out messages in attempts to form an Alliance. I created a gmail account and went to forums, if a group had one, searched for any/all email accounts, while myself and other members of DvB spoke to any group representatives we could locate in-game. Quickly, other groups such as FOXHOUND, the Friends of the Featherstone Library, Dante's Guard, and the RCDC agreed with the idea and we eventually began talks via mass emails. Deciding on the layout of the organization, coordinating efforts, reporting criminals, alerting each of about zombie break-ins, and voting on new members to the Alliance. From all this effort the Dulston Alliance was born! The Black List was created, there were wars with the likes of The End, DORIS, the RRF, the Drunken Dead, and even our eventual "friends"... the Shamblin' Crooners (I still miss those guys). Not to mention legends being born like the unforgiving bounty hunter Shotgun Ed, the egomaniacal surgeon Deathwire, the irrepressible BIG BOSS N00bert, the noted NecroTech scientist Caleb Usher (aka Mobius), and many others... some of whom are no longer with us. God rest their souls (in Malton).

As the Alliance's numbers grew, Lefty eventually started the Alliance's forum, as a gathering place for all our members, and from there it's been a steady trend of living and dying throughout the years. Groups have come, and gone, but the Alliance has always held together in the long run. We've had our battles...received our scars and celebrated our victories. Times may be exceptionally tough right now, tougher than I have ever recalled, but we will still stand in the face of death, have a drink, and laugh just before unloading a clip into it. Celebrate now 3 years of THE GREATEST GATHERING OF SURVIVORS MALTON HAS AND WILL EVER SEE!

Here's to three years of the Dulston Alliance! Drink up guys as the work will never go away! Cheers!!"

It wasn't much later that local historians managed to locate noted NecroTech scientist Caleb Usher in a pub where they inquired further about the historical background of the Dulston Alliance. Caleb Usher, who had been heavily drinking at the time, had this to say:

"So you want to know about how the Dulston Alliance got started do you? Well I may not have actually been here when it happened. And I may not actually be sober. And I may or may not be wearing pants, but I'll try and see what I can remember. Hmmmm. Well back around early 2006 times were tough. Survivors had no zombies to harvest in the empty streets of Dulston so many had turned on their fellow man, killing wantonly and speaking the strange foreign language of 733t-speak and pwnage. These were dark times for the people of Dulston. Of course there was hope, groups like the Dulston Defense Death Squad, FOXHOUND, and Dead vs Blue were in the suburb and working to put a stop to the killing or at least bring as many of the culprits to justice. Of these groups Dead vs Blue was the youngest, but also the largest, and it was from within their ranks that talk of a suburb-wide alliance was first discussed.

It was also around this time that a spirited and extremely intelligent young scientist named Caleb Usher, that's me, was making his rounds through Dulston and Pescodside. Yes, the man you know today as the most noted NecroTech scientist 'Caleb Usher' was back then still forging the legend that would later be told from parent to child in the years to come. But enough about me. You see, it was during my quest to embolden the survivors of Dulston that I happened upon Larith, from Dead vs Blue, and he told me about the plan to unite Dulston's survivors in a single alliance... a 'Dulston Alliance' that would bring together all the suburb's survivor groups. It was an inspiring idea. If it had any flaw at all it was that I myself had not come up with it. Of course while I encouraged Larith in this noble endeavor this was the last time we would speak before the fateful day I departed Malton forever.

Even with me gone, Dead vs Blue somehow managed to march on ahead, possibly motivated by me in spirit, and eventually they forged the first alliances, starting with FOXHOUND and the DDDS. Other groups, like the safety Patrol, would join, but later pass on into history as they were claimed by the eternal war that is Malton. As the months passed other groups from adjacent suburbs eventually joined the alliance as well, the RCDC and the Friends of the Featherstone Library being among the first. Of course many other groups joined in later months. And as these months turned to years, the Dulston Alliance bid farewell to some of its member groups and welcomed others. But let it be said, for so long as there is even a single survivor group within the Dulston Alliance, the Dulston Alliance will live on. So let's grab some beers and shoot some zombies, it's time to celebrate! Hey look, a beer. How convenient."

N00bert, the current BIG BOSS of FOXHOUND, was spotted at a table in the corner of the Burch' attempting to either beat his old whiskey shot record... or just trying to drink enough to complete the small pyramid of shot glasses he was constructing on the tabletop. We asked about FOXHOUND's role in the origins of the Dulston Alliance, N00bert had this to say:

"Well I first joined FOXHOUND in late-January/early-February of 2006. Back then there were only 10 or so members, but the ones we had were extremely dedicated to our group, like our glorious leader La Plaga. FOXHOUND hadn't been in Dulston for long and I had just arrived not long after they had formed.

Then it wasn't long before La Plaga, who was the first BIG BOSS, came to us and said we had been offered to join an Alliance of Dulston groups. At first, some of us didn't like the idea of being a sub-group of any alliance. I liked the idea though and pushed for it, as did La Plaga and another former FOXHOUND great Rikogen. After discussing the matter we eventually joined up. But at that time the Dulston Alliance was very unorganized and the only people that were really in contact were the various group leaders. La Plaga ran things pretty close to the chest so most of our members often had tangles with other Dulston Alliance groups for many different reasons, most of them due to misunderstandings.

Not sure what else. But we never really established a good healthy relationship with the alliance until Conno's reign as BIG BOSS, with me being the primary diplomat for our group at the time. Since then, I think that FOXHOUND has been, if not the most influential group within the Alliance... definitely the biggest military force in Dulston with a solid amount of consistency."

Later on, Bane Croooow of the Rhodenbank Civil Defense Corps was spotted drinking at the bar. When questioned about the RCDC's historical role in the Dulston Alliance he had this to say:

"I vaguely recall the RCDC's membership in the Alliance in the early days. At the time I had not been with the RCDC for all that long, so I didn't have a real handle on what groups were what. I knew the Dulston Alliance was what our 'Group of Groups' was called. Seemed then that DvB, FOXHOUND, and RHVP were the only groups I knew for sure were a part of the Dulston Alliance--not that there weren't others, just that I didn't care.

At the time the RCDC had about 40 members and was growing strong. Our forum was active and all anyone in Malton wanted to do was kill zombies. There were no problems with encumbrance back then and everyone was still complaining about how exhausting it was to revive someone. I'm certain that it was either RCDC co-founder Major Anderson or Schloss Ritter who formed the tie-in with the Dulston Alliance. Man, I miss Schloss Ritter, Agnetha Jones, Tabernac, and Mercsenary...

Anyways, I didn't care much for the Dulston Alliance because the RCDC is very Rhodenbank-centric. Why not call it the NE Alliance? When the Alliance started up their own forum the RCDC was waaay down in numbers by then, not sure why, and when I checked the Alliance forum there were fewer than 15 members total. I didn't even see the point of signing up at the time. I thought I'd be the last RCDC member in a month. But then Stephanie Bridges joined in. She and I, along with a few others, carried on the torch to his day.

That brings us to now. Mark Ryerson, Bubb07, and Doogzz are back to being regulars and I'm seeing more and more new faces around. RCDC numbers are strengthening again and the future seems bright. I think their enthusiasm inspires me to work harder for them.

That's everything. Wish I remembered more. I guess all I really did there was talk about RCDC history. But, I do feel like we are a cornerstone group of the Dulston Alliance. I also think without Caleb Usher's incessant nagging over the last 18 months, I might have given up. So, he earns my thanks for that."

Celebrate With Tasty "Anniversary N00dles"

Special N00dles Comic: "Just Add Booze"

Guest List

The following is a list of all the party-goers who actually managed to pull themselves away from the fighting in Dulston to attended the Anniversary party. Yes that's right, you're attendence is immortalized for all time. That's plenty illustrious in my book *wink*.

Guest Name Group Affiliation Favorite party quote...?
Bane Croooow RCDC "*bursts through doors rolling a large keg on a dolly* 'Sup people? I brought a keg of Ablett Arms ESB. Oh, and a sackful of party hats and noisemakers. Happy anniversary, DA!"
BasketOfFish2 Dead vs Blue "Wooooh! Let's get drunk and get naked. Or something of a similar nature!"
CalMcDonald The Burchell Arms Regulars "Zzzzzzz."
ewefluffypup The Burchell Arms Regulars "Zzzzzzz"
Fujiko Mine FOXHOUND "Oh shit, man, I need a drink!"
Jesus Sante The Burchell Arms Regulars "I'll toast with a Duff! Long live the D.A.! Long live the B.A.R.! I'm not drunk enough (yet) to come up with a better one."
Kurt Jackson The Burchell Arms Regulars "You is ma bizatch! Don't make fatty slap you again!"
Leo Leonardo III The Burchell Arms Regulars "The dead only know one thing, that it is better to be alive."
LSvlad The Burchell Arms Regulars "Bunch of zed activity just a few blocks south. How many beers can we drink before they get here?"
Met Fan FOXHOUND "I pretty much slapped everyone with a newspaper. I even got Fujiko twice since she's a lady, *wink*."
MrGomez The Burchell Arms Regulars "A toast! To the Dulston Alliance! And to another 3 years of doing your thing!"
Officer Murphy Dead vs Blue "..."
Olikunmissile1 FOXHOUND "G...g...g...guys... I totally love you all... especially you *points at whoever* yo...you...you are my best friend good sir and or madam and I love you...... now buy me a beer? *falls off stool drunk*"
PubicPubLover The Electric Light Torchestra "Party! W00t!"
Scott Horne FOXHOUND "Greetings all ;) hope there's an ample supply of Guinness for the party, I could drink a beer or ten."
TheIronGoat FOXHOUND "You wussies can just keep sippin' your cheap beers. I'll take a glass of Drain-o and some mouthwash."
tommy1504 The Burchell Arms Regulars "Thanks Gomez." (for reviving Tommy1504, so he could join the party)
Uptown Snake The Burchell Arms Regulars "Zzzzzzz"
yonnua koponen Dead vs Blue Searching the building, you find a beer bottle.

Party Photos

While one might rightly imagine that a group with the name "Dulston Alliance" would choose to celebrate their anniversary in a pub in Dulston, this did not turn out to be the case. The reason being that while the Dulston Alliance was originally formed and named after their home suburb of Dulston, the Alliance spans all four northeast suburbs, namely: Rhodenbank, Dulston, Rolt Heights, and Pescodside. With this in mind Alliance members were given the chance to vote for their preferred pub of choice. While many votes were cast, the final winner turned out to be the Burchell Arms in Rolt Heights. The reason? Why it also happened to be the home to one of the Alliance's closest allies, the Burchell Arms Regulars. The BAR was of course more than happy to host the event. In fact the Alliance is fairly sure that when a group chooses to make their headquarters a pub they pretty much look for any reason to celebrate, and this reason was probably better than most.

The following are photos of the event, contributed by Alliance members who were present during the festivities and were mindful enough to snap a few quick shots with their camera. So for anyone who wasn't there, here's your chance to see what you missed out on (i.e. better luck next year).

Photographs taken by Yonnua Koponen of Dead vs Blue:



Photographs taken by Fujiko Mine of FOXHOUND:

Photographs taken by PubicPubLover of the Electric Light Torchestra: