The Dribbling Beavers

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The Dribbling Beavers
Abbreviation: TDB
Group Numbers: 30-ish Actives
Leadership: calista griffin,

Rocky Road,

Dr Hugo Z. Hackenbush,


delta zulu

Goals: Help protect survivors and eradicate zombies
Recruitment Policy: open for all
Contact: Check out our forum

About Us

The Dribbling Beavers are a human group located in the suburb of Santlerville. We are dedicated to saving human lives, destroying the undead, and keeping the suburb a safe place. We maintain a revive point at the Junkyard 74, 26 [1] in central Santlerville. If you are in need of a revive, leave a request in our revive request thread. (No account creation necessary!)

If you would like to become an ally or join our group, once again, consult our forum for further details.

Current Activities

Yawning, knitting, sleeping in, and playing the Legend of Zelda.

Past Activities

You may have noticed members of The Dribbling Beavers around town killing what would seem to be innocent residents of Santlerville and surrounding communities. However, those being targeted are zerging alts of Finis Valorum. In conjunction with ZHU and other players, The Dribbling Beavers have decided to take Finis on and end the griefing of our suburbs with the Gamewide Teabag Finis Operation (GTFO).

If you have noticed 'members' of The Dribbling Beavers killing civilians who aren't Finis either, you've underestimated the sheer number of Finis "Alts" in our area, or you have become the victim of a smear campaign. As the imposters section shows Finis has created several zerg fakes that act against the suburb using the tag of The Dribbing Beavers. If you spot an impersonator not our list, please report them on our talk page.

If you would like to join the hunt, please feel free to drop by the GTFO page, add the list of zergers to your contacts and get killing! We apologize to any uninvolved residents who are affected by the actions of Beaver fakes and Finis zergs, however we felt this was the only way to respond to the campaign of griefing and defamation that was going on. We are the guardians of Santlerville and as such must deal with Finis to keep the suburb and its residents safe.

Our Goals

  • Revive unfortunate humans
  • Protect Santlerville
  • Destroy zombies
  • Aid other just causes


For more information on our leadership, both past and present, please see the Leaders page.

Known Imposters

GFTO Clones

We have seen a number of imposter clones. Here is a list of all discovered to date:

additionally he has made a clone of falco94's alt, falcon talon "L" to an "I"

If you are being griefed by someone who wears the tag of our group, please check with us. They tend to copy the description as well as the group name. Yes, he's cloned that many of us and yes, he's that pathetic. Stand up to him and get your own Finis Zerg Clone today!

If you would like to see his admission that he created the clones, go here: finis valorum user talk

Additionally, if you'd like to have the full list of his zergs go here: GFTO UD Tool UD widget List


Our proudest moments and achievements include:

For a more detailed look at our past, please see our history page.

Public Service

Revive Point

We maintain a revive point at the Junkyard 74, 26 [2] in Santlerville. If you are in need of a revive then please post your request in our forum. As Sacred Ground Policy applies in Santlerville, you can also wait at the cemetery.

The DEM Revive Request Tool is also checked regularly, just make sure you stay where you say you are.

Barricade Plan

The Dribbling Beavers are currently stationed in Santlerville and are dedicated to preserving the lives of survivors, and reviving the not-so-fortunate. The barricade plan has been updated and will be run efficiently.

Please report any buildings not conforming to the plan on our forum -- you do not need a forum account to post.

PK, GK, and RK List

We maintain a Player Killer, Generator Killer, and Radio Killer list for Santlerville in our forum. All survivors in the area are encouraged to report PK/GK/RKs -- you do not need a forum account to post.


If you wish to join us:

We do not accept known PK/RK/GKers (listed in the known reporting tools), griefers, or any other type of player who does not work towards the mutual benefit of all survivors.

Dribbling is encouraged but is not compulsory.


Santlerville's residents - Without their support, the Beavers would get very little accomplished.

THEM Teaching Haslock's Enemies Manners also are great at teaching the enemies of Santlerville some manners too. Also, we love them because they bring humor and fresh pie everywhere they go.

Mad Craskers - They're almost like our little brothers, who happen to be funnier than us.

ULC - The fun never stops when they roll into Dowdney.

ZHU Zerg Hunters who are extraordinary in everything they do. We are proud to be allied with them and to have worked with them closely during the Gamewide Teabag Finis Operation. Without them, we'd have been up a creek without a dam.

Tikhon Medical They wield syringes and cheesey poofs with equal aplomb. They also really have great jokes. Besides, when we eat all their trees they don't mind.

Army Control Corps They are the Army! They control stuff! Sounds great to us!

The Burchell Arms Regulars - No words can truly accredit these brave few who keep the brew cold.

Malton Rangers Lord Wulfgar's merry band of skilled fighters who can revive a burb just like a syringe revives a survivor. A noble group that deserves the praise they get and more.

(To The) Four Winds - A fantastic, efficient mobile revive group that really helped us out during The Big Bash (2006).

Us - We like Us, because Us likes survivors like us. I mean, like the Beavers, not like Us. Although I'm pretty sure Us would like Us since Us is Us. Man, my head hurts.

10 minutes from Hell These guys and gals are tough cookies. Probably delicious ones, but they are tenacious and fight in the most dangerous areas in Malton. We like them lots

Creedy Defense Force - An outstanding squad who lend their strength to the Beavers in times of need.

U.S. ARMY INFANTRY - Friends looking for a good fight in Dowdney.

Dulston Alliance - We like Dulston, they like Santlerville. We should make friends, no?

The Reformed Order of the Grim Reaper - These followers of the Grim Lord are our neighbors to the north and enjoy a good tea party!

The Randoms They are a party in the form of a group that protects Buttonville. How could we not be pals? CHEESE!

The Zodiacs New friends who have come to help keep Santlerville safe and are doing a good job. Plus they know and can spell each month of the year and know the respective astrological symbols. That's neat.

CCPDBadge-CCPdtemplate.png Ally of The CCPD Of Santlerville
This User or Group supports the CCPD of Santlerville.

Beaver Policies

The Dribbling Beavers are in full support of the Sacred Ground Policy, all cemeteries are revive points.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

We have worked hard on our barricade plan using the guidelines set out in the Uniform Barricade Policy.

Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.