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Teaching Haslock's Enemies Manners
Abbreviation: THEM
Group Numbers: 9ish (active)
Leadership: Communal
Goals: Defense of the Haslock Building and the maintenance of the revive point at Curton Mansion
Recruitment Policy: N/A
Contact: Stop by the Haslock Building, or our forums - or use the chatroom via IRC


THEM (Teaching Haslock's Enemies Manners) is a survivor group dedicated to defending the Haslock Building [69,5] in Chancelwood as well as the surrounding area. Along with the freelance defenders of Haslock and their allies, THEM also helps to maintain a successful revive clinic next door in the Curton Mansion.

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The full, non-shortened URL is

Pie.jpg Pieshop
This group operates one of the finest Pieshops in Malton, and provides its members and affiliates with free pie.


  • Area of Operations: Eastern Chancelwood.
  • Group Structure: Communal; everyone plays a part in group decision-making.
  • Duties and Responsibilities: Teach Haslock's enemies manners! Defend the Haslock NT Building at all costs; maintain the revive point at Curton Mansion; keep St. Louis's Hospital [66,5] lit; generally aid the survivor cause.


DNR List

The "Do Not Revive" list of people considered by THEM, for one reason or another, to be undeserving of assistance:

Basic Reviving Guidelines

1. Check the group association of the zombie you're about to revive. If they're a member of any known hostile group, do not revive them.

2. If the zombie has no human skills, do not revive them.

3. Do not revive indoors, unless it's in a designated revive point (such as Curton Mansion)

4. Do not attempt to revive any zombie with Brain Rot.

Barricade Plan

THEM supports the Chancelwood Barricade Plan. Discussions on the plan should be held on that page. For reference, the Chancelwood and Earletown plans are reproduced below:

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
00 00
01 01
02 02
03 03
04 RP RP 04
05 RP RP 05
06 MPM 06
07 07
08 RP 08
09 09
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

Extremely Heavily Barricaded Very Strongly Barricaded No Barricades
Auto Repair Shops Hospitals Other (non-TRP)
Factories and
Power Stations
NecroTech Buildings Unbarricadable
Forts and Malls Police Departments
MPM: Mobile Phone Masts RP: Revive Points
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
00 00
01 01
02 02
03 RP 03
04 MPM 04
05 05
06 RP 06
07 07
08 RP 08
09 09
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79

Extremely Heavily Barricaded Very Strongly Barricaded No Barricades
Auto Repair Shops Hospitals Other (non-TRP)
Factories and
Power Stations
NecroTech Buildings Unbarricadable
Forts and Malls Police Departments
MPM: Mobile Phone Masts RP: Revive Points

Haslock is the NecroTech (NT) building on the eastern edge of Chancelwood.

Sandbox / Workspace

An area to experiment with Wiki layout, logos, etc.
