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Action Adjustment

Timestamp: Verance 20:05, 21 March 2010 (UTC)
Type: Tweak
Scope: Survivors
Description: Just a small and simple suggestion. A lot of people "roleplay" in the Urban Dead Game. Just spending a day in the Zoo is a prime example of this. Usually, people roleplay by saying ":goes over to a wall" or something along those lines. Whenever people roleplay however, the text is read as "Player X said ":goes over to a wall" (timestamp). My suggestion is very simple, if the text string starts with ":" or "*" and is followed by text, the word "said" and the symbol is dropped, giving the text "Player X goes over to a wall". (timestamp)

Discussion (Action Adjustment)


Timestamp: Kamikazie-Bunny 00:45, 21 March 2010 (UTC)
Type: One of the great old ones
Scope: Botzilla
Description: Erothanatos (as humans have taken to calling him) has been created by one of the great old ones to toy with the things that have broken the chain of life and death as we humans understand it.

Erothanatos is an automated bot beyond power as we know it, Erothanatos gains AP at the normal rate and will randomly perform an action whenever he is able to. He is unable to enter buildings due to his immense size, but he can also step over fort walls as if they did not exist. The actions available are:

50% chance to Move, Erothanatos moves 1 square in one random direction

25% chance to Destroy, Erothanatos ruins and removes the barricades if a building is present

25% chance to Dance, Erothanatos does a magic dance, any zombies outside become survivors and vice versa

If Erothanatos is unable to perform any of these actions he will wait until he gains 1AP before trying again and randomly select one again. Of course Erothanatos has desciptions but he is so undescribable that I'll leave it to your immaginations...

Discussion (Erothanatos)

This is terrifyingly out of genre, and quite seriously game-breaking. Complete side-reversal every two hours on average? We're coming to get you, Barbara 00:56, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

This is hilarious. I actually wish this was implemented. --

01:08, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

Does anyone aside from me think this was a humorous suggestion? --Enigmatalk 01:50, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

I support this assumption. --Spiderzed 01:57, 21 March 2010 (UTC)
Should be in Humorous. Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 14:24, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

Zombies gain bonuses during full moon

Timestamp: Cynarion 12:06, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
Type: Balance change
Scope: Zombies
Description: If you've played Dead Rising you've seen the zombies in that game gaining bonuses at night. Obviously, zombies in Urban Dead gaining bonuses at night would be difficult to implement, not least of all because defining 'night' is all-but impossible in a game where players are from different timezones.

So what about a globally applicable time period--such as the full moon? Please note I have no technical understanding about how this game is coded and so this suggestion might be completely out of line with the game's technical capabilities, but I thought I'd put it out there anyway.

How would I implement such a suggestion? Well, maybe zombies could inflict bonus damage on designated days. Maybe they could be tougher on designated days. Maybe they could move faster on designated days.

Why am I making this suggestion? It seems zombies are not the favoured playable option and--having been playing around in the UD universe for a few days, that survivors don't actually have all that difficult a time of it unless they choose to wander into the middle of a zombie infestation. I figure this might make zombies a little more unpredictable.

What could the potential problems be with this suggestion? Well, we might end up with zombies and zombie groups only bothering to attack on a given day or days, and find ourselves in a cycle where survivors gear up for three weeks and then spend the week of the full moon defending their hard-won safehouses. Having said that, such a situation would result in an interesting new metagame, where zombie groups would be expected to attack during the full moon, but if they didn't they might get the drop on poorly-prepared survivors.

All right, that will do to begin with. Any thoughts?

Discussion (Zombies gain bonuses during full moon)

This is probably a stupid question but is it full moon at the same time in all parts of the world? Obviously i mean date rather than time but you get my drift... --Honestmistake 12:18, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Yep, it's the same time worldwide--or rather, close enough that it doesn't matter. In fact, Kevan could even just create Malton's own lunar cycle that's a perfect 28 days rather than Earth's actual lunar cycle that's 29.5something days. Matching Earth's lunar cycle isn't particularly important compared to the goal of the suggestion itself. --Cynarion 12:26, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
29.5 is better that merely 28 i think. Around the globe we half different phases up to half-day difference. I feel like any cycle in Malton should be N+half days. And full moonlight would benefit harmans, making it easier to aim the shotgun at bright nights :-) Shambler for Shambala 20:34, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

They ain't vampires Francis, they're ZOMBIES! --Enigmatalk 14:24, 16 March 2010 (UTC) Don't tie in bonuses based on time or day of the month. Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 15:41, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Though short lived bonus's linked to unpredictable Eclipse's, Solar Flare's and/or Comets might prove very entertaining? --Honestmistake 17:53, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
Oooh! dragon pocker!!! would be nice to play :-) Or would it be like in Heroes of Might and Magic? This week is beneficient for zombies, they increase their population +10. :-DDD Shambler for Shambala 20:36, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Lycanthropic zombies? WTF Centaurs?-Devorac 18:06, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

This is great, I could use these sort of changes to write fiction that promotes domestic abuse and make money from it:

"He gestured at himself, and then to her in quick succession as he spoke the words she'd daydreamed about whilst wasting time in class 'GANNA AZZ GANGBANG, GRAB MAH BANANA', gazing at the shimmer on his skin, KristiOTD responded 'Oh, Jorm, you sparkle!'"

It'll be awesome. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 20:35, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

No. It would be like in Heroes of Might and Magic? This week is beneficient for zombies, they increase their population +10. Shambler for Shambala 21:10, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
You're an idiot. No-one explain the joke. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 20:46, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
Expected be the only one joking here? 'kay, i'd move my joke aside.Shambler for Shambala 20:54, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
Move the joke back. You can't change edits once they have been replied to.--Umbrella-White.pngThadeous OakleyUmbrella-White.png 20:59, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
Strange rule. It is not removed in deceiption, the opponent in real-time sees it removed and can just remove his one if chooses so. That would just clean page of meaningless garbage. Up to you, have it back. May try to find the explanation or plea for explanatin there.Shambler for Shambala 21:10, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Sounds like someone knows his NetHack. Though even there it's more gimmicky than really relevant. --Spiderzed 02:02, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

IP Text Spam

Timestamp: Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 23:51, 13 March 2010 (UTC)
Type: Minor technical change
Scope: IP limit reachers
Description: Right so, with the current system, when you have 10 or less hits remaining, you get the message: "You have XXX IP hits remaining. This could be because..... we recommend....." on your page with every action. (Or something similar). The point is, it takes up half a page of text.

My proposal would be to only show the explanation and recommendations on the first appearance (10 hits left). That way, everyone who needed the message would still get it, but people who don't need it don't need to put up with it every time they perform an action.


Discussion (IP Text Spam)

Note: This would not change the system in any way, and the "You have XXX hits remaining line would still appear each time.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 23:52, 13 March 2010 (UTC)

I'd say make it an option, to let you turn it off, or truncate it - one that can be turned on or off on the options page. We're coming to get you, Barbara 23:53, 13 March 2010 (UTC)

I personally agree, but people don't tend to be fond of adding things to the already cluttered settings page. Another opinion, anyone?--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 23:59, 13 March 2010 (UTC)

It's great for those of us who play from home, but the big warning is needed every time on shared IPs. Imagine if you just skimmed the notifications and stepped outside only to run out of IP hits because someone else was on your network. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 23:58, 13 March 2010 (UTC)

Good point. What would you say to Mis' toggle option then?--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 23:59, 13 March 2010 (UTC)
A waste of coding really dude, the option is only going to remove it from 9 screens at most per day. I play to the IP limit myself and I don't really see the need, or have any want, for this. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 00:07, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
Alright then. I simply thought of it while ranting about having to scroll down a page to click the "attack barricades" button ten times. :P
Rescinded, unless anyone shows extreme interest in this.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 00:09, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad idea, but if Kevan's going to spend 10 minutes coding I'd rather have him work on something else. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 00:32, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
You could amend it to just relocate the second through tenth instances of it under the relevant game-y bits instead of above them. We're coming to get you, Barbara 00:38, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
Well, that wasn't the real issue. As Iscariot said, it's not really a worthy use of coding time. I'd much rather he implemented pumpkin count or something. :P --Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 12:00, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
That can be easily remedied by rearrangiing the page and making that warning be red letters below the mini-map instead of empty backgroun as of nowShambler for Shambala 01:30, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
An interesting idea but I don't have any strong opinions on it. If it went up for a vote I'd go with my mood.--GANG Giles Sednik CAPD 09:32, 15 March 2010 (UTC)

Fences are not solid walls, game mechanics there is to be different from buildings

Timestamp: Shambler for Shambala 07:11, 13 March 2010 (UTC)
Type: Change of isolation street/internals in some specific locations.
Scope: Both zombies and surviviors in soem specific locations with specific objects (like zoo cages) instead of buildings.
Description: Zoo enclosure, surrounded by wire fencing, is not solid building surround with concrete wall. Imagine a Lin cage surrounded by something like and keeping it in mind rethink of all the isolatin buildings' walls impose. It is not realistic. Lion cage was made to aow every visitor from street to see, hear and smell the Lion, not to walk around blind. Even for buildings, something is seen "through broken windows". I think that:

1) it should be visible who is inside even when you are outside. It was Zoo's goal that animals behind fences be visible. So now there are survivors(usually) inside and zombies(usually) on the street. They should see each other just like animals and visitors saw before.

2) Just like the fencing alows to see through, it does not isolate sound as well. What insider say may be heard by outsiders and vice versa. For counting 50 listeners among the mob, then people at another side of fence should be considered far-standers. Say, if inside there are 60 men and outside 30 zombies, the speech of man would only be heard by some 50 of men, and the speech of zombie would be heard by all 29 zombies and some 21 men.

3) BTW, if it is wire fence like photo above, then it probably disallows any melee weapons - knifes, axes, sticks, zombie hands and teeth... - just like the concrete wall does. Afterall it was designed to keep animal and visitors safe of each another. But spaces between the wires (remember photo above?) are to allow pistols and shotguns bursts. Consider this an optional addition to sight and sound corrections above. It is realistic but it (even if only locally) changes weapons balance and might be taboo for some just to think of. I do not want 1 and 2 sunk only because no one likes 3. However i'd still describe effect of wire fencing on the firearms. Shooting through the wires is possible. AP penalty probably would be added then - you need to aim carefully, to shoot between wires of fencing. Or the penalty to hit chance might be appied - you do not aim carefully, but chance is for bullet to be deflected by the fencing especially when target is not still.

How this probably would change game mechanics around zoo and other similar locations, if any? Zombies would better saw which of cages (lion enclosure, bear pit, maybe to some extent girafe and eephant houses) is full of healthy protectors or is a weak stronghold, that would allow for better planning of attack (timing and location aim). Zombies would be allowed to groan from street (they do see survivors from street), hence easier gather together to attack. Surviviors would easier see how large is the sieging horde and if they better flee or repell. If shooting through wire fencing would be allowed, then surviviours would have better chance to protect the place, compensating bonuses for zombie organization there. Combined together, that would make new unusual chalenges there for both zombies and surviviors. That would probably also make easy to survivors to reclaim cages back from zombies, provoking them to flee instead of protecting the place. However since there can be offline players they would still have the reason to fight. Alas that might allow to PKers to shoot and run, at least when the daylight shines (no electric light expected in animal cage in daytime zoo).

How this probably would change game mechanics Malton-wise? In large scale - no change. Those who don't like it just don't go there. Just like forts, mansions - special place, that you can easily avoid. And just like them - it would add to variety colour of Malton for those who want to look close and intentionally go there. There is a team that strives to make Zoo special, safe recreational park for anyone. I visited zoo to see that "special", beeing little bored of random street fights. And succumbed to that wiki pages about cultural place. My zombie tourist walked in naively - and instantly got shot and then revived. It appeared to be just yet again formless random fighting there (despite i really saw some persons trying to role-play there, but their efforts could not overcome other guys' "shoot 1st" attitude, fear and lust for XP. Just like in any other location in Malton, that i left behind. Same gray colour. Zoo was great idea, and it should be something special and unusual, for those who wants some new joy or sme new challenge. We have a lot of streets with no real difference between them. Zoo is to be special. And Malton would only benefit from added variety.

Also little discussion was at

PS: To some extent this might also be true for wastelands or garbage dumps junkyards (i can't remember exact description of those locations, but i remember barricading was displayed to be patching holes in fencing, so i think it is surrounded by fences too, so same idea applies for them)

PPS: i also think the graffiti is to be disallowed inside cages or to be rephrased. Thee is no walls, so there is nothing that can be "painted ... on the wall" - it might be on the floor, on some box, on some plackard hanging on the fence... Maybe even some solid door be there - though such doors are not typical for zoo. But not on the wall - no walls.

Discussion (Fences are not solid walls, game mechanics there is to be different from buildings)

1 could be workable, I don't know what people who are regularly in the zoos would say, 2 I personally don't like, 3 is x-ray vision and shouldn't really be allowed.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 10:00, 13 March 2010 (UTC)

No. Just no. X-Ray vision is bad. Also, just because some of the 'building' has a wire fence through which the main entrance is, doesn't preclude walls or outbuildings for players to be in and spraypaint on. Also there's the problem of applying this same logic to other buildings, shops and malls have lots of glass and window displays, should I get to see how many people are in a mall from the outside? -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 16:53, 13 March 2010 (UTC)

Mall is not enclosure. It consists of many different rooms, some are observable, some are not. One can easily find a place not observable through windows. Also, malls from z-movies are usually multi-floors and protection is going for higher floors, giving up ground floor to zombies (too many glass windows to effectively protect it - malls are designed for easy entrance). And standing on the ground you cannot look into higher floors window, if you are nor girafe zombie. Enclosure is another case. It was intentionally designed to be easily observable. Calling it zoo enclosure yet making impossible to look into is non-sense.Shambler for Shambala 01:23, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
Zoo displays often have little cubby-things for the animals, like a hollowed out cave tree thing in the tiger exhibit, or little treehouses in the chimp exhibit. If I were in any former animal exhibit, I would probably choose one of those to sleep in. And to spraypaint on, if needed. So that covers the Lion Enclosure and the Bear Pit. For the "houses" and the Aquarium, these are all (I assume) pavilions. These will often either have a big window showing the inside cage or a partway-indoor partway-outdoor animal enclosure, so people can see the animals from inside and outside, with information on the animal within. However, these aren't all-glass buildings, meaning one could easily find a place within either of the "houses" well away from the windows, and you wouldn't be able to hear them through the concrete without sonic ears. And as for the Aquarium, that is a completely normal building. The rest of the blocks in the Zoo are simply empty. *oh dear forgot to sign* --Enigmatalk 10:58, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
For the "houses" and the Aquarium, these are all (I assume) pavilions - agree on that. Aquariums i saw are usually several glass aquariums encased into internal walls of single usual building with concrete walls. With some controversy in Girafe House description in game, other houses and Aquarium is surely out of scope of this suggestion. G.H. most probably is too (mere description-wise. It casts doubts but not enough to change) but if wished could be adjusted as well (to seek variety in gameplay we might prefer those doubts forementioned) Shambler for Shambala 08:02, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
And to spraypaint on, if needed:: no problem. just don't call it "walls". Re-phrase it to be believable. Shambler for Shambala 08:34, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
cubby-things for the animals, like a hollowed out cave tree thing in the tiger exhibit Now try to imagine 65 humans inside the tree, beeing firting, joking, passing teacups one to another, etc. :-) Clearly, that is not THAT kind of internal container. Also think how you would barricade it from zombies. Either you would try to keep them outside fencing (then all my original arguing applies anyway), or you would surrender inside-fencing area to zeds and only barricade and protect the 'cubby-thing', which renders textual description of the place totally inadequate. And i think those cubbies are not strong enough to work against sieges, it should have been barricaded 360 degrees around.Shambler for Shambala 08:34, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
Alright then. They sleep in the pavilions. Problem solved. And I can't imagine a couple 1000 people chilling in a quarter of a mall either... --Enigmatalk 00:30, 17 March 2010 (UTC)
If I were in any former animal exhibit, I would probably choose one of those to sleep in. - Truly so. Reasons would be: psychological comfort of little enclosed space rather than open-air; hiding yourself from random eye-sight of random passing rogue/zombie; protection from weather and warm air of your own breathing. But you would not expect it to be stronghold of 60+ surviviours, would you ? If you were leading few dozens mates across such former exhibit, would you still want them to hide separately in cubbies or stick together in some larger thingie? Aso to speak of nights, it depends upon ambient light. Is it fool moon? Are nearby buildings litten? In megapolises we'd forgotten what the night is. In the vilage it woud be pitch-black, when you would not be able to see your own fingers, so it might still be invisible at night. Not because of fencing, but just because of pitch-black in ruined city. However that still leaves the sounds audible thrugh the fencing. Shambler for Shambala 08:34, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
I actually think this would be a good add-on and a nice challenge. I would like there being a variety of buildings in the city, and having a change of scenery would make for a more interesting game. I understand the objection against x-ray vision, but challenge a person in real life to stare at me through a fence and not be able to see me. For the fact that it would be new and exciting(!), I would vouch for. John Ibans 15:22, 15 March 2010 (UTC)
Wouldn't this also affect junkyards? Verance 00:25, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
There was a suggestion on that earlier, it was proven via pictographic evidence that the flavor reasoning (Junkyards are chain link fenced) was shit. I think that if junkyards were brought into this discussion it would be promptly and heavily face smashed. -Devorac 05:01, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
Link? Date ? interesting. I looked for fencing in prev. suggestions, but they were about *making* cut-wires in doorways, not about how already existing fencing affects gameplay. Shambler for Shambala 08:15, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
That is the word! thanks. i edited PS:section. That depends on how to imagine them. Something like ? However it is a separate question from the zoo. The zoo is compact location of multiple fenced containers, the junkyards are single locations spread-out over the whole Malton. The effect on gameplay would surely be different and is to be thought off on it's own merits. As for me, the junkyard should be something special, not just same again buildings just painted in brown on map. I am for more variety in Malton. But that is a sugegstion to examine separately, connected to this question but not part of it. Shambler for Shambala 06:56, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Let me save you the time you are wasting. This is going to fail. This is always going to fail. You fail to address x-ray concerns, because you can't and any form of x-ray is bad and depending on how you're thinking this will integrate to the minimap means it'll probably screw with newbie zombies. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 08:52, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Every game is a waste of time, including Urban Dead. Even for Kevan, unless he is earning on the adverts and made UD advert of his programming services. So what? While it is fun waste of time and efforts no one objects. What about new zeds, you say basically that transparent net, through which they cannot see, does not confuse them, and transparent net, through which they would see will confuse them. Remains to be seen. You need not change minimap: it is quite reasonable that to look into bear pit you have to come close to the net fencing, stil staying n the street, you would not look into it while standing dozen metres away in adjacent block. And in the same block you usually pay more attention to full-text description rather than laconic minimap hints. Zoo is good that it gives you chance to compactly, locally check 'x-ray' (though there is nothing of x-ray to lok through the net) in a compact location that anyone unhappy can easily avoid. It is not global change in game but a very local one. Knowing the tase, and later you can decide to stick to it, or to change enclosures/pits to solid-wall houses and remove ambiguity altogether with through-fencing visibiity.Shambler for Shambala 20:14, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
You're misunderstanding me. The game isn't a waste of time, it provides enjoyment to many and is a good entry on Kevan's CV. The waste of time is this idea. Not only do you fail to understand the basic concept of rare doesn't equal balanced, but you're making broad assumptions about how other people play the game with no basis. This will never pass voting. This is a fact. Try and prove me wrong by putting it to voting. Watch me be amused when I'm yet again proven right. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 20:40, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
The discussion of game change is not entertaining you ? then what does keep you on this page ? why not switchign to something you enjoy ? This concept not applied here. You can not predict and avoid rare artefact. You can avoid walking into Zoo. What does voting prove ? How much share of gamers ever cared to visit this page, not to say would care to vote just this certain day ? How representative that share is ? Elitist, like PKnights' pages sound, wants to prove truth by voting??? this page alone enjoys me and is worth the "wasted" time ;-P Shambler for Shambala 20:50, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
This page solely exists to refine suggestions before they are put up for voting. Are you saying you have no intention of ever putting your suggestion up for voting? -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 21:29, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
That would depend on discussion. Maybe my reasoning would be mind-changing for my opponents. May be vise versa. Maybe the suggestion would change very much. But since i do enjoy taking part in the discussion on this suggestion, in none of those cases this time would be wasted for me, nor i hope it will be wasted for all the opponents arguing with me.Shambler for Shambala 21:42, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Suggestions up for voting

Flares or Flare Guns?